Popular Aldermen Get Two-Year Term – Feb 29, 1892

market hall and auction shed 1895
Market Hall & auction shed on Main Street ca. 1895 photo courtesy City of Vancouver archives

Alderman McGuigan led opposition to the proposal that the Aldermen with the highest number of votes be appointed for a two-year term; proposal carried nevertheless. Rates raised for the rental of the Market Hall for all users, including the Zion Church and the W.C.T.U. (Women’s Christian Temperance Union). The Board of Health confirmed that the Chinese man confined on Darcy Island did have leprosy. Where permission is granted for property owner to excavate under the sidewalk, the owner must provide proper bearings to support stone sidewalks. $9 rent granted for Mrs. West.

This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by the Woodward family

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 684 – 692Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 684 – 692

[Vol 4 page 684]
Vancouver February 29th 1892

The Council met on Monday February 29th 1892.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Connor, Collins, McGuigan, McCraney, Mills, Gavin, Odlum and Franklin.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:

From the City Auditor submitting report for January. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From W.J. Pattison et all complaining about the crematory nuisance. Referred to the Health Committee.

From E. Myers withdrawing his tender on Ontario Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From G.W. Thomas reporting on the market receipts. Filed.

From Bell-Irving & Paterson asking for the return of their cheque on water pipes tender.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by Alderman Collins
That the cheque be returned as soon as contract is signed by the sureties. Carried.

From J. Buntzen et al asking for the opening up of 5th Av. Referred to Board of Works.

From F.G. Vernon acknowledging receipt of resolution re lands on banks of Capilano above dam. Filed.

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From G.W. Hobson secy of underwriters stating that no grant could be made towards the purchase of a chemical engine. Filed.

From L. Gill drawing attention to the condition of 6th Av. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Geo Gagen drawing attention to several abuses in connection with the City Hospital and the streets. Referred to Health and Works.

From Peter Walgreen stating that he was not satisfied with the opinion of the City Solicitor. Filed.

From E.B. Sentell et al asking for the opening up of Grove Crescent. Referred to the Board of Works.

From L.G. McPhillips submitting a petition from the Law Society of Vancouver and addressed to the Legislature praying for the appointment of a residence judge etc.
Moved by Alderman Connor
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the petition be endorsed and forwarded to Mr. Horne. Carried.

From the Health Inspector reporting on the slaughter houses. Filed.

From the Chairman of the Board of Health stating that he had visited Darcy Island and examined the Chinaman sent there from Vancouver and found him to be a leper. Filed.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights. Filed.

From the President of the Vancouver Electric

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Railway & Light Co stating that he would sell for $550,000.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Anderson
That the matter be laid over for one week. Carried.

The following reports were received and read:

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday February 26th 1892.
Present: Aldermen Anderson, Odlum and Mills.
t was recommended that the following accounts be paid:
John McKeown, Expenses to Westminster $3.00
M.G. McLeod, Expenses to Westminster 3.00
T.F. McGuigan, Expenses to Westminster 3.00
News Advertiser, Ads 16.00
Bank of B.C., Interest 2.92
sgd. R.A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by Alderman Mills
That the report be adopted. Carried.

Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Friday February 26th 1892.
Present: Aldermen Collins, McCraney, Odlum and Gavin.
It was recommended:
That the following accounts be paid:
H.G. Muller, Rent of house for Mrs. West $9.00
John McLaren, Fares 2.00
M.G. McLeod, Fares 3.00
T. Thomson & Co, Drayage 1.50

[Vol 4 page 687]

Wm Ralph, Supplies $5.40
W.D. Brydone-Jack, Rental Ex 5.00
H.H. Otway, Drayage 1.50
Wm Ralph, Repairs 5.00

That Officer Harris’ salary be raised $10.00 a month from Feb 13th 1892 as per regulations.

That Alderman Gavin and the Chief of Police be authorized to interview Mrs. West with a view of ascertaining if she wishes to leave the country.

That all previous regulations in regard to the rent of the Market Hall be rescinded and the following put in force:

Charge Zion Church $25.00 per month for their Sunday services and $1.50 for attendance per Sunday.
Charge the W.C.T.U. after church $2.50 per meeting.
Charge the W.C.T.U. or other church party from abroad $5.00 per lecture.
Charge meetings during week $35.00 per night.
Charge for local charitable purpose $10.00 per night.
Charge for outside charitable purpose $35 per night.
Charge all comers $1.50 for each attendance.
The amount of the attendance to be paid to the Market Clerk for his own use.
And further that the Zion Church congregation be notified that these regulations will come into effect as far as they are concerned after the first of April.
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman Franklin
That the Report be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by Alderman Odlum
That that portion relating to Zion Church be struck out. Amendment lost. Motion carried.

[Vol 4 page 688]

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday Feb 25th 1892.
Present: Aldermen McCraney, Gavin and Franklin.

It was recommended:

That Geo W. Weeks be permitted to erect a rough shed in the rear of the lot on the corner of Pender & Seymour Streets provided he conforms with the provisions of the By-Law.

That a covered box drain be constructed on Keefer Street and Westminster Av under the supervision of the City Engineer.

That E. Cook be permitted to excavate under the sidewalk on Cordova Street provided he conforms to the following general resolution: “That in all cases hereafter where permission is given to excavate under sidewalks the owner is to put in proper bearings for stone sidewalks.”

That the account of Dr. Kendall for placing the jaws of the rock crusher amounting to $43.50 be credited against his monthly rental for same.

That the application to repair the St. Charles Hotel corner Pender & Seymour Streets be refused on the report of the Fire Inspector, the damage by fire exceeding 25 per cent.

That the entire control and management of all matters in connection with the sewers inclusive of their extension and repair be under the directions of the City Engineer.

That the deposit of Thos Thomas contractor for lanes in Blocks 6, 7, 19, 20, 21 & 32 be

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held by the City Treasurer and the work re-let, said Thos Thomas having withdrawn his tender for same.

That the following tenders be accepted:
Ontario Street grading, E. Myers
Keefer St grading, H.B. Connacher
Eight Av grading, Gibbons & Myers
Lanes B 50 & 81, 541, E. Myers
Lanes B 14, 18 & 31, 185, Hobson Bros
Lanes B 8 & 22, 185, Gibbons & Myers
Richards St sidewalk, Thos Bayley
Howe St sidewalk, W. Jones
Lumber, Buse Mill Co
Nails, McLennan & McFeely

That the tender of E. Myers of $375.00 lump sum for lanes in Blocks 19 & 32, 185 grading be accepted in place of Thos Thomas whose tender for said lanes is withdrawn, and it is further resolved that the grading of the lanes in Blocks 6 & 20 and Blocks 7 & 21, 185 be held over until a later date.

That the following accounts be paid:
W.H. Fraser, City Hospital $541.58
R.G. McKay, Dressed sidewalk 8.20
J. Anderson, Dressed sidewalk 10.60
E.C. Britton, Granville St 278.57
E. Buse, Lumber 134.91
D. McDonald, Crossings 31.10
H. Lomas et al, Labor 419.50

sgd H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Franklin
That clause relating to the awarding of Ontario Street grading be referred back to the Board of Works. Carried.

[Vol 4 page 690]

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman McCraney
That the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.

A. St. G. Hamersley, City Solicitor, presented the proposed amendments to the City Charter. The Council went into Committee of the Whole for their consideration, Alderman Anderson in the chair.
The amendments were read over clause by clause.

Alderman McGuigan took exception to the clause relating to a two years term for Aldermen receiving the highest number of votes and was supported by his worship the Mayor and Alderman Collins.

Alderman Connor entered his protest against the clause relating to the regulation of certain trades and the license to be imposed thereon.

The Committee then rose and reported the amendments as complete.

Moved by Alderman Connor
Seconded by Alderman Odlum
That the amendments as passed in Committee of the Whole be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by Alderman Anderson
That the clause relating to a two years term for Aldermen be struck out. Amendment lost. Motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by Alderman Anderson
That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with Mr. Morris.

[Vol 4 page 691]
and inform him that acting under the advice of the City Solicitor the Council does not deem it prudent to grant his request regarding the erection of an oil warehouse on the corner of Powell St and Columbia Av. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman Odlum
That Alderman Collins be granted 4 weeks leave of absence. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman Connor
That F.W. Boultbee, Secretary to the Water Works, and H. J. Franklin, Clerk, be appointed by the City to those positions respectively, the former at a salary of $100.00 per month and the latter at $50.00 per month. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman Mills
That the F.W. & L. Committee be empowered to accept the lowest tender for pipe for immediate delivery for a main on Westminster Avenue from present main north of False Creek to 13th Av or thereabouts. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That whereas the Dominion Government has refused to make any provision for the care, guarding and segregating of lepers within the Province and has alleged that the matter is one placed within the control of the Provincial Government under the British North America Act;
And whereas the safe keeping, guarding and segregating of lepers is necessary to the protection of the people of the City of Vancouver and of the Province generally from a loathsome disease;

[Vol 4 page 692]

Therefore be it resolved that the representatives of the City in the Legislature be requested to urge upon the Provincial Government the justice and necessity of establishing and maintaining a Lazaretto at Darcy Island or some other place and of making regulations for the apprehension of lepers and for their confinement to the Lazaretto. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Mills
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That we purchase a Morrison duplex recharging chemical fire engine from the Gutta Percha Manufacturing Company of Toronto for $2740.00 delivered free at the fire hall Vancouver. Carried.
Alderman Odlum reported verbally that a conference took place between his Committee and Mr Pretty in regard to a fish freezing establishment but no agreement was arrived at.

Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the report be received and the Committee discharged. Carried.
The Board then adjourned.
F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk