Cambie Street to be improved south of Hastings – February 13, 1888

City Engineer to call for tenders for improvement of Cambie Street. Citizens ask to relax the by-law about mixing mortar on the street. Fire, Water & Light Committee wants a telephone installed in the fire hall. Chief of Police to destroy John McKeown’s team of horses if they have the glanders.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 199-208

[vol 2 page 199]

The Council met on Monday February 13th 1888 at 7:30 P.M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Bell-Irving, Alexander, Couth, Clark, Dougall, Humphries, Mannion and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following accounts were read and ordered paid.
C.P. Telegraph Co. .95 cts
Thos Dunn & Co. 30.45
Electric Illuminating Co. 180.00


From C.D. Sweet asking Council to write to D. Chisholm M.P. urging upon him the need of bridges across the North Arm of the Fraser River in order to strengthen the hands of the Municipal Council of Richmond.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer
That a memorial be addressed to Mr. Chilsholm embodying the request advanced by Mr. Sweet.

From. P. B. Robinson asking permission to (cut off)


From John Frawley asking permission to throw earth under the Street in front of Granville Street and to be allowed to load wood on Street in front of said Hotel in order to carry same into the Yard.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall that permission be granted him in accordance with the provisions of the street By-Law.

From E. Cook and others praying Council to repeal Section 27 of By-Law No 40 re the mixing of Mortar on the Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works with power to act;

From James Stanford drawing the attention of Council to the condition of Cambie Street south of Hastings St.
Moved by Alderman Bell-Irving seconded by Alderman Mannion
That the City Engineer be empowered to call for tenders for the improvement of said Street.

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F. W. L.
No 76
The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Thursday February 9th 1888 and recommend the payment of the following accounts.
A. C. Thicke $3.50
B. B. Skinner 14.00
Thos. Lye & Co 1.60
Henderson Bros 41.41
Wm. Hamilton 2.50
J. H. Carlisle 22.50
R.C.P. Mills 19.20
Thos C. Allen 30.25

We recommend that the account of E.S. Scoullar & Co. be not entertained the same being unauthorized by Council.

We have received several applications for the position of License, Health and Fire Inspector and would beg to recommend the appointment of Joseph Huntly at a Salary of $50.00 per month, subject to immediate dismissal if necessary.

Your Board has taken into consideration the advisability of having telephone communication with the Fire Hall and with that object in view would recommend that a telephone be placed therein.

Sgd. J. Humphries, Chairman

[vol 2 pg 202]

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer
Seconded by ” Bell-Irving
That the question of the Salary of the Inspector be referred back to the F.W. & L. Committee.

Moved by Alderman Alexander
Seconded by ” Oppenheimer
That the balance of the report be adopted.

No. 77

The Finance Committee met on Friday February 10th 1888 and reconsidered the payment of the following accounts:

W. G. Alcock 29.00
News-Advertiser 25.20
W.K. Williamson 30.00
C.P. Telegraph Co. 4.55
Thomson Bros. 12.88
J. Miller 8.14
J.J. Alexander 10.00
Interpreter .50
S.S. Tilley 49.45
Thos Dunn & Co 7.85
Palmer Bros. 16.00
Thos C. Allen 5.50
B.B. Skinner 15.00
A.R. Reid 7.95
M. G. Blanshard 30.00

The following is respectfully submitted for the Sanction of Council.

[vol 2 pg 203]

(1) That John Clough’s salary be raised to $10 a month.

(2) That H.L. Scurry et als petition be filed.

(3) That the Council take into consideration the purcase of Block 53, District Lot 196 for Park purposes.

(4) That the Chief of Police be instructed to ascertain the value of James McKeown’s team and have them destroyed if the are found to be affected with glanders.

(5) The the By-Law appointing the City Solicitor and Police Magistrates be repealed and that an official for each position be appointed; and further that J.J. Blake be appointed City Solicitor at a Salary of $100 per year and that a Police Magistrate be appointed at a Salary of $600 per year.

sgd. Richard Aldexander

Moved by Alderman Clark
seconded by Alderman Bell-Irving

That the report be adopted.

