Communication received “from the Jews of the city” asking that no permit be issued for interments in the Jewish Cemetery [shown above, ca. 1910] without their written consent.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick.
Illustration: Jewish Cemetery, ca. 1910
Text: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 171 – 181
City Council Minutes – Vancouver February 21st 1898
[Volume 8, Page] 171
The Council met on Monday February 21st 1898
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McGuigan, McPhaiden, Brown, Foreman, Bruce and McMorran.
From A.E. Beck asking for a sewer in Block 23. DL 185. Referred to the Board of Works.
From L.J. Cody etal asking for a lavatory in connection with Market {shed} Stores. Referred to the Market Committee.
From John T. Nightingale etal, asking for a sidewalk on 8th Avenue. Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.
From W.J. Adams asking for an increase of salary. Laid over for Estimates.
From the Battery Band stating that no charge would be made by them for attending the funeral of Mayor Templeton and Ex-Mayor Oppenheimer.
Moved by Alderman McQueen, Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the City Clerk be instructed to write to them thanking for the action they have taken in this matter.
[Volume 8, Page] 172
From S.N. Jarrett asking for a sidewalk on Jervis Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Malcolm McLean tendering his resignation as Police Constable to take effect on the 23rd instant.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Bruce
That his resignation be accepted.
From Philip Fewster asking the Council if they would entertain an application from a trained nurse. Referred to the Health Committee.
From the Jews of the City, asking that no permit be issued for interments in the Jewish Cemetery without their written consent. Referred to the Health Committee.
From Thomas A. Smith, asking for a position on the Police Force. Referred to the Health Committee (sic).
From W.J. Hardie of the Winnipeg Free Press asking to advertise the City. Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Jane Birch asking for the position of nurse. Referred to the Health Committee.
From H. Wiley, Victoria, asking that more than one Music Hall License be provided for. Referred to the Licensing Board.
[Volume 8, Page] 173
The following Reports were received and read:
Light, Railway & Tramway Committee
The Light, Railway & Tramway Committee met on Monday February 21st 1898.
Present: the full Board
Mr. J. Buntzen representing the BC Electric Railway Co was also present
It was resolved that Powell Street from Westminster Avenue to Campbell Avenue be leased to the BC Electric Co until February 11th 1919 at a rental of $1.00 per annum, the Company not to acquire any right for goodwill or right of a franchise under such lease. The cars to be run and the line operated in accordance with the terms of the agreement of 11th February 1889.
That the BC Electric Railway Co be allowed to operate the street from Cambie Street to Westminster Avenue on Hastings Street in connection with the City Railway System under the conditions of the Westminster Tramway Agreement with the exception of the condition for the payment of a percentage on the amount collected for fares, but in lieu thereof on payment of $1.00 per annum and on the Company completing the purchase of rails under the agreement of the 30th of April 1895.
Signed D. McPhaiden,
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 8, Page] 174
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday February 18th 1898.
Present: the full Board
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Charles Hach supplies $46.50
News Advertiser ads $4.05
The World ads $119.26
Clarke & Stuart supplies $29.79
The following contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:
McDowell & Co drugs
Valley Dairy Co milk
G.A. Roedde binding
From William Sutherland, asking for an increase of salary. Laid over.
From the City Auditor reporting the accounts correct for January. Filed.
From the Tobacconists asking the Council to have the Charter amended to provide for licensing dealers in tobaccos and fixing a fee.
It was resolved that the Committee cannot see its way clear to recommend the endorsation (sic) of the petition by the Council.
From E. Odlum, asking for a grant of $100.00 in aid of the Art Association. Laid over for Estimates.
From J.C. McLagan, stating that he had forwarded 1900 copies of the Klondike Edition of the World to England and eastern Canada and delivered 200 at the City Hall making $21.00 in all. He asked if the City wished to keep the extra hundred copies if not he would take them back.
[Volume 8, Page] 175
The Clerk was instructed to send back the hundred copies.
From the Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking for an appropriation of $6500 and from the School Board asking for $56110. Laid over for Estimates.
From R. Dunsmuir & Sons stating that the Messrs Crowder and Penzer and Mackenzie Brothers were handling their coal in the City and arrangements night be made with them for a supply. Filed.
The offer of C.G. Major of Lots 8 to 24, Block 64. 185 for $17000 was discussed and laid over.
Collector Allan reported having secured 170 names for the Provincial Voter’s List and E.M. McDonough 100. They were authorized to use one of the rooms in the old City Hall for parties to apply in the evenings.
The Mayor was authorized to purchase a ticket to Tacoma for one Dais a cripple.
Signed James McQueen,
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman McMorran
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday February 16th 1898.
Present: the full Board
The following applications were received for Cook at the City Hospital
Thomas Brissette salary asked for $45 per month
Charles Short salary asked for $45 per month
P.J. Largen salary asked for $50 per month
[Volume 8, Page] 176
Thomas W. Shore salary asked for not stated
John King salary asked for $40 per month
Mr & Mrs S.W. Chester salary asked for $40 per month
Laid over for consideration.
The following applications were received for nurse for the New Woman’s Ward:
From Misses Alice Parsons, Gladys Mary Parkin and M.G. Simpson
Resolved that applications be called for two nurses for the Woman’s Ward of the City Hospital viz one good day nurse and one night nurse.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C. Clark supplies $2.60
Evans,Coleman & Evans supplies $15.13
C.S. Philp supplies $13.44
William Urquhart supplies $19.25
A. Hall night nursing $5.00
Clarke & Stuart supplies $2.00
McLennan & McFeely supplies $2.05
J.E. Barwick supplies $2.50
J.C. Woodrow supplies $49.89
City Grocery Co supplies $74.32
Crowder & Penzer supplies $72.09
Champion & White scavengering $.50
G. Drysdale supplies $14.80
Pioneer Steam Laundry washing $73.34
Knowdell & Co plumbing $4.40
Commercial Hotel boarding Mrs Renhart $2.50
H.H. Layfield & Co supplies $573.60
Tom Cooking $15.55
From Thomas Beckett, R. Morrion and Dr. McLean asking for increases of salary. Laid over.
From H. Newcomb drawing attention to the unsanitary condition of the lane between Front Street and Dufferin Street, Mount Pleasant, near Mr. Towler’s henry {hen coop} and asking that the lane be graded through and the nuisance abated.
[Volume 8, Page] 177
Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to abate the nuisance and that the matter of opening up the lane be referred to the Board of Works.
From the Milk Inspector furnishing Report. Filed.
From the Rev. H.G.F. Clinton, asking that one Mr. Wooley who is sick and without means be sent to his home in Brandon, Manitoba.
Resolved that the matter be left in the hands of the Mayor and Chairman with power to act.
From Miss Peters on behalf of the Local Council of Women asking that a Maternity Ward be provided for in the new City Hospital.
Resolved that in cases of destitution the City provides for a Doctor, a nurse and medical comforts outside the hospital.
From Miss Macfie, asking that the electric lights be turned on in the new Woman’s Ward, and that the roof of the old hospital be repaired.
Resolved that the lights be turned on in the new addition to the hospital and that the City Engineer be instructed to have the roof of the old hospital repaired.
Resolved that the Matron of the Hospital be instructed to consult the Plumbing Inspector when any plumbing work is required at the hospital.
Resolved that the matter of fencing, grading, etc. at the City Hospital be left in the hands of the Mayor, Chairman and City Engineer with power to act.
The question of scavengering was discussed. It was finally resolved that the Mayor, Chairman ad Alderman Townley be appointed a sub-committee to take the whole matter into consideration and report the most feasible scheme to have the work done.
Signed W.J. McGuigan,
[Volume 8, Page] 178
Moved by Alderman Foreman;
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 17th of February 1898.
Present: the full Board
From the City Solicitor in reference to Ramsay Brothers’ claim for alleged damages for chocking of main sewer ($6.60 amount of claim).
Resolved that Ramsay Brothers be notified that the City does not consider itself liable.
From A.E.E. Clark, re crushed rock contract referring to a former communication. Filed.
From H.A. Mellon re condition of Robson Street. Referred to the Engineer to examine and report.
From Henry Taylor, asking for crossing on Pender Street between Burrard and Bute Streets. Referred to the Engineer to have a crossing put in.
From Miss Kendall, Contractor for crushed rock per her agent James Williams, asking for ten percent held back on rock contract.
Resolved that an estimate for $600 be passed on account, also a final estimate for Thomas Veitch, delivery of rock to date.
From D.B. Charleson also from E. Nichools, as to condition of Pender Street. Laid over pending estimates.
From C.J. Marani re grading of lane in Block 29, Subdivision 54, south of Hastings Street. Laid over.
From J. Chase, asking that land in Block 35, sub 2000 be opened. Laid over pending estimates.
[Volume 8, Page] 179
From James England asking when the City expects to start the wood block paving as the Gas Co. desire to get in their permanent mains before the paving begins.
Resolved that he be informed that it is proposed to start in about 2 months if a majority of the ratepayers owning the properties fronting on same do not petition against it.
From Captain H. Newcomb complaining of the unsanitary condition of the lane in rear of his premises Front Street.
Resolved that Mr. Towler be notified to remove his hencoops etc, from the lane at once as the lane is to be graded.
Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to write to the Government Engineer requesting that the dredger Mud Lark which is now in Burrard Inlet be set to work to remove the sand bank at the entrance to False Creek.
Resolved that His Worship, the Mayor and Alderman Painter be requested to see Messrs Oppenheimer Brothers to find out what they would be willing to take for the three-cornered piece proposed to be expropriated from Lots H2 Block 1. DL 196, corner of Alexander & Carroll Streets.
Resolved that His Worship the Mayor, the Chairman of the Board of Works, the City Engineer and the City Solicitor be appointed a Committee with power to act in regard to the retaining wall required to support crabbing etc. at Seaton Street opposite Red Cross Brewery.
Resolved that this Board recommends that an amendment be made in the City Charter giving the Council the power to enter into contracts extending over a period of one year, in matters connected with the ordinary expenditure of the City.
The following tenders were received and opened:
Hardware: Thomas Dunn& Co, McLennan & McFeely and Vancouver Hardware Co. Laid over for examination.
[Volume 8, Page] 180
Lumber: Tenders were received from the BC Timber and Trading Co, Hastings Mill, Robertson & Hackett and W.H. Tait & Sons.
As the tenders were all the same, they were filed. The orders for lumber to be distributed among the mills as was done last year.
Resolved that tenders be called up to 4pm on Thursday the 17th of March 1898 for the following:
Crushed rock for use on streets, contract to be for five years.
W.T. Dalton, architect submitted plans for a brick warehouse to be erected by Martin and Robertson on Water Street between the Hudson’s Bay Co and Mr. McClary’s Buildings.
Laid over to find out If permission has been obtained from the Hudson Bay Co by Messrs Martin and Robertson to build the wooden piers as shown on plans against brick wall.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $150.45
Clarke & Stuart supplies $6.45
V. Straube supplies $.50
Robertson & Hackett supplies $6.00
BCMT & P Co supplies $194.86
Evans,Coleman & Evans supplies $1.60
Signed H.J. Painter,
Moved by Alderman Painter;
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the following account be paid:
M. Rockett etal work on new City Hall $104.50
[Volume 8, Page] 181
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the matter of increased accommodation at the Jail for prisoners be left in the hands of the Police Committee with power to act according to their best judgement. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Townley; Seconded by Alderman Painter
- That in pursuance of a resolution passed on Monday the 14th instant, Saturday the 5th day of March 1898 be the day fixed for the taking of the Vote of the electors upon the question “shall the Liquor License By-Law be emended so as to provide for the issuing of a License to a Music Hall for the sale of beer and light wines in connection therewith ?”
- That the following places be fixed for taking such votes:
(a) Ward One – Old school house, Burrard Street
(b) Ward Two – Fire Hall, No 2 Seymour Street
(c) Ward Three – old City Hall, Powell Street
(d) Ward Four – New City Hall, Westminster Avenue
(e) Ward Five – Fire Hall, Ninth Avenue
3. That the following parties be appointed Deputy Returning Officers:
Ward One – H.G. Holman
Ward Two – W.H. Carter
Ward Three – William Price
Ward Four – Thomas H. Robson
Ward Five – John Devine
The council then adjourned.
James F. Garden,
Mayor Thomas
Francis McGuigan,
City Clerk