Vancouver to Borrow $150,000 – February 25, 1895

A By-Law to borrow $150,000 against the year’s anticipated income was given third reading. They Mayor and the Chairman of the Finance Committee were given authority to negotiate the loan. Meanwhile, the week’s Relief Pay Roll of $162.85 and a $140.00 sanitary grate for the hospital were authorized to be paid .

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer YVR Mike

original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 439 – 448

to see photos of original handwritten minutes from this date: part one | part two

[Volume 6 page] 439

Vancouver February 25th 1895

The Council net on Monday Feburary 25th 1895.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Alderman Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Thomas, W. P. Brown, and Bethune.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Aulay Morrison stating that a lien has been filed against the City of Vancouver in connection with the reservoir contract.
Referred to the Water & Lights Committee.

From C.F. Monckton asking that the City be advertised in Great Britain.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From the Secretary of the Library Board asking for an appropriation of $3600.
Laid over for Estimates.

From A. W. Scoullar asking for the appointment of a Plumbing Examiner.
Referred to the Board of Works

From A. M Beattie stating that he would not pay any more rent under his market lease.
Referred to the F. Market & Police Committee

From J. P. Turner claiming the reward for the detection and conviction of a party caught breaking windows.
Referred to the F. Market & Police Committee

From S. Tunstall Esq, MD certifying that Louis Pormuls was affected with heart disease.
Referred to the Health Committee.

[Volume 6 page] 440

From S. Nichols et al. asking that Ontario Street be opened up.
Referred to the Board of Works

The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday February 22nd 1895.
Present the full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

H. M. Henderson Salary $60.00
Bank of Montreal Cashing Coupons 57.00
S. J. Emanuels Mimeograph 6.00


From Oppenheimer Bros. and Inman & Thomson, asking for the refund of taxes on lots along the C. P. R. Right of Way.
Referred to the assessor to adjust and report upon.

From J. C. Vermilyea claiming that he has been over assessed in past on lots owned by him on Granville Street.
Referred to the assessor for report.

From Rand Bros. asking for the renewal of the west area held by them on the hospital.
Request granted.

That the different committees be requested to send in their estimates as soon as possible.

sgd H.P. McCraney

[Volume 6 page] 441

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown.
Seconded by ” Bethune.

That the Report be adopted.

Police Committee

The Police Committee met on Monday February 25th 1895
Present the full board.


From T Kirpatrick et al. asking that a hydrant be placed on Powell Street near the Brewery.

That a hydrant be put in as soon as a pipe of sufficient capacity is laid down the street.

That an advertisement be inserted calling for applications for a fireman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of S. Calkins such applications to be received up to March 12th.

That the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to have repairs made to No. 1 Fire Hall and that he be instructed to report upon the cost of lowering No 2 Fire Hall.

That Geo Richardson temporarily appointed to fill the position of fireman in place of S. Calkins resigned, be paid at the rate of $45.00 per month, dating from the 20th of January 1895 until a successor to S. Calkins is appointed.

That tenders be called for making two wheels for the engine at No 3 Firehall.

Resolved that a By-Law be introduced to

[Volume 6 page] 442

amend the Trades License By-Law to provide for the reduction of the Billiard & Pool License to $10.00 a year.

That the question of the insurance of the Police Force be referred to the City Solicitor.

The consideration of the communication from A.M. Beattie re the Market is still under the consideration of the Committee who visited said market and Fire Hall on the 11th inst.

From P. Fewster and S. Harcus asking that the express stand be removed from the present location.
That the location be moved to Carrall Street south of Hastings Street on the west side.

From the Chief of Police reporting the absence of Sargeant Haywood on sick leave and the resumption of Officer Johnston of his duties.

From M.G. McLeod asking an increase of salary.
Laid over

That Officer Grady be appointed Jailer.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

C.S. Philp – supplies – $7.89
Fred Edwards – express – .75
McIntosh & Co – supplies – 36.75
F. Filion – ” – 12.25
Diplock & Co – ” – 2.40
Dunn & Co – ” 5.29

[Volume 6 page] 442

J. McDowell, Supplies $1.25
Crowder + Penzer ” 77.47
Van Elec Ry + L Co. ” 18.10
J. McLaren Fares 9.75

sgd W. H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by ” Bethune

That the Report be adopted.

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday February 20th 1895.

Present Aldermen McPhaiden, Wm Brown and Queen.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Diplock + co. Supplies $1.15
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 62.82
Crowder + Penzer Supplies 49.90
Champion + White Scavengering 4.67
Evans, Colman + Evans Supplies 35.00
Weeks + Robson ” 5.75
McLennan + McFeely ” 5.25
J. C. Douglas ” 13.50
H. McCraney Express .75
W. H. DeBou Supplies 62.96
Texas Lake Ice Co ” 1.00
F. Filion ” 6.30
Nelson + Martin ” 16.25
Gas co ” 5.05
B. C. M T + T Co ” 18.60
Mellish + Gray ” 75.25
News-Advertiser ” 7.50
F. Filion ” 83.94

[Volume 6 page] 444

Crowder + Penzer Supplies $3.71
G. S. McConnell ” 11.25
C. Nelson ” 94.15
C. S. Philp ” 57.41
C. Nelson ” 4.10
Clarke + Stuart ” 4.75
C. Nelson ” 2.70
City Printing Works ” 2.00
Champion + White ” 7.75
F. L. Budlong ” 10.00
Wm Ralph ” 4.60
F. Filion ” 24.41
Creamer + Langley ” 2.75
Russell McDonald + co ” 4.35
News-Advertiser ” 2.25
B. C. M. T. + T. Co ” 8.00
W. C. Marshall Express 3.00
J. H. Hatch Supplies 1.00
Diplock + co ” 1.00

The following tenders were received for painting and Kalsomining the interior of the City Hospital:-
J. K. Davis, J. Rogers, J. C. Rowley, Geo Evans etal, L. J. Cady, Clarkson + Mayne and E. F. McGarrigle.

That the tender of Clarkson + Mayne be recommended for acceptance.

The tenders were received for washing, one from the Pioneer Steam Laundry and the other from Mrs. Smith.

That the tender of Mrs. Smith be recommended for acceptance.

[Volume 6 page] 445

From Mellon, Smith + co and Innes and Richards asking for the insurance on the City Hospital up to $2000.

That the insurance be given to Mellon, Smith + co provided the Company is a Canadian or British one.

From George Phillips tendering on a sanitary grate for the City Hospital.
Referred to the City Engineer

From J. Macfie asking for ventilation at the City Hospital.

From Bridge and Hunter asking for consideration and justice[?] regarding the testing of milk

From F. Humphreys asking for an increase of salary
Laid over.

That the telegraph poles be removed from the hospital grounds.

That the Chairman be authorized to purchase clothing for the Mooney of the City Hospital and also to take whatever action he may deem necessary regarding Crazy George.

Sgd D. McPhaiden

[Volume 6 page] 446

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” Queen
That a clause be added to the report to provide for the awarding of a contract to Geo Phillips for the construction of a sanitary grate in the City Hospital for the sum of $140.00

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” Thomas
That the clause in the Report awarding the washing contract to Mrs Smith be struck out and that new tenders be called.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” Queen
That the words:- “Providing the Company is a Canadian or British one” be struck out of the clause awarding the insurance on the hospital to Mellon, Smith + co.

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the Report as amended be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McCraney.
Seconded by ” Gallagher.
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to raise $150000 in anticipation of the receipt of the Current Year’s Revenue.

The By-Law was read a first time

[Volume 6 page] 447


Moved by Alderman Shaw.
Seconded by ” McPhaiden.
That the Relief Pay Roll for the week ending Feb 23rd 1895 amounting to $162.85 be paid.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” Bethune.
That the Mayor and Chairman of the Finance committee be authorized to make the necessary arrangements for a loan under the provisions of By-Law No. 122

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by ” McPhaiden.
That the appointment of Officer McLeod as jailer be rescinded.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown.
Seconded by ” McCraney.
That unless the Street Railway Company comply with the notice already served on them to construct the track on Granville Street between Pacific and Drake Streets on a permanent basis in accordance with the notice that proceedings be taken against them to enforce compliance or such other proceedings as may be considered advisable.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” Queen
That the Rules be again suspended and the By0Law to raise $150000 read a 2nd time.

[Volume 6 page] 448

The Council went into Committee of the Whole for its consideration with the Mayor in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

The rules were again suspended at it was read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney seconded by Alderman Queen.

The Council then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk