Hudson’s Bay Co. applied for a wholesale liquor license in connection with groceries. Refused (vote went 8-2) on the grounds that the current by-law did not permit it. One James Pollay asked to use City Hall on Tuesday afternoon to hold an “anti-Chinese meeting” and his request was granted. T.T. Black appointed City Auditor. Dr. Beckinsale sent in an account for $5.00 for “examining a lunatic.”
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 252-256
Vancouver February 14th, 1887
A Meeting of the Council was held on Monday February 14th 1887 at 7.30.P.M.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, presiding Alderman Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, Isaac Oppenheimer, David Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last regular and special meeting were read and adopted.
From W. Pickering re Letters for Street Corners
Referred to the Board of Works
From Hudson’s Bay Company applying for a wholesale liquor license in connection with retail groceries.
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer
That the applicant be informed that the conditions of the By-Law will not permit the granting of the request and that it is deemed inadvisable to alter the existing By-Law in that connection at the present time. Motion carried Ayes 8, Nays 2.
From Geo. F. Baldwin, City Treasurer, giving notice that premium on this Guarantee Bond was due
Referred to Finance Committee
From Manager of Bank of British Columbia notify Council that note for $7000.00 against City was due.
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre
That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to renew note of $7000.00 due today at Bank of British Columbia for 90 days and give cheque for interest due.
From George Pollay asking for City Hall on Tuesday afternoon to hold anti-Chinese meeting
Request granted.
From W.S. Gore, Surveyor General acknowledging receipt of letter from City Clerk Re lots to be given in exchange for Lot-2, Block 2, Old Granville Townsite
From Governor General’s secretary acknowledging receipt of petition re Wharf
The following applications were received for the position of City Auditor: –
John Devine, D. Munro, F. C. Colton and James Morrison.
On a ballot being taken John Devine and D. Munro received five each.
The Mayor gave his casting note in favour of John Devine who was declared elected.
Police Magistrate and City Solicitor
The following applications were received for the office of Police Magistrate and City Solicitor J.J. Blake, John Boultbee and T.T. Black
On a Ballot being taken J.J. Blake received 5 T.T. Black 3 and John Boultbee 2.
Second Ballot J.J. Blake 5, T.T. Black 4 and John Boultbee 1
Third Ballot, T.T. Black 6, J.J. Blake 4
T.T. Black was then declared elected.
The following petitions were read:
From the property owners on Richards Street – between Cordova and Georgia Streets
From the property owners on Pender Street – between Howe and Hamilton Streets
From the property owners on Seymour Street – between Cordova and Georgia Streets
All praying for the improvement of said streets under the Local Improvement Clauses of the City Charter
From residents and property owners on Seymour Street between Cordova and Dunsmuir Streets calling the attention of the Council to the impassible [sic] condition of said street and praying them to lay a two foot sidewalk thereon.
All referred to the Board of Works.
The Board of Health.
The Board of Health met on Friday February 11th 1887 at 2.o’clock p.m.
The following report is submitted
We have considered the application of Owen Hughes, Steward of the City Hospital for an increase of salary and would strongly recommend that he receive ten dollars in addition to his present salary such increase to date from the first of the present month.
We recommend the payment of the following accounts: –
Dr. Beckinsale to examining a lunatic $ 5.00
Patrick Gannon, meat for Hospital $15.36
Owen Hughes to washing for hospital $ 3.25
J.B. Thornton “ groceries “ “ $ 3.95
Joseph Straus “ Wood “ “ $20.00
We have considered the Bill of Charges sent in by the Royal City Hospital but we did not feel justified in naming any sum to be paid to said institution and have referred Bill back to Council for recommendation.
Regarding the petition of T.B. Mangan re the erection of a Slaughter house we would recommend that the question be left over until the passing of the Health By-Law.
Sgd J.M. Lefevre
Report adopted and Royal City Hospital Bill referred to Finance Committee for consideration. Mannion – Sanders.
Board of Works.
A meeting of the Board of Works was held on Wednesday February 9th 1887 at 2 o’clock p.m.
The following recommendations are respectfully submitted to Council.
That the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the stumping and grubbing and building of a bridge on Prior Street from Westminster Avenue to Gore Avenue, also grubbing part of Park Avenue and that tenders be called for said work forthwith,
And that the City Engineer be instructed to have the bank and approach on the corner of Abbott and Hastings Street covered with 3 inch plank.
Sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted on motion of Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lockerby.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole on Health By-Law on motion of Alderman Hamilton with Alderman Lefevre in the Chair.
The By-Law was numbered 7 and 26 clauses thereof read and passed after which the Committee rose to report progress and asked leave to sit again.
The Mayor resumed the Chair, and the Council took into consideration the question of payment of the rent of the Mayor office, after considerable discussion it was moved by Alderman Humphries seconded Alderman Clark that the matter be left to the Finance Committee to make the best arrangements possible.
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk