A by-law exempting CPR property from taxation was drafted and sent to the CPR Directors for approval.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Original handwritten minutes: COV series 31
Volume 8, page 113 only
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The Council met on Thursday December 30th 1897
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune. Mr. George McL. Brown was present on behalf of the CPR Co.
The proposed By-Law for exempting the property of the CPR Co was submitted.
It was considered informally clause by clause. The blanks were filled in and the Council then adjourned. The proposed By-Law was to be submitted by Mr. G. McL. Brown to the Directors for approval.
Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk
W. Templeton