Street railway proposition lost; Council wraps up business – December 28, 1891

Final meeting of the Council of 1891 Fire Chief allowed to order caps for the whole department from New York, as “they are not manufactured in this city”. A Trades License By-Law was put through at the last moment. However, a motion to conclude the By-Law for the purchase of the Vancouver Street Railway & Electric Light Co by the City was lost.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 619-625

[Vol. 4 page 619]

The Council met on Monday December 28th 1891.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Scoullar, Templeton, Hobson, McDowell, Wm Brown and C.L. Brown. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:-
From the Market Clerk reporting on the receipts. Filed.

From the Pound Keeper submitting monthly Report. Filed.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights. Filed.

From John Brown et al asking for a sidewalk on Sophia Street & 14th Av. Referred to Board of Works.

From Hanson Bros. notifying the Council that the Debentures has been forwarded. Filed.

From Wm Smith, Department of Marine Ottawa, acknowledging receipt of resolution re bathing houses. Filed.

From John Callister, asking for the refund of $10.00 put up by him on Sidewalk. Referred to Board of Works.

From the City Solicitor stating that proper notice had not been given for the introduction of the St. Ry By-Law. Filed.

[Volume 4 page 620]

The following communications were received and read:-

Finance Report

The Finance Committee met on Monday December 28th 1891.
Present Aldermen Brown, Hobson and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
A.O. Leask Duty on Jaws $33.50
Van Free Reading Room Balance of Grant 375.00
Robertson & Hackett Map Rolls 1.80
McLennan & McFeely Box 2.00
Geo Bishop Debentures 451.10
C.P. Telegraph Co. 4.88
do do 18.48
Dominion Express Co. 15.85
S.T. Tilley & Son Stationery 8.75

2. That the communications from Godfrey & Co and Abray & Haywood re the damages to goods be referred to City Solicitor.

3. That the communication from the Secy of the School Board be laid over.
sgd Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by “ Carroll
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday December 24th 1891.
Present Aldermen Wm Brown, Brighouse and Templeton.
It was recommended:-

[Volume 4 page 621]

1. That the City Engineer be instructed to have a crossing put down at the intersection of Haro and Jervis Streets.
2. That the City Engineer be instructed to notify the Street Railway Co. to remove the obstructions on Hastings Street near Carrall at once otherwise the same will be removed at their expense.
3. That no more work be let this year and that the application for opening the lane in Block 101.541 be laid over for the new Council to act upon.
4. That the application from Oppenheimer Bros re a siding be referred to the City Engineer and City Solicitor conjointly to draw up an agreement acceptable to both parties.
5. That the following accounts be paid:-
E Myers Lanes $30.80
do “ 6.37
D. McDonald Sidewalks 211.69
W. G. Fraser Pender St. 44.20
Boyd + Clandenning Nicola St. 384.72
S. Beaumont Burnaby St. 15.62
W.D. Hobson Lanes 121.18
J. Hartney 11th Av. 24.44
W.D. Hobson Comox St. 108.47
B.C. Mills T & P Co. Lumber 23.26
Van Elec Ry + L Co. Fares 5.00
J. Mitchell Black Smithing 6.15

sgd. S. Brighouse
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Report be adopted.

F. W. + L. Report
The F.W. + L. Committee met on Wednesday December 23rd 1891.
It was recommended:-
1. That the Chief of the Fire Brigade be authorized to order caps for the Firemen

[Volume 4 page 622]

from New York as they are not manufactured in the City.
2. That the following accounts be paid:-
John Wolfe Scavengering $2.00
Palmer Bros. Coal 91.00
Crowder & Pender Feed 59.29
Jas McPhee Supplies 5.
Wm Ralph Repairs 5.50

sgd Wm Templeton
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ Carroll
That the report be adopted.
Police Committee

The Police Committee met on Tuesday December 22nd 1891.
Present Aldermen C.L. Brown (in the Chair), Hobson, and Carroll.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Val Straube Dog Tags $50.00
H.G. Muller Rent for Mrs. West 9.00
Champion + White Scavengering 2.75
J. P. Blake Supplies 14.10
M.G. McLeod Fares 2.00
John H. Grady “ 2.50
R. Clark Supplies 1.00

2. That permission terminable at the pleasure of the Committee be granted to Messrs. Smith and Kidd to cut wood on the streets where the lanes are not opened and cannot be used.
3. That the application of D.A. Campbell re License be not entertained.
4. That the application of Henry Exbuse et al re the setting apart of Abbott Street
[Volume 4 page 623]

as a dray and express stand be not entertained.
5. That the communication from Fred. Allen et al be referred to the City Solicitor.
6. That John Clough be granted a lump sum of $50.00 in lieu of an increase of salary.
7. That the License Inspector be authorized to insert an ad notifying owners of dogs to pay their license.
The Chief of Police applied for an increase of salary on behalf of himself and the Sergeant which was referred to Council for action.
sgd John McDowell
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That clause 2 be struck out.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Templeton
seconded by “ Carroll
That the Report be adopted as read.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Brighouse
That the City Clerk is hereby instructed to give the required notice in the Provincial Gazette, and News-Advertiser that application will be made at the next meeting of the Provincial Legislature for amendments to the City Charter.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the fee charged by the Vancouver Water Works Co for services

[Volume 4 page 624]

be done away with when the City takes over the works and that Mr. Tetley let the contract for printing and binding the rate book to the lowest tender.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Trades License By-Law.

Alderman McDowell was appointed Chairman.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by “ C.L. Wm Brown
That the rules be suspended and leave granted to introduce a By-Law for the purchase of the Street Railway.
Ayes. Scoullar, Templeton, McDowell, and C.L. Brown
Nays. Carroll, Brighouse, Wm. Brown and Hobson

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the following accounts be paid:-
Leatherdale + Smith Hack $6.00
Connor + Glennon Plumbing 7.50
H. H. Layfield Supplies 1.20
Palmer Bros Coal etc. 104.
Gurney Cab Co. Fares 4.75

[Volume 4 page 625]

Union S. S. Co. Wharf rent $180.00
F. W. Hart Burials 30.00
Champion + White Scavengering 53.20
M. A. Flett Nursing 11.43
A. Annis “ 16.00
W.J. McGuigan Mental Ex 5.00
Hayes + McIntosh Meat 61.16

Notices of Motion

Alderman Wm Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move that an electrical expert be appointed in conjunction with the City Engineer to examine and place a value on all the plant, buildings real estate etc now being matters of negotiation between the City, and the Vancouver Street Railway and report their funding to the City Council.

Alderman McDowell gave notice that next regular meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law for the purchase of the Street Railway and Electric Light, guaranteeing of bonds issued by Street Railway and electric Light Company, also to provide a sum sufficient to pay for recent extensions and expenses in connection therewith.

The Council then adjourned.