Future Vancouver street lights to be powered with hydro electricity – February 5, 1894

Future Vancouver street lights to be powered with hydro electricity – February 5, 1894

Council directed the City Engineer to look into using hydro-electric energy from the Capilano Dam (pictured) to light streets. Martin Kelly awarded the contract for cutting stone for gutters and curbstones for Hastings and Granville Streets.  James Dixon got the contract to build a basement drain for Granville Street.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Ci Dept P8
first dam on Capilano river, 1890, photographer Harry Devine

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 685 – 691

[volume 5 page 685]

Vancouver February 5th 1894

The Council met on Monday February 5th 1894
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Secretary of the Lieutenant Governor J.W. Thorne, MPP and F.C Cotton MPP acknowledging receipt of resolutions of Council. Filed

From F. P. Bishop Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council asking that the word emergency be struck out of the 9 hour clause.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Wm Battison asking for the opening up of Columbia St.
Referred to the B of Works

From Edward Chapman etal asking for a sidewalk on 7th Av Fairview
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Medical Health officer furnishing Monthly Report. Filed

From F. C. Michael asking for damages for injuries received on the streets.
Referred to the Board of Works & City Solicitor

From the City Engineer regarding the cost of repairing the main across the narrows.
Re Filed

From Thos Crawford etal regarding the regulation of the wages on the reservoir on Stanley Park
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

[vol 5 page 686]

From John McKie stating that he had a scheme for generating electricity for lighting purposes
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

From W.S. Gore Dep Comm of L & W regarding the Title to Lot 2, Block 2.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From H. Johnston asking if Thos Leslie was paying for his room at Fire Hall No 1
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

From J. A. Coldwell offering to collect the water rates for 1 5/8 per cent on the dollar
Referred to the F. W. & L. Committee


The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday February 2nd 1894.
Present Aldermen Salsbury, McPhaiden, Wm Brown and Bethune.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
F.W. Hart Rent of Chairs etc. $17.25
News.Advertiser Supplies 24.80
The World P.P. Co “ 68.15
H.M. Henderson. Clerical work 20.00
Tilley & Son. Dray Supplies 2.00
Thos. Clough Drayage 4.50
T.H. Wootton “ 3.00
Wm. Cargill Clerical work 40.00
Thos Veitch Delivering crushed rock 3152.00
2. That the Mayor, City Clerk and Finance Committee be authorized to sign a note on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Vancouver for the sum of $10,000 bearing

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Interest at a rate not to exceed 5 ½ per cent, said note being drawn on authority of By-Law no 193 passed on the 22nd day of January 1894.
3. That John Devine be paid through the City Solicitor the sum of $83.44 for special audit and costs incurred in 1889.
4. That the Assessor be asked to report as to how he wrongly assessed a home on E. L. Phillips property.
5. That two copies of the B.C. Gazette Directory at a cost not to exceed $6.00
6. That W.G. Tretheway be requested to send a statement as to the daily capacity etc. of the flour mill proposed to be erected in Vancouver.
7. That the following tenders be awarded:-
Printing. W.J. Trythall on condition that all of the work is done in the City and that only the work specified in the tender be included in the contract:
Groceries F. Filion
Drugs for Fire Department H. McDowell & Co.
Stationery Diplock & Co
sgd. W.F. Salsbury

Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Report be adopted.


Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday Feb 1st 1894
All of the members being present:
It was recommended:-
1. That Martin Kelley be awarded the contract for furnishing granite curbstones and gutters for the proposed street paving on Granville and Hastings Streets subject to all the work in connection with the cutting of the