No 78
The Board of Works met on Friday February 10th 1888 and recommend payment of the following amounts:

[vol 2 pg 204]

R. C. P. Mills 2.12
W. Beavis 3.70
Thos Dunn & Co 9.55
W. T. Milross 116.25 subject to approval of City Engineer for proper completion of work
Thos Lye & Do 2.95
Woodaman & Edgar 2.10
F. Foubert Hastings St. 141.02
” ” Georgia ” 50.25
W. C. Muir, Hamilton 24.30
H. F. Keefer Gravel 1478.20

We recommend that the License, Health & Fire Inspector be instructed to collect 25 cts from each householder for the numbers placed on their houses.

We have taken under consideration to road to the dumping ground, and in our opinion east of the line of Burrard Street at its south end is the most suitable for that purpose for night soil only and in view of the said location it would be advisable to improve parts of Burrard and Pacific Streets leading to it, also that the wharf be built according to the City Engineer’s plan (No 3.) providing the necessary permission can be obtained.

We have instructed the Chairman of the Board of Works and the City Engineer to investigate the matter referred to by Mr. L.A. Hamilton viz. the placing of proper monuments

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on the lot corners on the Old Granville Townsite.

The following petitions were laid over for future consideration:-
From L.A. Hamilton re Section 6.
” W. J. Brandrith re Trees,
” Robert Barker et al re the improvement of Drake and Davie Sts,
The painting of the Street names being now practically completed we would recommend that tenders be called for the erection of the same.

sgd. H. Bell-Irving

Adopted Mannion – Dougall

No. 19
The Police Committee met on Saturday February 11th 1888 and recommend the payment of the following accounts:-
Van Volkenburgh & Bros $10.95
John Sciutto 14.54
F. X. Martin 34.14
V. W. Haywood 3.50

sgd Jos Mannion

Adopted Clark-Dougall

No 80

The Board of Health met on Friday February 10th 1888

[vol 2 page 206]

and recommend the payment of the following accounts:-
Kenneth Campbell & Co. $11.06
Thos Dunn & Co. 1.50
F. X. Martin 10.63
John Donohoe 6.00
Owen Hughes 4.00
Jos. Tretheway 10.00
Campbell & Martin 5.30
Charles Nelson 10.05
Vancouver Wine Co. 3.00
Hayes & McIntosh 9.59
H. McDowell & Co 7.80

We recommend that the Council reconsider the appointment of Messrs Smith and Kidd as City Scavengers and that Duncan McCallum be appointed provided he burns a disinfecting stove and uses proper disinfectants while removing night soil and that be be engaged subject to summary discharge.

Your Committee has taken into consideration the question of the City providing a system of Scavengering directly under its contract which would cost about $ [blank] per annum.

This System would make every citizen a Health Officer and would be a guarantee that the Scavenger would do his work promptly. With this object in view we would recommend that the Finance Committee be instructed to place the desired sum in the estimates for the current years.

[vol 2 page 207]

We would also recommend that the City Auditor bring in a report showing the number of patients admitted into the City Hospital since its inauguration and the amount of money received for board or otherwise.

sgd. R. Clark
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Clark
Seconded by ” Oppenheimer
That the report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Bell-Irving
Seconded by ” Oppenheimer
That the City Clerk communicate with Mr. Abbott in order to obtain permission to build and approach to the Dumping Ground for night soil, and that a plan of same be forwarded to him.

Moved by Alderman Bell-Irving
Seconded by ” Alexander
That a copy of the plan of the proposed bridge across Coal Harbour be forwarded to the proper authorities in Ottawa, also to the land office in New Westminster for the purpose of obtaining the necessary permission to build the same and that the required notice be

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published in the British Columbia Gazette.

Notices of Motion

Alderman Clark gave notice of motion that he would at next meeting of Council introduce a motion authorizing the Finance Committee to purchase Block 53 District Lot 194 for Park purposes, also that he would introduce a by-law to repeal the By-Law appointing the Police Magistrate and City Solicitor.

Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would introduce a motion instructing the City Clerk to require the School Trustees to put the grounds into proper condition; also that he would move a resolution whereby Council would endorse a petition circulated by the Citizens of Vancouver addressed to the Legislature praying that the qualifications of Mayor, Aldermen and voters be lowered.

The Council then adjourned.


D. Oppenheimer

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk