James Hartney awarded contract to build Park Road. Alderman Alexander granted $50 “for the purpose of settling the claims of Indians on the line of the Park Road for bushes and fences destroyed.” City Engineer to estimate costs for building both a fixed bridge and a draw bridge across False Creek.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 144-148
Vancouver December 27, 1887
The Council met on Tuesday December 27th 1887 at 7.30.p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Clark, Hamilton, Lefevre, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer, I. Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
Health. No. 23
The Board of Health met on Tuesday December 27th and recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Hayes and McIntosh, Meat, $25.47
Dr. McGuigan, examination 5.00
Jos Tretheway, Wood 20.00
Owen Hughes, Washing 14.00
H. McDowell + Co. 24.48
Campbell + Martin, Bread, 8.75
Cowderoy Bros. 1.70
W. Ashford, Milk 50.00
F.W. Hart, funerals etc 58.20
Wm. Urquhart, Whiskey 4.25
Vancouver Wine Co. 6.25
Charles Nelson, 9.70
F.X. Martin, Groceries 45.45
J.H. Carlisle, 3.00
sgd J.M. Lefevre
Dr. A.M. Robertson, Medical Health Officer presented his quarterly report in connection with the Health Report, shewing the number of Patients admitted into the City Hospital and other information regarding the health of the City.
Report adopted on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Mannion.
Works. No. 64
The Board of Works met on Friday December 23rd 1887 and beg to report that the following tenders have been received for Sections 4 and 6 of the Park Road,
Section 4.
James Hartney,
Grading etc per Lineal foot 49 [cts]
Plank for bridges etc per M. $14.00
Hewed timber “ “ “ ft. .09 cts
Round “ “ “ “ .04 “
Rustic Rail “ “ “ “ 20 “
James B. McKim,
Grading etc per L. ft. 60 cts
Rustic Rail “ “ “ 20 “
Round lumber “ “ “ 10 “
Plank per M. ft. 16.00
Boyd + C. Grading per L. ft. 65 cts
Posts “ “ “ .04 “
Rustic Rail “ “ 25 “
Plank M. “ 16.00
Section 6.
Boyd + Clandenning [sic]
Grading etc per lineal foot 45 cts
Balance as in Section 4.
McDonald + Cameron,
Grading etc per lineal ft. 58 cts
Posts “ “ “ 12 “
Rustic Rail “ “ “ 25 “
Plank “ M. “ $16.00
James Hartney
Grading etc per lineal ft. 38 cts
Plank “ M. “ $14.00
Hewed lumber “ L. “ .09 cts
Round “ “ “ “ .04 “
Rustic Rail “ “ “ 20 “
We recommend that the contract for both sections be awarded to James Hartney.
The following accounts are recommended for payment:
John W. Cameron, Granville St. $29.00
“ “ “ Dunsmuir “ 18.10
Hugh Macdonald, Powell St. 43.12
“ “ Columbia Av. 4.00
McDonald + Cameron, Homer St. 66.00
“ “ Richards “ 11.50
“ “ Seymour “ 18.00
“ “ Hastings “ 274.55
“ “ “ Road 127.00
Angus McLellan, Georgia St. 9.50
C.E. Stringham, Painting Notices 6.00
Leash + Johnson, Brokerage etc 235.05
Stephen + Cruikshanks 13.00
Robert J. Cross, 3.75
Royal City Planing Mills Co. $105.60
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. $164.11
Thos. Dunn + Co. Nails 89.90
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Adopted Lefevre – Sanders.
Alderman L.A. Hamilton on behalf of the Board of Works, and Alderman D. Oppenheimer on behalf of the Finance Committee presented their respective yearly reports which were read and adopted by Council.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre,
That a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. J. C. Keith, Manager of the Bank of British Columbia, Vancouver, for the able assistance he has rendered to the Council in conducting the financial affairs of the City during the past year.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer,
That Alderman Alexander be authorized to expend the sum of fifty dollars for the purpose of settling the claims of Indians on the line of the Park Road for bushes and fences destroyed.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer,
That the City Engineer be instructed to report on the cost of constructing a bridge across False Creek at the foot of Granville Street; the estimate to distinguish between the cost of a fixed bridge and a draw bridge.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre,
That the City Treasurer be instructed to refund to Mr. Watson of New York the sum of $3.13 being amount collected in excess of taxes on Lot 14, Block 43, District Lot 541.
The Council then adjourned to meet on Friday December 30th 1887 at 7.30.p.m.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk