Aldermen McQueen and Brown propose that as the 200 acres of tidal flats east of the Westminster Bridge (today’s Main Street) are “a nuisance to the public” and “of no use to anyone” that the City try to acquire the land to be filled in “for public places of resort and parks”.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Rachel Hennessy
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives Item : SGN 1115 –
[Shoreline area of False Creek flats]
Text: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 7 pages 465 – 473
To see or download photos of the original handwritten pages for this date, click on the buttons below (3 parts):
[Volume 7 page] 465
Vancouver, February 22nd 1897
The council met on Monday February 22nd 1897.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McQueen, McPhaiden,
Clandenning, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. MacDonald, and Coldwell.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
From S.A. Wye asking for a grant of $300 for the City Band.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Sarah A. Clements, Secretary of the Alexandra orphanage, asking for a grant of $650.00
Referred to the Finance Committee
From George Martin, C.M.C. South Vancouver asking for the opening up of Heather Street to the City Boundary.
Referred to the Board of Works
From David A. Dairon etal, asking for a sidewalk on 7th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works
From F. M Simms etal, asking for sidewalk on Grant Street and Clark Drive.
Referred to the Board of Works
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights
From the Minister of Education, stating that if a proper petition was presented to the legislature, that the Charter would be amended to allow married women to vote for school trustees to be eligible to act as school trustees.
Referred to the City Solicitor
Page 466
From J. M. Whitehead stating that he had been appointed Consul for Belgium
From the City Solicitor stating that no lane could be acquired except by the consent of all the property owners or by expropriation.
From the Secretary to the Governor General acknowledging the receipt of $500 contributed by the council to the India Famine Fund.
From the Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor thanking the Council for the grant made towards the Indian Relief Fund.
From F.J. Rodney etal, dealers in cigars and tobacco asking the council to impose a licence on dealers in these lines
Referred to the City Solicitor
The following reports were received and read
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday, February 18th, 1897.
Present the full Board
Three petitions for improvements on Heather, Grove and Princess Streets were laid over pending the estimates.
Mr. Henderson of Henderson’s Directory asked the Board in regard to having numbers placed on all the houses in the city which are not yet numbered.
He was informed that the City provides the numbers free but parties getting them were expected to tack them up themselves.
[Volume 7 Page] 467
From J. Cleveland stating that shack no 244 Princess St. was unsafe.
Communication filed as the shack is on private property and cannot fall down to hurt anybody, the only trouble being that it is dirty and the windows broken.
From Jun Kee, 28 Dupont Street, submitting a rough pencil sketch of proposed addition in rear or premises.
Resolved that all plans for structures South of Dupont Street within the fire limits be submitted to the City Engineer and Health Inspector conjointly to examine into to see if same are satisfactory and report, and when proper plans and specifications which can be filed in the Engineers office are submitted for approval they will be taken into consideration by the Board in keeping with the terms of the resolution on the numbers or members? of the council.
Resolved that the owners of building on Cordova Street situated on Lot 8 Block DL 2 be notified through their agent that the old verandah in front of same building on both the Cordova and Abbott fronts must be removed as soon as possible
From the City Solicitor stating that before he can take action in regard to registering lanes in Block 100 and 104 Sub 196 and Block 49 Sub 181 all the owners or mortgagees must sign the petition and the sum of 50 cts for each lot be paid for expenses of search at Land Registry Office.
Resolved that the Solicitor be requested to report whether the lanes cannot be put through under the Local Improvement System, the property owners to pay 2/3 and the city 1/3 of cost
Resolved that as there are so many men applying for work the City Engineer be authorized to put a few extra men at work
[Volume 7 page] 468
in each ward under the foreman provided they come with a written declaration from the Aldermen for the ward in which they live.
The following account was recommended for payment:
Evans Coleman & Evans Supplies $45.60
Sgd. H.P. Shaw
Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the report be adopted
Finance Committee
The Finance committee met on Friday February 19th 1897
Present the full Board
Mr. R.G Tatlow Chairman of the Park Commissioners interviewed the board and asked for a grant pending the compilation of the estimates.
He submitted a plan showing the proposed improvements
It was resolved that $15.00 be advanced, as part of their appropriation.
The following contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
Printing News Advertiser
Advertising News Advertiser & World
Drugs McDowell & Co.
Hardware Ths. Dunn & Co.
From J. Arthur Evans & Co. of London, England making a proposition for the constructions of a smelter in Vancouver.
Referred to the Smelter Committee
From Miss E.M. Breeze asking for a grant in aid of the Young Women’s Christian Association
[Volume 7 page] Page 469
Resolved that, as we have very little to go on as to the past workings of the institution, and as it is the intention of the Council at an early date to make provision for the care of sick women we cannot see our way clear to recommend a grant being given to the above institution
The following tenders were received for the furnishing of a typewriter
Clarke & Stuart
Smith-Premier No 1 $115
Smith-Premier No 2 $125
Smith-Premier No 4 $135
Smith-Premier No 3 $145
Caligraph Latest improved $125
Caligragh wide Carriage $135
Remington $125
Remington wide carriage $135
Thomson Bros.
Caligraph No 4 $95
B.E Lyster
Remington No. 6 1897 Model New $125
Remington No. 7 1897 Model New $127.50
The Barlock New $120
The Hammond for wide paper new $120
Yost Second Hand $75
Caligraph Second Hand $50
Smith-Premier Second Hand $100
and keep machines in repair.
Referred to Aldermen McQueen and Brown to select and purchase.
Resolved that Jun Kee whose goods were damaged by water on Dupont Street when the shacks in the rear were destroyed be paid the amount of the damaged fixed by the valuators viz $159.25
Sgn Jas McQueen
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Brown.
[Volume 7 page] Page 470
That the last clause be struck out and the balance of the Report adopted
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday February 17th, 1897.
Present the full board, The following accounts were recommended for payments:
Weeks & Robson Supplies $7.75
C F Foreman Supplies $78.81
J.A Skinner & Co. Supplies $4.50
C.S. Philp Supplies $13.55
McDowell & Co. Supplies $70.43
M.J. James Supplies $17.45
V. Straube Labor $1.50
Evans Coleman & Evans Supplies $31.46
Cleeve Canning& Cold Storage Co Supplies $4.50
Miss Earle Nursing $45
J. Dodson Supplies $17
J. Stevens & Son Supplies .50
Ths. Dunn & Co. Supplies $22.78
W.J. McGuigan Inquest $10.00
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing $63.27
Dominion Fish Co. Supplies $7.35
Wm Urquhart Supplies $5.50
J C Woodrow Supplies $66.92
Miss E. Wilkinson Nursing 40.
Crowder & Penzer Supplies $21.74
Dr. A Poole Post Morten $10
From the Matron of the hospital asking for certain supplies
Left in the hands of chairman
From the Matron of the hospital reporting that she had engaged Mrs. Tod (have?) as night nurse temporarily at $30 per month
Resolved that her appointment be confirmed
[Volume 7 page] 471
From P.C. Van Horn etal asking the committee to contribute $1.25 a week for the support of Mrs. Cole.
Resolved that they be informed that Mrs. Cole will be received into the Alexandra Orphanage whenever she sees fit to go.
From A. Harris offering lots 11 & 12, Block 38, DL 541 for $1600 for extending the hospital grounds.
Filed for reference
From the Milk Inspector furnishing report
Resolved that 4 more switches be put in the new hospital and one in the old building
Sgd D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman MacDonald WS.
That the report be adopted
Moved by Alderman Neelands
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning
That the sympathy of this council be extended to our colleague Alderman H.P Shaw on account of his having received the sad news of the death of his brother J.P. Shaw at Emsdale Ont. and that he be granted leave of absence for one month to attend to his brother’s obsequies and the settlement of his affairs.
Moved by Alderman Neelands
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That each ward be allowed the same number of days labor from Chain gang from the time the started to cut brush
[Volume 7 page] 472
Moved in amendment by Alderman Coldwell.
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning
That the matter be left in the hands of the Board of Works to arrange.
Amendment carried.
Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That Angus MacDonald be re-appointed Electrical Inspector
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Brown
Whereas east of a bridge crossing False Creek known as the Westminster Avenue Bridge there exists large tidal flats comprising about 200 acres and west
The Bridge crossing Coal Harbour to Stanley Park there also exists a large area of tidal flats both these areas being situate within the limits of the City of Vancouver.
And whereas both the above areas are no use or value commercially or for the purposes of navigation and are dry at low tide the tide when receding leaving deposits and offensive matter thereon and by reason of their being flat and subject to overflow by the tide it is impossible to effectively drain the same in consequence thereof the said areas are and will become more and more a nuisance to the public as time goes on and the population of the city increases
And whereas if the said areas and flats were reclaimed they would become of great use and service to the public for public places of resort and parks.
And whereas if the said areas are allowed to remain as they are they are a detriment to the public and of no value to any one.
The Mayor and Corporation of the City of Vancouver humbly request that you will procure such legislative steps to be taken that as your opinion may be necessary to vest the said areas and flats
[Volume 7 page] 473
in the Corporation of the City of Vancouver for public purposes so that they may be re-claimed and become of use and ornament to the public instead of a nuisance as they are at present.
And that a copy to be forwarded to the Minister of the Interior and member for the district.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the By-Law to amend By-Law no 162 be reconsidered and finally passed and be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
The Council then adjourned
W. Templeton
Thos P McGuigan
City Clerk