Vancouver cannot grant money to City Band – February 8, 1887

Vancouver cannot grant money to City Band – February 8, 1887

Though unable to grant any money to form a City Band, council granted them free use of City Hall for rehearsal on any available evening. The Finance Committee (Ald. David Oppenheimer, chairman) recommends passing of a by-law to raise $150,000.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 244-250

Vancouver February 8th, 1887

The Council met on Monday February 8th 1887 at 7.30.p.m.
Present – the Mayor and all of the Aldermen.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Geo. F. Baldwin, Assessment Commissioner, giving notice of the completion of the Assessment for the year 1887

From Joseph Hooper asking permission to erect a sign board in front of his premises
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Boultbee, Police Magistrate tendering his resignation and applying for the Position of Police Magistrate and City Solicitor combined

From John Devine applying for the position of monthly Auditor for the City.

From Thos. C. Sorby re the laying of pipes in connection with the Vancouver Water Works Company across the narrows.
Referred to the F.W.L. Committee

From John Robson, Provincial Secretary acknowledging receipt of resolution of Council re grant to Hospital and Fire Department.

From Geo. F. Baldwin, giving statement of amount on money to the credit of the City in the Bank of British Columbia on 31st Jan 1887.
Referred to Finance Committee

Auditors Report submitted and referred to Finance Committee.

From E.A. Wilmot re the postponing of the question of Water Works.


The Report of the Board of Health read at the last meeting of Council was adopted with the exception of Slaughter House clause.

Police Commissioners
A Meeting of the Police Commissioners was held on Thursday February 3rd 1887 at 2. P.M. and they beg to submit the following Report:
We will require an appropriation of $94.50 to meet the following proposed expenditure
For Boat Hire $ 2.50
“ Boarding Prisoners $70.00
“ Stage Hire $ 5.00
“ Special Constable $17.50
In making of the estimates of expenditures connected with the police department for the current yr we find that $4550.00 will be required which will be expended as follows
Salaries of Police Officers $3300.00
Police Clothes $200.00
Boarding Prisoners $250.00
We have instructed the Licence Inspector to send in a Report to the board on all Hotels [?] and Saloons in the City with a view of ascertaining whether the provisions of By-Law No 5 are carried out in all respects, such Report to be submitted on or before the 15th, [unreadable]
Sgd M.A. MacLean
Report adopted. Mannion – Sanders.

Fire Water and Light

The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Monday February 7th 1887 at 7.P.M. and beg to submit the following Report:
We have examined the following accounts and recommend their payment –
Robert Couth, Coal $ 7.00
Thos. Dunn + Co. Damage to Goods by Water – $137.23
We ask the Council to authorize the Fire Water and Light Committee to purchase 24 Fire Buckets, 12 Lanterns and 4 pick axes for the use of the Fire Department.
Sgd Rich. H. Alexander

Report adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Saturday February 5th 1887 at 2.P.M.
We beg to submit the following Report –
We have received the petition of John Beatty referred to the Board of Works for consideration and would recommend that he be supplied with sufficient plank to lay the sidewalk he requires, he agreeing to lay same said sidewalk to be on Abbott Street.
We have examined the estimates of the City Engineer showing that work has been done on Westminster Avenue and Hastings Street West to the amount of $3200.00 and $6200.00 respectively and would recommend that the contractors on said works be paid in Street Bonds to the amount of 90% of the amount of the estimates submitted
Sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted.

Finance Report.

The Finance Committee met on Friday February 4th 1887 at 2 P.M. and beg to submit the following Report:
We have taken into consideration the Communication re A subsidy to the City Band referred to this Committee by Council and while recognizing the benefits to be derived from a Band cannot recommend a grant at present out of the Public Purse but would press upon the Council and citizens generally the propriety of assisting them in every way possible by patronizing their proposed entertainments. We would however recommend that they be allowed the use of the City Hall for practice on any evening they wish except Mondays and Court days.

We have authorized the City Clerk to procure funders for the City Offices and to have the windows of the Clerks and Treasurer’s offices frosted which action we trust will be approved of.

We recommend that the following appropriations be placed to the credit of the respective Standing Committees for ordinary expenditure connected therewith.

Board of Works $1000.00

Fire Water and Light $ 500.00

Board of Health $2400.00

Police Commissioners $1250.00

We would draw the attention of the Council to the advisability of asking the Police Magistrate to resign in order that an officer be appointed under a Salary as suggested by the Police Magistrate

We would also recommend that a By-Law be passed to authorize the raising of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be expended as follows:

General Street Improvements $58435.00

Sewerage $25000.00

Erection of a City Hospital $ 2000.00

Purchase of Street Debentures $62065.00

Fire Department $ 2500.00

We recommend the payment of the following accounts:

F.W. Hart, Furniture etc $107.70

Pat Curry, Charter and Barrel $ 6.00

Wm. Brown Printing $17.50

Robert Couth, Coal $14.00

Re the account of L.J. Cross it was considered advisable to return to Council for further information thereon.
Sgd D. Oppenheimer
Report adopted, Sanders – Mannion.


Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Lockerby that an advertisement be inserted in the Daily Papers calling for applications for the offices of City Auditor, Police Magistrate and City Solicitor such applications be received up to Monday the 14th inst,


Communication from J.W. McFarland re Water Works

Moved by Alderman Sanders seconded by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer

That the question of Water Works be laid over for two weeks.


From A.J. Marks re License for a Variety Theatre.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Sanders

That the Petition of A.J. Marks for a liquor licence for a Variety Theatre be not entertained

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Hamilton

That it is expedient to have the City Charter amended without delay as the time for bringing the matter before the Private Bills Committee will expire within a few days.

Therefore be it resolved that Messrs Blake and Boultbee and Aldermen Alexander and Hamilton be appointed a Committee to revise said Charter and submit a Report to a special meeting of the Council to be held on Thursday next and that Messrs Blake and Boultbee be allowed twenty-five dollars each for their services in connection with paid revision.



Alderman David Oppenheimer introduced a By-Law to raise a Loan of $150000.00 which was read a first time.

Alderman Lefevre introduced a By-Law to provide for the public health of the City which was read a first and second time.

The Board of Works were instructed to meet regularly every week on Wednesday at 2.o’clock and the F.W. + Light Committee on the same day at 3 o’clock.

The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean


Thos. F. McGuigan

City Clerk