Manager of Hotel Vancouver informed that as the fire department is a volunteer one, it cannot be ordered by council to supply water to the hotel. City officials to be paid on Dec 31st. Report of Licensing board referred back to the Committee.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland
and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 615-625
[volume 2 page 615]
Vancouver Dec 28th 1888
The Council met on Tuesday Dec 28 1888 at 7:30 P. M.
Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Clark, Coldwell, Dougall, McConnell, Lefevre and Oppenheimer.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the City Auditor, drawing the attention of Council to certain matters in connection with the incurring of debts etc. Filed.
From Fenwick and Sclater offering to sell a Ronald Engine and Hose to the City. Filed.
From Mrs Mary Dunbar claiming compensation for lumber used by the Quarantine Authorities at Brockton Point. Filed.
From Joseph Carreire praying that a sidewalk be constructed on Richards Street near his Hotel. Referred to the Board of Works.
From James Hartney asking for a Settlement of his contract for the Park Road. Filed.
From Theodore Davie asking that upon what grounds the City was interfering with his clients at Brockton Point. Filed.
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From J. Stewart Yates Secretary of the Royal Hospital giving the prices of the keep of patients in the Hospitals in Victoria. Filed.
License Commissioners
The Board met on Friday December 20th 1888 for the transaction of business and beg leave to report as follows:
1. That we recommend that the Clerk of the Board notify the Police Magistrate to use fully the powers conferred on him by By-Law No 5 of this City and amending By-Laws in relation to the revocation or suspension of Licenses for good cause and more particularly in reference to the City Hotel, the Shop of Wm. Urquhart, the Shop of M. G. McLean, the Northern Hotel, the Queen’s Hotel, the Germania Hotel, the Elgin House and the Gold House, these being the Licensed Houses that through conviction and other causes have been most prominently before the Board.
2. That the License held by Wm. Clements of the Tremont House, Alexander Street be and is hereby cancelled for good and sufficient cause.
3. That the fee charged for Licensed Pipe Layers in this City shall be $25.00 per
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annum and that they shall file a bond in $500.00 in two sureties for the Satisfactory performance of their duties as Licensed Pipelayers under the provisions of the Public Health By-Law.
Sgd. D. Oppenheimer, Mayor Chairman
Moved by Alderman Lefevre, seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Report be referred back to the Committee. Carried.
Police No 11
The Police Committee met on Thursday December 20th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Wm. Murphy, Police Clothing $195.00
Johnston and Tyson, Blankets 37.50
F. X. Martin, Groceries 48.80
Tattersall’s Stables, Hack Hire 2.50
Godfrey & Co., Locks 6.00
John Scuitto, Bread 27.53
V. W. Haywood, Fares 4.00
VanVolkenburgh & Bro. Meat 14.10
S. R. Conner, Drayage .50 cents
Jacob Sehl, Bedding 19.00
Sgd. G. S. McConnell, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre. That the report of the Police Committee be adopted. Carried.
[volume 2 page 618]
Finance No 28
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 21st 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Chas. G. Johnson, Returning Officer $5.00
John Devine, Returning Officer 5.00
J. W. Robinson, Returning Officer 5.00
D. L. Gow, Returning Officer 5.00
J. B. Babington, Returning Officer 5.00
F. W. Boultbee, Poll Clerk 3.00
Walter Hutchison, Poll Clerk 3.00
F. W. Dyke, Poll Clerk 3.00
Sanford Mills, Poll Clerk 3.00
H. B. Babington, Poll Clerk 3.00
Daily World Subscription 1 Year 12.00
C. P. R. Co. Freight .35 cents
W. C. Marshall, Drayage .50 cents
R. T. Williams, Assessment Roll 30.00
F. M. Blomquist, Lettering etc. 14.50
News Advertiser, Debentures etc. 101.50
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 44.90
Thomson Bros. Stationery 5.00
B. C. Gazette, Printing etc. 289.50
F. W. Hart, Tables etc. 60.25
Bank of B. C. Interest 35.55
do Cashing Coupons 44.82
Duncan McRae, Carpentering 1.00
C. P. Tel Co, Telegrams .85 cents
Telephone Co. 8.00
O. Toole & Ralph, Stoves etc. 57.70
F. X. Martin, Groceries etc. 9.25
Crowder & Penzer, Coal 21.00
Woodworth & Co. Coal 40.00
Sgd. R. H. Alexander, Chairman
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Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.
F. W. & L. No. 23
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Friday December 28th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
F. X. Martin, Coal Oil etc $8.50
Telephone Co. 66.00
Crowder and Penzer, Coal etc. 55.55
C. M. Hawley, Whip etc. 6.50
Charles Nelson, Medicines 3.00
A. Godfrey & Co. Hardware 5.44
Veysey & Creelman, Blacksmithing 3.25
F. W. Hart, Chimneys 2.00
Royal City Planing Mills Co. 6.06
Henry Arkell, Oats etc. 20.50
Royal City Planing Mills 78.34
Electric Illuminating Co. 238.50
do 8.75
John McAllister, Blacksmithing 15.20
John Mitchell, do 4.75
Lye & Co. Supplies 30.10
John Garvin, Carpenter Work 20.00
C. Gough, Medicines 23.50
We further recommend that James Moran be paid 16.67 being balance in full of salary for November and that Mr. Mathews be informed that the Fire Department being a volunteer
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One could not be ordered by the Council to turn out for the purpose of supplying the Hotel Vancouver with water and with any remuneration made to the men for their services the Council has nothing to do.
The use of the engine was granted as a convenience to the Hotel and, as the coal for its use is paid for by the ratepayers it is evident that when used for private benefit the coal must either be replaced by the party for whom it was used for or paid for.
Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman pro tem
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Clark. That the report of the F. W. & L. Committee be adopted. Carried.
Health No 24
The Board of Health met on Friday the 28th wish and beg leave to recommend:
1. That the charge for paying patients in the New City Hospital be at the rate of $10.00 per week.
2. That the Salary of Mrs Birks be raised to $25.00 per month.
3. That the Health Inspector be paid 25.00 for clothing destroyed during quarantine.
4. That the rules and regulations for the Government of the New City Hospital
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be printed, framed, and hung in conspicuous places in the different rooms and wards of the Hospital.
That the following accounts be paid.
M. Goldstein, Eggs $8.05
Thomson Bros. Books 40.60
Dr. Bodington, Med Services 10.00
Van Illuminating Co. 211.80
McLennan & McFeely 41.05
Wright Williams & Co. 5.55
F. W. Hart, funeral 10.00
J. Sehl, furniture 1.50
Hong Sing, washing 20.45
Brown & White 16.81
Vancouver Wharfage Co. 15.00
Dr. Robertson, Med Ex. 39.00
J. Scuitto, Supplies 55.70
H. Butler, Scavengering 10.50
J. Brown, Tinware 2.50
Hayes & McIntosh, Meats 27.67
F. X. Martin, Supplies 88.46
Sgd. R. Clark, Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the report of the Health Committee be adopted. Carried.
Works No 44
The Board of Works met on Friday the 28th December 1888 and beg to recommend
1. That the petition of Wm. Templeton and others receive the favourable consideration of the Council.
[volume 2 page 622]
2. That the Lane in Block 13, 196 be planked if the funds are forthcoming.
3. That the lane in Block 42, 196 be graded and ditched.
4. That the several contractors at work be notified to fulfil their contracts or the City will complete them at their expense.
5. That tenders be called for the grading of Powell Street from Campbell Av. to the Eastern line of Ward 3, a distance of about 800 feet.
6. That part of Powell Street in Ward 4 be graded if funds are forthcoming.
7. That a sidewalk be built on Jackson Avenue from Hasting Street South 120 ft.
8. That Alan E. McCartney, be paid $12.50 for the plan of the Morgue and that he be tendered $25.00 for the sketch of the City Hall Addition.
9. That all the street Inspectors and the False Creek Bridge Inspector be notified that their services will be dispensed with for the present.
10. That the 5% deposits on the tenders of the different Contractors who failed to comply with these tenders be refunded to them.
11. That the following accounts be paid:
John Mitchell, Blacksmithing $1.70
J. Stanford, Glass Door etc 16.00
Hastings Saw Mill Co. Lumber 26.28
R. Rutherford, Hastings Road 45.00
Boyd & Clandening, Culvert Powell St. 24.60
do Park Road 9.75
do Jackson Av. 366.30
[volume 2 page 623]
DL. Gow Lanes in Ward 3, $50.95
DL. Gow Lanes in Ward 2, 516.77
James Moran, Labor on Sewers 10.00
Thos. Stephenson, feeding Park Horse 40.00
Sgd. Chas A. Coldwell, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the clause relating to the refunding of deposits be struck out and the amounts paid into the general funds of the City. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That Alderman Alexander’s motion be rescinded. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted as read. Carried.
The following annual reports were read and filed.
From Alderman Alexander, Chairman of the Finance Committee.
From Chas. A. Coldwell, Chairman of the Board of Works.
From Alderman Oppenheimer, Chairman pro tem of the F. W. & L. Committee
From Alderman McConnell, Chairman of the Police Committee
The Chairman of the Board of Health stated that he would furnish his report at the next meeting.
[volume 2 page 624]
Introduction of By-Laws
Alderman McConnell introduced a By-Law to confirm the appointment of M. A. MacLean as Police Magistrate which was read a first time.
The rules were suspended and the By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Lefevre.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman McConnell in the Chair.
The By-Law was numbered 75 and read over clause by clause and reported to the Council as complete with amendments.
The By-Law was read a third time on motion of Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall and ordered to be signed, sealed and gazetted.
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Clark. That a Sum of $50.00 be granted to Mr. Devine, City Auditor for extra services. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lefevre. That the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the salaries
[volume 2 page 625]
of the City Officials for the month of December on or before the 31st inst. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Council stand adjourned until Monday the 7th day of January 1889 at 11:30 A. M. Carried.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk