Many additional accounts reviewed and approved for payment. Two By-Laws passed for the improvement of Powell and Cambie Streets.
This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 186-194
The Council met on Monday December 27th 1886 at 7.30 p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean Presiding, Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Cold, Dunn, Griffith, Humphries, E.P. Hamilton, L.A. Hamilton, and Northcott.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Thos C. Sorby calling the attention of the Board of Works to the condition of the lane in rear of Cordova Stret.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From W. S. Gore, Surveyor General enclosing a voucher for one thousand dollars.
Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Griffith that voucher sent from W. S. Gore for one thousand dollars be executed and placed to the credit of the City.
M. M. Pickin,
Returning Officer & Clerk $11.00 Finance
J. W. Jackson, “ 11.00 “
H. A. Jones, Rent “ 16.00 “
John A. Mateer, Balance Due 6.00 B of Works
Duncan McPherson, Barrels 6.00 F. W. L.
John McGregor, Coal Oil etc 4.25 “
Thos Dunn & Co, Oil etc. 41.05 “
R. C. Planing Mills, Shingles 10.00 “
“ , Lumber 3.20 “
“ , Lumber 50.00 B. of W.
R. City Planing Mills, Lumber 10.00 B. of Works
G. H. Wright, Bread 7.48 Health
Wm Harkins, Lumber 24.30 B. of Works
J. B. Thornton, Coal Oil 4.00 Finance
J. B. Thornton, Groceries 7.05 Health
Dr. Mc Guigan, Inquest 10.00 “
“ , “ 5.00 “
Dr. Beckinsale, “ 5.00 “
Abrams & Co., Bracket 1.70 F. W. L.
John Abrams, Work 6.00 “
A. J. Matheson, Teaming 10.00 Finance & Health
B. C. Gazette, Printing 242.50 “
C. J. Johnson,
Returning Officer etc. 11.00 Finance
H. Mc Dowell, Medicine 52.15 Health
H. A. Berry, Teaming 3.50 Finance & Light
Owen Hughes, Washing 2.00 Health
Vancouver News 3.50 Finance
Vancouver Herald 58.50 “
A Rutherford, Teaming 3.50 F. W. L.
R. Frank, Groceries 11.15 Health
Mr. Templeton, Tub 1.50 “
Jacob Sehl, Furniture 119.00 Finance
T. J. James, Carriage 31.00 Police
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that the account of Jacob Sehl for $119 for furniture for the Mayor’s Office be referred to the Finance Committee.
Fire Water and Light
The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Monday December 27th 1886 at 7 p.m. and recommended the following accounts be paid
J. Vair, Stove etc. 65.37
Templeton, Axle Grease 11.35
J. Mc Ewan, Teaming 1.00
A. D. Mc Kenzie 15.00
Robert Couth 28.00
Thos. Dunn & Co 56.75
Sgd J. R Northcott
Report adopted, L. A. Hamilton, Griffith
Report of Board of Health
The Board of Health met on Monday December 27th 1886 at 3 p.m. and recommended the following accounts be paid.
W. Ashford, Milk 46.30
H. Mc Donald, Medicine 49.15
Owen Hughes, Washing 2.75
John Mc Gregor, Groceries 7.35
Robert Grant, “ 4.75
J. B Thornton, “ 13.65
Thos Dunn & Co. Axe Handle 1.75
(sgd) Joseph Griffith
Report Adopted Dunn – Balfour
Report of Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Monday Dec 27th 1886 at 4 p.m. and recommended the following accounts to be paid
Mc Kenzie and Ross 86.00 for work laying sidewalk on Westminster Avenue
Wm Harkins, extras on Carroll (sic)St 185.62
sgd L. A. Hamilton
Report adopted on motion of Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Cordiner
Moved by Alderman L. A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Dunn that the City Clerk give notice on behalf of the Corporation by advertisement in the Gazette and two of the city papers of their intention to introduce a Bill at the next session of the Legislate Assembly of this Province covering certain proposed amendments to the Act incorporating the City of Vancouver.
Moved by Alderman L. A. Hamilton Seconded by Alderman Dunn that the following be constituted a Committee for the purpose of revising and preparing Amendments to the City Charter and report the same with a private bill covering the proposed amendments:-
The Mayor Ald. Balfour, Dunn, Humphries, L. A. Hamilton, Aldermen Elect Alexander, Mannion, and Clark and that Police Magistrate Boultbee and Mr. Blake be requested to cooperate and give their valuable assistance to the Committee in making suggested amendments.
Moved by Alderman L. A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Balfour
That a By-Law to authorize the raising of $8665 by way of a Debenture for the improvement of Powell Street be introduced and read a first time. Carried.
A By-Law to provide for the erection of poles on the Streets, Alleys and lanes of the City of Vancouver for electric light purposes was read a second time on motion of Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman L. A. Hamilton.
The Council then went into committee of the whole on By-Law on Motion of Ald L. A. Hamilton with Ald Balfour in the Chair.
In Committee the By-Law was numbered 22 and read over clause by clause after which the committee rose to report by-law as amended.
The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman L. A. Hamilton seconded by Ald Northcott.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that By-Law No. 22 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and a copy send to the British Columbia Gazette for publication. Carried.
A By-Law to authorize the raising of two thousand dollars by way of debenture for the improvement of Cambie Street was read a second time on motion of Ald Dunn seconded by Ald Balfour.
The Council then went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman L. A. Hamilton in the Chair.
In Committee the By-Law was numbered 23 and read over clause by clause after which the committee rose to report By-Law.
The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Northcott seconded by Ald Cordiner.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Griffith that By-Law No 23 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and City Clerk and a copy sent to the B.C. Gazette for publication.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman L. A. Hamilton
That this council recognizing the value of the work performed by Messrs Blake and Muir in giving legal advice and in the framing of By-Laws resolve that a grant be made to them and that the Finance Committee be authorized to investigate and report to Council what in their opinion the amount of such grant should be.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Balfour.
That this Council recognizing the services rendered by Mayor Mac Lean in connection with the City resolve that a grant be made to him and that the Finance Committee be authorized to report to Council what in their opinion the amount of such grant should be.
On a call being made for Yeas and Nays the following was the result.
Yeas Ald Balfour, Cordiner, Griffith, Humphries and Northcott = 5
Nays Ald L. A. Hamilton = 1
Motion declared carried.
The Council then adjourned to meet again on Wednesday Dec 29th 1886 at the usual hour.
M. A. Mac Lean
Thos F. Mc Guigan
City Clerk