The Fire Chief to inspect the chimney of the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church. Missionary Miss Bowes allowed the same access to the City Hospital as ministers. School Board requests $80,000 for construction. Several requests to extend City water service to Fairview and to Mount Pleasant.
This transcript was made in August of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Mary Ann Capistrano
and sponsored by Bruno Wall
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 474 – 483
[Volume 9 page] 474
Vancouver, February 12th 1900
The Council met on Monday, February 12th 1900.
Present: His Lordship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Foreman, Barker, Wood and Baxter.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
From Hon. R. McKechnie and Dr. Fagan acknowledging receipt of resolution re examination of trains at Huntington.
From H. Abbott, asking for particulars as to use of unoccupied streets for railway purposes
Referred to Board of Works
From I. G. Johnstone asking for improvements on Pendrell Street
Referred to the Board of Works
From W. J. Dowler, City Clerk, Victoria, asking for the endorsement of a petition for the construction of a road from Kitimat to Hazelton.
Moved by Alderman Neelands
Seconded by Alderman Barker
That this request be granted.
From the Hon. C. A. Semlin, Provincial Secretary, acquainting the Council that Messrs. F. R. Stewart and Robert Martin were appointed members of the Licensing Board
From A. F. Griffiths asking for improvements past Block 22 & L. 200a.
Referred to the Board of Works
From J. H. McFarland withdrawing his application for the privilege of operating a District Messenger Service in the City.
From F. M. Cowperthwaite, acting Secretary of the School Board, asking for the submission of a By Law to raise $80,000 for school purposes.
Referred to the Finance Committee
[Volume 9 page] 475
From R. Connacher asking for the opening up of the lane through Block A, 156 on 264 A.
Referred to the Board of Works
From John Day etal asking for the extension of the Water System to Fairview
Referred to the Water Committee
From J. B. Dougan etal, asking for water on Ontario Street and 15th Ave
Referred to the Water Committee
From Mayor Garden, enclosing correspondence re examination of Sound Boats at Victoria showing that all precautions were being taken.
From F. M. Cowperthwaite, Secretary of the School Board, calling the attention of the Council to proposed amendments to the School Act.
Moved by Alderman Neelands
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the Committee appointed to go to Victoria in connection with the City Charter interview the Provincial Government in reference to the School Bill with a view of having the maximum average attendance allowed in the cities of the second class increased.
Special Committee
The Special Committee appointed to look into the Old Granville Foreshore question held its first meeting on Tues, Feb 6th, 1900.
Present: His Lordship, the Mayor and Aldermen McQueen, Neelands, Baxter, Foreman, Barker, and the City Solicitor.
After fully discussing the various points raised in the matter, the City Solicitor was instructed to obtain the opinion of Counsel.
The following motion was passed:
That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare a statement on the case of the question on right of ownership to this foreshore and right of access to waters known as Burrard inlet by the public over Cambie, Carrall and Abbott streets.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the report be adopted.
[Volume 9 page] 476
Lights Railway and Tramway Committee
The Lights: Railway and Tramway Committee met on Tuesday, Feb 6th, 1900.
Present: the full Board
The following account was recommended for payment:
B. C. Elec Ry Co | Lights | $2,341.70 |
From T. C. Alexander, asking for a street light on 8th Av east.
From H.F. Howe asking for a street light on the corner of 8th Av. and Willow Street.
All applications for street lights were laid over until the fall.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
That the Chairman and Aldermen Grant and Neelands, ascertain the cost of installing a light plant in the City Hospital and report.
D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday, Feb 8th, 1900.
Present: the full Board
From A. Calori requesting permission to excavate under sidewalks for areas for proposed addition to Hotel Europe and submitting plans for the same.
Plans approved, excavation to be made the same distance such as the Flack Blok subject to the usual conditions being signed.
From Fred Nelson complaining of dangerous …
[Volume 9 page] 477
of the dangerous state of chimney of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church.
Chairman of the Fire Department to see the Chief of the Fire Brigade.
From the City Solicitor giving his opinion as to the erection of signboards at the end of Hastings Street.
Copy to be sent to the Chief of the Fire Brigade.
From C. W. Murray et al petitioning for the straightening of 8th Ave.
Laid over
From K. McRae requesting a sidewalk between Burnaby and Harwood Streets on the west side of Nicola street.
Laid over for the Estimates
From T. G. Alexander requesting the opening of 8th Ave East
Laid over for the Estimates
From F. Bridgo etal petitioning for the opening of Woodland Drive for 260 feet
Laid over for the Estimates
From John Marshallsay etal petitioning for a road and sidewalk on 8th Ave from Maple Street
Laid over for the Estimates
It was resolved that the Foreman for Ward 4 be instructed to plank in the Space between the walk and the step at the Corner shore at Barnard Street and Westminster Avenue.
It was resolved that the Steam Road Roller be sent to roll Homer Street as soon as the street is ready.
It was left for the engineer to arrange a day for himself and Alderman to go and examine the old crusher at the quarry.
The board having looked into Mr. Gaster’s complaint re drainage. It was resolved that the water be diverted from the lower end of Denman Street down to Burnaby Street
[Volume 9 page] 478
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
B.C. Elec Co. | Supplies | $2.00 |
J. Williams | “ | 1191.72 |
W. L. Tait | “ | 175.93 |
Tytler Lumber Co | “ | 33.78 |
Ironside & Co. | balance of contracts | 6325.00 |
Sgd. Robb Grant
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The finance Committee met on Friday, February 9th 1900
Present: Aldermen Shaw (in the Chair), McGuigan, Barker and Baxter.
From Col. Worsnop, applying for a grant of $500 in aid of the Band of the Battalion this year and also from Tom Wilson asking for $200 in aid of Horticultural Society.
Laid over for Estimates
From the City Solicitor giving his opinion on application of the Electrical Dispatch Messenger Co. as requested.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
That the Finance Committee has no objection to the Co. stringing their wires on the poles of the Telephone Co and that the same be referred to the Council.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
That the City Accountant be requested to furnish the Council with a statement of the Poll Tax collected last year also a comparative table showing the approximate and financial results of the proposed new School Act of the City.
The Contract for the supply of hardware with Messrs. Thos. Dunn and Co was submitted and approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate seal affixed thereto.
[Volume 9 page] 479
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
A Blayney | supplies | $148.85 |
Evans Coleman & Evans | “ | 15.44 |
Van Gas Co. | “ | 2.00 |
Cosman and Son | “ | .60 |
Macaulay and Nicolls | Insurance | 5.00 |
The Province | Ads | 44.40 |
News Advertiser | “ | 70.09 |
The World | “ | 40.06 |
McLennan and McFeely | Supplies | 13.45 |
W. A. Brown | “ | 5.10 |
Telephone Co. | Rents | 32.40 |
Sgd. Jas McQueen
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by Alderman Barker
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday, February 7th 1900
Present: Aldermen Foreman (Chair), Grant and Wood.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
B.C. Auer Lights Co | supplies | $ 4.50 |
J. A. Clark | “ | 6.85 |
City Grocery Co. | “ | 211.96 |
J. Hughes | Labor | 10.00 |
H. Kersey | “ | 381.75 |
McLennan and McFeely | Supplies | 7.12 |
McDowell & Co | “ | 191.39 |
Porter and Son | “ | 114.01 |
G.A. Roedde | “ | 3. 75 |
I. M. Stewart | Washing | 164.52 |
J. Stevens and Son | Supplies | 57.50 |
Trytall and Son | “ | 3.00 |
Trudgeon Bros | “ | 149.65 |
Gas Co. | “ | 5.00 |
Mrs. White | labor | 4.50 |
Champion and White | 7.00 | |
Evans Coleman & Evans | 38.54 |
From H. B. A. Vogel, Secretary, Board of City Missions asking that Miss Bowes
[Volume 9 page] 480
have free and unchallenged entry into the City Hospital.