[volume 5 page 688]

stone being done in the City; Mr. Kelley being granted the privilege of landing the rock at the City slip foot of Gore Avenue and also the use of the City yard corner of Carrall Street and Hastings Street for the preparation of same for the streets said contract being subject to the passing of the By-Law to raise the funds.
2. That Thos. McKinnon be allowed to give a bond for the use of the street in front of the new pms of Court building corner of Hamilton and Hastings instead of the usual deposit and that in future permission be granted contractors who wish the use of streets for building material to furnish a bond equal to twice the amount of the requisite deposit if they so desire instead of the deposit.
3. That the delivery of the nails under Thos Dunn & Co contract be made at the City yard Hastings Street.
4. That the Communication from Wm Lyman asking that the lane in Block 93, Sub D 196 be referred to the officer in charge of the chain gang.
5. That the matter of the Street Railway Co operating their line around Fairview be laid over until next meeting the City Clerk in the meantime being instructed to notify the street Railway Co’s Trustees requesting them to fulfill the terms of their agreement with the City or else legal action will have to be taken by the City in the matter, and further that the Chairman be requested to see the bond holders of the Company with a view to seeing what arrangements as to a compromise can be arrived at.
6. That the contract for the construction of the basement drain on Granville St be awarded to James Dixon the next lowest tenderer at the prices set forth in this binder

[volume 5 page 689]

Angus McLellan having asked the Board to consider his tender , said contract to be
Awarded subject to the passage of the By-Law to raise the funds.
7. That the plans submitted by Thos Dunn for the erection of a building on Granville Street be approved and permission to erect granted subject to copies of plans being deposited in the City Engineer’s office.
8. That tenders be called up to Feb 15th at 3 P.M. for the following:-
a. Replacing wooden sewer across Granville Street at Block 33.541 with vitrified pipe 220 ft more or less.
b. Constructing sewer across Hastings Street adjoining the C.P.R. track 245 more or less.
8 That the following accounts be paid:-
H. Lowes etal. Labor. $114.65
sgd H.P. McCraney

The Board met again on Monday at 3 P.M.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Shaw and Queen
Thirty eight tenders were received and opened the final award being held over until Thursday next pending sufficient signatures being obtained to the agreement to be signed by the property owners.
sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

A deputation consisting of the Rev. Mr. McLaren and Rev. Father Emmelin waited up the Council with a view of getting them to provide work for the unemployed.
The matter was referred to the Board of Works.


Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the City Solicitor be and is hereby instructed to prepare an amendment to the City Charter providing for a return to the old arrangement of one year term for each Alderman to take effect at the close of 1894 and the appointment of all the License Commissioners by the popular vote. Carried

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the following account be paid:-
Hooper etal Labor. $290.20 Carried

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to examine and report to the F. W. & L. Committee on the 14th inst. on the best method of utilizing the water power at Capilano dam or any other available water power adjoining the City with a view to the lighting of the City by electricity and furnish estimated costs of same. Carried.

Moved by Aldermen Wm Brown
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the collection of the poll tax be suspended until the time fixed by the Council for the collecting of the general tax. Carried

Notice of Motion

Alderman C.L. Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce the following motion.
“That notice be given to the Vancouver

[volume 5 page 691]

Electric Railway and Light Co to the Liquidators and Trustees for the holders of the Company’s bonds that unless properly equipped cars are regularly run each way at least once in each and every hour between the hours of 6 o’clock A.M. and 10 o’clock p.m. each day after the 15th day of February 1894 on that part of the tracks running from the South end of Granville Street across Granville Street Bridge thence along Centre Street; thence along Ninth Avenue to Westminster Av for the carriage of passengers, the penalties be enforced for breach of the Contract between the City and the Company.


Whereas as numbers of ships constantly arriving in the Port of Vancouver and discharging large quantities of ballast in the harbour to the detriment of the said harbour.
And whereas such an accumulation of ballast so discharged has a strong tendency to fill up and impede the navigating of the narrows, the entrances to this Port of Vancouver and will in all probability cause serious damage thereto if such discharging of ballast as now carried on is permitted to continue.
And whereas the ballast so discharged would be of use and benefit to the said City in filling in vacant places.
Be it therefore resolved that the Hon, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries be requested to direct the harbour master of the Port of Vancouver to see that in future all vessels arriving in ballast at the port of Vancouver shall discharge the ballast at the port of Vancouver at such wharf or wherever as may be indicated from time to time by the Council of said City in order that the said ballast may be used by the City at such places as may be most expedient to use the same.

The board then adjourned to meet on Tuesday the 6th next at 7:30 P.M

Thos. F. McGuigan R.A. Anderson
City Clerk Mayor