Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899

Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899
1899 Waterous Steam Engine

Fire Chief Carlisle Engineer A.W. Cameron selected the following equipment for purchase: Steam Fire Engine, Waterous Engine Co.; Aerial Truck, also from the Waterous Engine Co.; Hose, 2000 ft. from Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., 1750 ft being Eureka hose and 250 ft. Maltese Cross Hose; Fire Alarm Boxes five from A. A. Andrews, two with keys and three keyless.

J.A. Preston, Andrew Waddell and John Jackson were appointed as policemen.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Marie-Claude Tremblay

Source: COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 2-11

[Volume 9 page] 2

Vancouver February 27th 1899.

The Council met on Monday February 27th 1899.

Present – His Worship the Mayor, and Aldermen

Grant, Gilmour, Skinner, McQueen, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce, and Wood.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From J.P. Curtis etal. Recommending J.A. Byers for the position of police officer.
Filed for reference.

From Col Macdonald of the Department of Militia and Defence enclosing applications from light housekeeper on Stanley Park and asking if there was any objection to the granting of same.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by ” Grant.
That an acre more be recommended to be granted on Brockton Point but that no more land be granted at any other point.

Moved by Alderman Bruce (in Amendment)
Seconded by ” Wood
That the request of Macdonald be granted.

Moved by Alderman Skinner (amendment to Amendment)
Seconded by ” Foreman
That the matter be referred to the Park Commissaries for their written report.

Amendment to the Amendment Carried.

From A.G. Long agreeing to accept terms for the payment of the Chemical Engine in case his tender was accepted.

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by ” Gilmour.
That in the event of the City Solicitor giving his opinion that it is legal to accept Mr. Long’s offer re Chemical Engine that the Fire and Police Committee by empowered to purchase the engine on his terms as stated in his letter of February 27th 1899.

From Miss Clandenning Toronto. Stating that she would be unable to report for duty before April 20th 1899.

[Volume 9 page] 3

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by ” Foreman.
That the position be kept open for her until that date.

From A. Shead complaining that the By-law in regard to plumbing was not property carried out.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From Rev. A.J. Underhill complaining that he got his surplice torn by a rose bush on the Cemetery grounds.
Referred to the Health Committee

From Geo. D. Scott asking for improvements on Davie Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From P. M. Smith asking for grading on Pendrill [Pendrell] Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. P. Scott offering a quarry on the North Arm of Inlet for $2500.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Mrs Marshall asking the Council to come out and view her proposed improvements on Stanley Park Bridge.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Alderman Brown submitting prices of Library Sites.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Evans, Coleman & Evans complaining of delay in the signing of their contract for Supplies for water works.

From the City Engineer asking for leave of absence to make an examination of the water works system of the City of Nanaimo such time to be deducted off his annual allowance of 10 days.

[Volume 9 page] 4

Moved by Alderman Gilmour
Seconded by ” McQueen
That his request be granted but that the time be not deducted from his annual allowance of ten days.

From Alderman McQueen asking for six weeks leave of absence.

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by ” Grant.
That his request be granted and that Alderman Skinner be appointed to act on his Committees during his absence.

The following Reports were received and read: –

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on February 23rd 1899. Present the full Board.


From Mrs A. E. E. Clark Contractor for crushed rock re Beach on False Creek.
Laid over until next week.

From C. Stimson Agent for Miss Kendall offering the quarry at the North Arm of the Inlet for the sum of $15,000.
Recommended to the Council that the offer be accepted at the regular price of $13000 Mr. Stimson having agreed at the meeting to accept this reduced figure.

From Davis, Marshall and Macneill re the North end of Denman Street with a view to arrange a Settlement.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Evans, Coleman & Evans re Sewer outlet at their wharf.
Referred to the City Engineer to have what is necessary done.

From P.H Barrett etal. asking for a sidewalk on the East side of Dunbar Avenue from Barnard to Prior.
Ordered to be done.

[Volume 9 page] 5

From J.M. McKinnon etal. re paving Hastings Street from Granville Street to Burrard Street with wood block under the Local Improvements.
List of owners to be prepared for next meeting.

From M. Logan etal. Asking for better sidewalk North Side of Georgia Street from Broughton to Nicola.
Already in Estimates

From H.G. Hebdin etal. asking for extension of sidewalk on Comox Street.
Already in Estimates

From C. Hailstone in reference to certain improvements promised at Court of Revision.
Already in Estimates.

From owners dedicating ten feet for a lane in Block 100 D.L. 196.
Referred to the City Solicitor to have same registered as a lane.

From WH. Young re sewage accommodation for Lot 12, Block 2.185.
Laid over

From J. Lilby asking for some planks for sidewalk to lay down at St. George St and, also referring to condition of ditch at 10th.
Referred to Alderman Bruce.

Several petitions were laid over to be considered with the Estimates.

The draft estimates for the year were submitted and discussed.

Resolved station the owners of Lots South of the lane in Block 11 D.L. 541 paying for DL out of the revenue the City Treasurer to Collect the amount of $2.00 for each lot from the owners.

The following accounts were recommended for payment: –

Pay Roll$1091.80
Mowat & Keen627.83
McDonald Bros.1.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans5.20
W. L. Tait16.00

[Volume 9 page] 6

The Board was adjourned.

Sgd Alex Bruce

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by ¨ Foreman.
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to the purchase of the quarry.

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday February 22nd 1899.

Present: – Aldermen Brown, McQueen, Wood and McGuigan.

An application for a water main on Maple Street was received from Y.L. Grimms etal.
Referred to the City Engineer.

HJ. Franklin applied for an increase of salary.
Laid over for the Estimates.

It was moved by Alderman McQueen that the Chairman and the City Engineer be empowered to procure the necessary appliances for running a camp for laying a new main on the North side of the Narrows.

It was resolved to accept the amended tender of Evans, Coleman & Evans for pig lead $15.75 per ton of 2240 lbs.

The following accounts were recommended for payment: –

C.M. HenshawSupplies$261.05
Mining Critic10.50
Clarke & Stuart9.60
Crowder & Penzer44.03
B.C.M.T. & T. Co.27.00
Van City Iron Works136.20
Water Works PayRollLabor597.93

Sgd Wm Brown.

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Secondary by Alderman Bruce.
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 9 page] 7

The Finance committee met on Friday February 24th 1899.
Present: – the full Board.

The following account was recommended for payment: –

Mining CriticSupplies$750

The following Contract was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto: –

The Valley Dairy Co.Milk.


From L.G. Henderson of Henderson Directory Co. soliciting order.
Filed for reference.

From Wm Godfrey, Manager of the Bank of B.N.A. asking to have the debentures lately purchased by him printed in denominations of $1000.
Resolved that his request be granted.

A deputation from the Board of Fire Underwriters waited upon the Committee in reference to insurance rates.
They promised to take this whole question into consideration.

Sgd James McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by ” Wood.
That the Report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday February 21st 1899.
Present: – the full Board.

The following tenders were received for fire supplies:

Goodyear Rubber Hose Co. Portland

Pearless [sic] