Relief street work to begin on Friday – February 12, 1894

Relief street work to begin on Friday – February 12, 1894
work on Cemetery Road (now Fraser Street) with cemetery gatehouse at left

Relief funding allotted at $1,000 to each of the five Wards; Aldermen to decide what street work in their ward is needed most, and hire foreman. Work to begin next Friday morning. City treasurer to ensure street gang workers will be paid twice a week. Vancouver opposes the amalgamation of the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co and the Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Co.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Linda Evans

original handwritten minutes here: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 695 – 703

[volume 5 page 695]

Vancouver Feb 12th 1894.

The Council met on Monday February 12th 1894. Present His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, McdowellCraney, Wm Brown, Franklin + Bethune. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From R. G. Tatlow, acknowledging the receipt of a resolution to the Council re the running of the street east around Fairview.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. H. Mellish, drawing attention to a dangerous piece of road near the corner of Westminster Av and 15th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works

From W. L. Green and J. H. Davidson, asking the Council to pass a resolution fixing rates for Chimney Sweeps.
Laid over

From. M. C. McLean on behalf of the Ratepayers Protective Association, asking to be furnished with a list of the proposed Street work in Ward 5.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Post Master General acknowledging the receipt of the resolution of Council re free postal delivery.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From A. M. Beattie re an amendment to the Market By-Law.
Laid over.

[volume 5 page 696]

From Wm Murray asking for a 3 inch pipe for supplying water to operate an elevator in the Bank of B. C.
Referred to the officers of the W. W. Department

From Geo Duthie etal asking for the opening up of Ontario St.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From A. A. McCrae asking for the return of his deposit on the tender for the delivery of the crushed rock.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That his request be granted.

From H. J. Cambie giving reasons for his resignation as Water Commissioner.

From the City Engineer asking for further time to report on the water power attainable from Capilano Creek and proposing to make an exploration of a lake at the head of the creek if the Council desired.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the City Engineer be authorized to carry into effect his suggestion regarding their exploration of the Creek lake at the head of Capilano Creek.

From the City Engineer giving a report on the pipes laid in the Narrows.

The following Reports were received and read.

Board of Works

The Board of Works held a special meeting on the 7th inst at 10 a.m. for the purpose of providing work for the unemployed. $5,000 had

[volume 5 page 697]

been voted by the Council for that object. The Matter was discussed, Alderman McCraney in the Chair and present Aldermen Brown, Queen, Franklin and Shaw.

It was resolved that each Alderman look over his own ward with a view of seeing what work is absolutely necessary or most advisable to do and report at 3 p.m. same afternoon.

The Board met again at 3 p.m. to decide the streets on which it was proposed to set the unemployed men at work. All the numbers being present, It was resolved, as follows:-
That 3 gangs be started to work on Friday morning next week if possible the work be arranged as follows:-
Ward I. grading Burnaby St. from Burrard St west 2 blocks.
Ward 4. Barnard St from Campbell Av2 blocks west.
Ward 5. St. George St. from 5th to 6th Av.

The work to be done in Ward 3 was held in abeyance for a day or two

Resolved that each ward be entitled to $1,000 of the amount voted by the Council for the purpose of providing work for the unemployed.

Resolved that the following be recommended as foremen in the respective wards subject to their appearing before the Board for instructions etc on Thursday next:-
Ward 1. Wm Tierney rate of $2.50 per day
Ward 2. G. Telford “ “ $2.50 per day
Ward 3. undecided
Ward 4. J. Clandening “ “ $2.50 per day
Ward 5. D. H. Morgan “ “ $2.50 per day

Resolved that any teams hired be paid at the rate of $5.00 per day of nine hours.
sgd H. P. McCraney

[volume 5 page 698]

The Board of works held their regular meeting on the 8th of Feb 1894.
Present all of the members.
It was recommended:-
1. That the grade of the sidewalk in from of J. M. O’Toole’s residence building on Hastings Street be referred to the City Engineer to give him the grade of the permanent walk so that he may know how much the side walk will cost have to be lowered to suit the new grade of the street.

2. That the list of the successful tenderers for the clearing in 200A be laid over until the signatures are obtained to the document for the property owners to sign.

3. That the communication from Mc Philips and Williams solicitors for the Hunter Bros. protesting against the granting of any rights or privileges to the Oppenheimer Bros. or to other to lay a siding on the land adjoining their building in Block 7 196, be referred to the City Solicitor for his advice in the matter.

4. That S. Luff be granted permission to remove frame building from Lot 11 ^to Lot 15 Block 22.541.

5. That Carter Bros. be granted permission to lay a basement drain on Water St to accommodate the Gambrinus Hotel, under the supervision of the City Engineer.

6. That the communication from J. P. Roberts asking for a temporary crossing and sidewalk on the corner of Bute and Seaton Streets be referred to the Street Inspector for attention, also the letter of E. Cook submitting an amended account for bricks supplied for manholes.

7. That the Communication from H Michael claiming damages for injuries received

[volume 5 page 699]

on Cambie Street be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion, the street inspector to report on the condition of the street, at the time.

8. That the Secretary of the Trades + Labor Council be requested to arrange for a deputation to appear before the Board at the next meeting in order to explain their request more fully re the 9 hours clause.

9. That Alderman C. L. Brown be authorized to expend the sum of $1.00 in removing a stump in front ofo J. D. Turnbull’s premises on 6th Av.

10. That Harvey Robertson and Robert Bell be recommended as foremen for Ward 3 in connection with the work being provided for the unemployed, and that a start be made in that ward on Albert Street east of Boundary Av. as soon as everything can be got ready, the rate of pay for the foremen being fixed at $2.50 per day.

11. That John Potter be recommended as foreman at $2.50 per day to replace the existing wooden sewer on Burrard St between Pender and Seaton Streets with 16 inch pipe.

12. That the following accounts be paid:-
B. C. Mills T. + T. Co Supplies $8.15
News Advertiser “ 5.00
McLennan + McFeely “ 9.45
Van Elec Ry + Light Co “ 5.40
Market Hardware Store “ 6.00
H. Lomas et al Labor 175.35

All petitions were laid over until the Estimates are prepared.
sgd. H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report be adopted.

[volume 5 page 700]

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday Feb 9th
Present Aldermen Salsbury, McPhaidin, Wm Brown and Bethune.
It was recommended:-
1. That the communication from W. E. Gravely asking the Council to renew the insurance on the Free Library be referred to the Library Board.

2. That a copy of the B. C. Directory be purchased through J. W. Sinclair at the cost of $5.00

3. That the communication from W. S. Gore re the title to Lot 2, Block 2 O. G. T. be referred to the City Solicitor.

4. That the tender of the News-Advertising and the World for the City Advertising be accepted for advertisements to be set solid as per sample furnished them.

5. That J. J. Gavin and H. Eligh be accepted, as bondsmen for W. H. Mellish on the wood contract and that the City Solicitor be instructed to draw up the necessary document.

6. That W. H. Kendall be paid $5000.00 on account of crushed rock.

7. That the following accounts be paid:-
Leek + Swallivell Ex of plumbers $56.00
Russell, McDonald + Co. Supplies 4.35
G. F. Baldwin “ .50
Telephone Co. Rents 40.90
F. Straube Tags 30.00
McLennan + McFeeley Supplies 10.00
Crowder + Penzer “ 2.50
do do “ 69.91
sgd S. F. Salsbury

[volume 5 page 701]

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.

F. W. + L. Committee

The F. W. + L. Committee met on Monday Feb 12th 1894.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Queen, Shaw and Bethune.
The following account was recommended for payment:-
Hooper et al Labor $522.70
sgd J. L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman McDowell.
Seconded by “ Franklin.
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the following account be paid
D. H. Morgan etal $118.55

Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the City contribute one third of the cost of paving Granville Street between Robson and Hastings Streets, and on Hastings Street between Cambie + Carrall Streets and constructing a basement drain on Granville St.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Wm Brown.
That the City Treasurer be instructed to pay the laborers on relief works twice a week.

[volume 5 page 702]

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Queen
That the City Solicitor be instructed to communicate with our representatives at Victoria with a view of getting them to oppose the passing of an act to amalgamate the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co and the Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Co.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the Local Improvement By-Law be read a 2nd time.

The Council went into committee of the Whole for its consideration, Alderman McCraney in the Chair.
It was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
The 3rd reading of the By-Law was deferred.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McDowell gave notice that at the next meeting he would [sic] the following resolution.
Whereas the Delta and New Westminster Railway Co is willing to undertake the construction of a combined railway and free traffic bridge across the Fraser River at the City of New Westminster as part of its line of railway upon terms which will secure to all

[vol 5 page 703]

railways which may desire to use, the said bridge passage over the same upon fair and equal terms provided that aid be given by the Government.
And whereas the carrying out of the said works will by providing constant and rapid communication between the municipalities south of the Fraser River, and Vancouver and thus affording easy access to the markets of Vancouver be of immense benefit to the City of Vancouver.
Therefore the Council is of [sic] opinion that the Government should grant all reasonable aid to the construction of the said works.

The Council then adjourned.

H. R. McCraney
Acting Mayor

Thos McGuigan
City Clerk