Resolved that she be admitted under the same regulations as Ministers.
From A. Robertson asking for the position of Assistant Health Inspector.
Resolved that applications be called for
It was resolved that necessary repairs be put in at once at Crematory as recommended by the City Engineer.
The City Clerk was asked to look up all information for supplying water to the Crematory for irrigation purposes which has already been furnished by the City Engineer.
A Report was received from the Chairman of the Board of Health giving an account of his trip to the Sound Cities to give information on sanitary matters which was received and filed.
Reports from the Health Inspector, Milk Inspector, Crematory caretaker and ambulance contractor were received and filed.
It was moved that Aldermen Grant, Foreman and McQueen be a Committee to report on tenders sent in for supplies.
It was resolved that Nurse Birch be paid the balance of her original salary at the rate of $15.00 per month.
W. J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman Foreman
Seconded by “ Wood
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Wood
Seconded by “ McQueen
That a By-Law be introduced to amend the Pound By-Law.
The By-Law was read a first time.
[Volume 9 page] 481
Unfinished Business
Under the head of unfinished business, the following names were submitted as Candidates for the Free Library Board for 1900: viz A. R. Stacey, W. Bouldt, J. J. Dougan, Wm Prentice, W.A. Wilson, W. J. McGuigan, J. M. Whitehead, Walter Hepburn, Alex Gilchrist and F. C. Allan.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
Seconded by “ Wood
That the Council proceed to ballot for a selection and that the Seven receiving the highest number of votes of be elected.
After the ballot was taken, it was found that Messrs. J. J. Dougan, W. J. McGuigan, Ed Bloomfield, Wm Prentice, F. C. Allan, A. R. Stacey, and Alex Gilchrist received the highest number of votes and were declared elected on motion of Alderman McQueen Seconded by Alderman Foreman.
Moved by Alderman Neelands
Seconded by “ Foreman
That Alderman McQueen be appointed to represent the Council on the Directorate of the Children’s House.
Moved by Alderman Foreman
Seconded by “ Baxter
That applications be called for one more police officer and that the applications be in by the 5th of March.
Moved in Amendment by Alderman Wood
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the matter be referred to the Police Committee.
Amendment carried,
Motion Lost
Moved by Alderman Wood
Seconded by “ Shaw
That a portion of the Chairman of Health’s expenses incurred
[Volume 9 page] 482
during his recent trip to the Sound Cities in connection with health matters be paid.
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Wood
That, as the City is about to borrow money on the City Debentures for Sewer purposes that the Mayor call, a special meeting of the Council for the purposes of investigating the City Engineer’s department and making such changes as is necessary to insure to the ratepayer’s that they will received the best results from the money so expended.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the City Council request the Committee on the Whole in the Provincial Parliament to reconsider their amendments to Section 5 Page 4 and also Section 91 Page 42 and that these Sections be left as presented in the printed copy of the Act to revise and consolidate the Vancouver Incorporation Act.
Moved by Alderman Wood
Seconded by “ Neelands
That the B.C. Electric Railway Co. be asked to provide, as early as possible a better service for the travelling public.
Moved by Alderman Baxter
Seconded by “ McQueen
That the City Solicitor see if the legal conditions required by law for such work, as is now in progress by the C.P.R. Co. in front of Carrall, Abbott and Cambie Streets have been complied with and if they have not that he take immediate action to protect the City’s rights.
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Baxter
That the Mayor and the Chairman of the Finance Committee be and they are hereby authorized to arrange with the Bank of the British North America to sell so many debentures at such price as they may arrange, as may be necessary
[Volume 9 page] 483
in order to carry on the construction of sewers without delay pursuant to the By-Law authorizing the borrowing of $150,000 for that purpose.
The Council then adjourned.
(Sgd) James Garden
(Sgd) Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk