Safer Jail Accommodation Called For – February 15, 1897

The Fire and Police Committee received a communication of the Grand Jury at the last Assizes calling for safer jail accommodation. Laide aside for consideration with cost of additional jail cells. A list of all loans made during 1896 from the Sinking Fund will be made and kept in the City Clerk’s office for inspection.

This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Lynn Shane

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 7 pages 455 – 464

To see or download photos of the original handwritten pages for this meeting, click on the buttons below (3 parts):

[Volume 7 page] 455

Vancouver City Council Minutes

Vancouver Feb 15th 1897

The Council met on Monday February 15th 1897.

Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, Coldwell and D.G.McDonald.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From: Jun Kee submitting a plan of a proposed addition to his house on Dupont Street and asking permission to erect same.

Referred to the Board of Works.

From: Urquhart Bros. asking permission to put a front on their store on Hastings Street East.


From Messrs. Bewicke and Wulffsohn agents for H.B. Towse asking permission to erect a small wooden kitchen on lots 24 & 25 Block 14. D.L. 196 and submitting a plan of same.

Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the application be not granted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by Alderman Shaw.
That the Communication be laid over.
Amendment carried.

Yeas: Aldermen Shaw, Painter, McQueen, Clandenning, Brown and D.G. McDonald.

Nays: Aldermen Neelands, McPhaiden, W.S MacDonald and Caldwell.

From the Rev. H.G.F. Clinton et al asking for a street light on the corner of Gore and Oppenheimer Street and for certain street repairs around St. James Church.

Referred to the Light & Board of Works.

[Volume 7 page] 456

From John Coville et al, asking for the opening up of Heather Street.

Referred to the Board of Works.

From J. F. Downer et al, asking for the grading and sidewalking of Grove Street.

Referred to the Board of Works.

From Thos. Dunn et al, asking for the grading of Princess St. east of Boundary Avenue.

Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric lights.


From the City Solicitor stating that there was no difficulty in amending the School Act to provide for the qualification of married women appearing on the Assessment Roll for voting or being Trustees.

Referred to the School Board.

The following Reports were received and read:

Board of Works:

The Board of Works met on the 11th of February. Present the full Board.

Mr. J. S. Laidlaw appeared before the Board in regard to planting fruit trees on the streets instead of maples etc.

Laid over for consideration.

From petitioners asking that walk be moved out adjoining the Golden Gate Hotel building owing to dangerous state of the structure.

Already attended to.

From A. McCreery re opening Jervis St. to lane rear of his premises.

Engineer to arrange with foreman Ward One.

From Dominion Building and Loan Association re stagnant water at small stream

[Volume 7 page] 457

close to Lot 11, Block 20, D.L. 200d.

Engineer to examine and repair.

The City Engineer made certain recommendations re repairs etc on Granville St. Bridge.

Resolved that tenders be called for up to Thursday the 26th inst at 4 P.M. for repairs to Granville Street Bridge.

Resolved that the Consolidated Railway Co. be notified by the City Clerk to keep their gate closed when not in use on the Granville Street Bridge.

Mr. McMorran applied to purchase a small piece of ground which forms part of the street at the corner of 10th Av and Sophia St.

Resolved that he be informed that the City cannot grant his request.

From Frank Partridge objecting to the deeding over of certain land for a lane in Block 100 D.L. 196

Referred to the City Solicitor

From Urquhart Bros asking permission to put in store front in building on Lot 24, Block 8, D.L. 196 Hastings Street East.

Laid over as proposed change would under existing conditions be a contravention of the Fire Limit Bylaw.

From Wulffsohn & Bewicke applying on behalf of a client for permission to replace a wooden structure burnt down under City’s instructions rear of Lots 24 & 25, Block 14D.L. 196 (No. 22 Dupont Street) by another wooden building.

The Board decided that this would be a contravention of the Bylaw but referred the communication and plan to the full Council for discussion and decision.

From Messrs. Meek and Seacombe asking for a share of the Scavenger work.

[Volume 7 page] 458

Resolved that the Health Inspector give them a share of any scavenger work that may turn up.

Resolved that the foreman for Ward One open a road on Maple Street to enable trains to get from 7th to 8th Avs and place a little road on South Granville Street between 8th and 9th Avs when there is any to spare.

Resolved that the foreman for Ward 5 be instructed to lay a 3 plank walk on 11th Av from Manitoba to Columbia Av.

Resolved that the City Engineer see Mr. Cambie in regard to a floodgate at the foreshore of Water Street and report.

Petitions from A.F. Griffiths and James Smith and others asking for street improvements on Mount Pleasant, Ward 5, were laid over pending the Estimates.

Two tenders were received for Hardware for the current year from Messrs. T. Dunn & Co and McLennan & McFeely.

Resolved that the tender of Ths. Dunn & Co be recommended for acceptance.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

G.A. Roedde Supplies $1.25

Robertson & Hackett “ 77.64

S. Elkins et al Labor 813.90

Sgd. A.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the report be adopted.

[Volume 7 page] 459

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday February 10th 1897.

Present the full Board.

Messrs. Cockburn and Duff Stuart waited upon the Committee asking for a rebate of water rate on St. Andrews Church.

Resolved that they be charged $50.00 in lieu of the $93.60 arrears due.

Messrs. Spicer, Legg & Crowder waited upon the Committee with a request that the arrears of water rates against the mill be allowed to stand over for a short time.

Resolved that the new company be allowed to use water pending arrangements being made for the settlement of old accounts and that they receive the benefit of the discount for prompt payment.


From A. N. Bouillon asking payment of an account of $1000 for hay cut on his place on the Capilano River.

It was resolved that the account be paid.

From Albert Horner et al asking for an extension of the water pipe one block further west on Seventh Avenue.

Laid over till new pipes arrive.

From S. Madison asking for an increase of salary.

Resolved that his salary be increased to $45.00 per month to date from February 1st 1897.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

John Boyd & co. Supplies $23.59

Crowder & Penzer “ 5.53

C.T. Foreman “ 6.40

Thos. Dunn & Co “ 9.

J. Milner Repairs 9.15

[Volume 7 page] 460

McLennan & McFeely Supplies $1.10

Robertson & Hackett “ 13.50

F. Allen Supplies 22.97

Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 10.92

W. Hooper et al Labor 414.50

Sgd Wm. Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Painter
That the report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday February 12th 1897.

Present the full Board.


From J. Henderson asking the Council to purchase copies of the British Columbia Directory for the year 1897.

Laid over

From Barclay Bouthorn asking if a proposition for the erection of a smelter in Vancouver would be considered.

Referred to the Smelter Committee

From Wm. Cargill making a proposition for the erection of a smelter in Vancouver in consideration of getting free water and exemption from taxation.

Referred to the Smelter Committee.

From Miss E.M. Breeze et al of the Young Women’s Christian Association asking for assistance for the Young Womens Improvement Home.

A deputation consisting of Mrs. Foxley Mrs. Johnstone and Miss Breeze waited upon the Committee to press the claims of the petition.

After some consideration the matter was laid over for one week to allow the

[Volume 7 page] 461

Chairman to make further enquiries.

Resolved that the following contracts be approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

Bread Contract Joseph Dobson

Feed “ Brackman & Ker

Fish “ Dominion Fish Co.

Chemical “ McDowell & Co.

Washing “ D.M. Stewart

Resolved that the tenders be invited for furnishing a site for a Drill Shed size 100 x 200 ft. Such tenders to be received up to Friday February 26th at 4 p.m. The site will be north of False Creek and between Gore Avenue and Granville Street.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

G.W. Hutchings Supplies $9.50

Con Ry Co Lights 1437.55

Crowder & Penzer Supplies 22.48

Telephone Co. Rents 36.10

Sgd James McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Painter
That the report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday February 9th, 1897.

Present Aldermen Coldwell, McQueen, McPhaiden, and W.S. Macdonald.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Evans Coleman & Evans $10.04

Crowder & Penzer 10.92

Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co. 14.90

E. Clough .50

[Volume 7 page] 462

R.R. Brotherton Express hire $1.00

D. Robson Keep of Provincial Prisoners 8.50

S. James Interpreting 16.

J. Dodson Supplies 30.40

C.S. Phelp “ 7.86

Thos. Dunn “ 3.55

W.A. Cressyon Interpreting 4.00

A.E. Lees & Co. Supplies 7.00

C.P.R. Telegraph Telegrams 4.12

McDonald Bros. Express hire .75

J.C. Woodrow Supplies 34.78

C.T Foreman “ 45.66

B.C.M. T & T “ 6.66

Scott & Devlin “ 23.20

B. Marshall Labor 3.50


From the Trades and Labor Council asking this Council to put in motion the machinery for a thorough investigation of the corpse found on the premises of Wm. McAlpine. The City Solicitor advised that the authorities had taken all the legal steps they could in the matter.

The communication was filed and the clerk instructed to furnish a copy of the Solicitor’s opinion to the Trades & Labor Council.

From David Thomson and Alex Smith applying for the position of Jail Cook.

Filed for reference.

From A.G. Smith, Deputy Attorney General, submitting a copy of a portion of the presentment of the Grand Jury at the last Assizes filed in the City of Vancouver calling for safer jail accommodation.

Laid over to be considered with the Estimates. In the meantime that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and probable cost of increased jail accommodation.

From the Chief of Police asking for a Secret Service Fund.

[Volume 7 page] 463

Resolved that an amount not exceeding $100.00 be set apart as a Secret Service Fund to be paid out from time to time on Warrant approved by the Mayor and Chairman of the Police Committee.

From Messrs. Coombes & Nash complaining about the Pound Keeper entering his premises in search of tagless dogs.

After making enquiries into this matter we find that the Pound Keeper did not exceed his duties in entering the premises of Mr. Coombes and making enquiries about tagless dogs but it is not considered that he is empowered to seize dogs on premises and take them away to the pound.

This he claims was not done by him and that he did not use any objectionable language. The Pound Keeper is within his rights to seize tagless dogs on the streets but the production of a receipt showing that the tax has been paid will result in the release of the animal.

Sgd C.A. Coldwell

Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by “ W.S. MacDonald
that the report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by. “ W.S. MacDonald
That the City Accountant prepare a statement of all loans made from the Sinking

Fund to December 31st 1896 giving in tabular form the following information:

Date of Loan

Name of Mortgagor

Description of property

Value when loan was made

Amount of loan

[Volume 7 page] 464

Maturity of loan

Rate of interest

Amount of interest due and unpaid

“ “ taxes paid by City

This statement to be kept in the City Clerk’s office for inspection by any taxpayer.


Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Coldwell
That the amendments to the Fire Limit by-law be read a second time.

The By-Law was accordingly read a second time.

Moved by Alderman W.S MacDonald
Seconded by “ McQueen
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law.

Alderman W.S. MacDonald was appointed Chairman.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

It was then read a third time on motion of Alderman McQueen. Seconded by Alderman Coldwell.

The Council then adjourned.

W. Templeton

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk