The Fire, Water and Light Committee directed to recommend safeguards against accidents “from the wires of the Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light Companies when the Electric currents are of such intensity as to be dangerous to human life”. The License Inspector instructed to visit and report upon each of the hotels, saloons, and retail stores to see if they are obeying liquor by-laws.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 276-281
[volume 3 page 276]
Vancouver Feb 3rd 1890
The Council met on Monday February 3rd 1890 at 8 P. M.
Present His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Doering and Mason.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Secretary of the Vancouver Water Works Co. acknowledging the receipt of a communication re meeting of the Director’s and a committee of the Council. Filed.
From Henry Walden requesting Council to cut down certain trees on Hastings Street East. Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Mount Pleasant Good Templars in reference to Sunday closing etc. Referred to the License Committee.
From Rand Bros. in reference to the draining of Burnaby Lake. Filed.
From C. E. Colson et al in reference to the bad condition of a lane near Hamilton Street. Referred to Board of Works & Health Inc.
Health No 2
The Health Committee met on Tuesday January 28th 1890.
Present Aldermen Carroll, Fox, McLeod and Mason.
We beg to recommend:
[volume 3 page 277]
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Charles Nelson, Drugs $5.25
Thos. Dunn & Co. Supplies 27.45
J. S. Clute & Co. Supplies 76.25
C. Toole & Ralph Supplies 255.06
Russell, McDonald & Co. Supplies 5.00
Dr. McGuigan, Med Attendance 10.00
Dr. Bell-Irving Med Attendance 110.00
2. That the question of the erection of a crematory be referred to the whole Council for discussion at the next meeting.
3. That a sum be placed in the Estimates for the construction of a building 20 x 36 to be used as a Pest House, with the necessary outbuildings.
4. That the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for the supplying of drugs to the City Hospital in accordance with the suggestions of the Medical Board.
Sgd. W. H. Mason, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Fox. That that portion of the Report of the Health Committee relating to the crematory be sent back to the Committee. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the balance of the Report be adopted. Carried.
Introduction of By-Laws
Alderman Garden introduced a By-Law to provide for the cutting down of trees and one for the election of Park Commissioners
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which were read a first time respectively.
Aldermen Browning introduced a By-Law to bonus a Sugar Refinery and one for the appointment of Returning Officers for holding an election on the Bonus By-Law, which were read a first time respectively.
Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the Police Committee be instructed to investigate the Dog Catcher’s Department with a view of ascertaining how matters are conducted therein. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the following accounts be paid:
P. Atkinson et al Street Work $16.00
Geo McLeod, Salary 4.35
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the Fire, Water and Light Committee be instructed to consider and report to the Council at the earliest possible date what steps they recommend should be taken to protect the public against accidents from the wires of the Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light Companies when the Electric currents are of such intensity as to be dangerous to human life. Carried.
[volume 3 page 279]
Moved by Alderman Mason, seconded by Alderman Doering. That a Committee consisting of the City Engineer and Aldermen Costello, Horne, Doering and Browning be appointed to enquire into and report upon the Selection of a suitable piece of land for exhibition purposes. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the Matron of the Hospital be instructed to enter the date of the reception of patients, date of discharge, amount paid for board and the patient to certify that the amount entered is correct.
That a special ruled book be provided for this and that all of this information be on one line for each patient. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Doering, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That this Council respectfully requests that the Provincial Government do not grant any petition for a private bill that will in any way effect the draining of or interfering with Burnaby Lake. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the License Inspector be instructed to visit and report upon each of the hotels, saloons, retail stores and other places holding licenses for the sale of liquors whether they in every respect fulfil the requirements of ByLaw No 5 and amendments thereto and in each case where they fail to do so he will state fully in what respect the By-Laws have not been strictly
[volume 3 page 280]
complied with and whether or not he has reason to suspect that there has in any case been a violation of the law.
To facilitate this information being furnished to the Council without delay the Inspector is authorized to employ such assistance as he may find necessary to have the work speedily and thoroughly done. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Carroll, seconded by Alderman Doering. That a Committee consisting of His Worship the Mayor and Mover and Seconder be appointed to wait upon Mr. Rogers to request him to insert a clause in his Agreement with the City of Vancouver by which Chinese labor will not be employed in the Refinery, which his company propose to erect in this City. Carried.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the rules be suspended and that the Sugar Refinery Bonus By-Law be read a second time. Carried.
The By-Law was then read a second time.
Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Bonus By-Law. Carried.
Alderman Browning was appointed Chairman of the Committee.
[volume 3 page 281]
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and approved.
An Agreement based on the By-Law was read and confirmed after which the Committee rose and reported the By-Law and Agreement complete with amendments.
Moved by Alderman McLeod, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the By-Law appoint Returning Officers etc. for holding an Election on the Sugar Refinery Bonus By-Law, be read a second time. Carried.
The By-Law was then read a second time.
Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law. Carried.
Alderman Fox was appointed Chairman.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported back to Council as complete without amendment.
Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the By-Law be read a third time. Carried.
The By-Law was accordingly read and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk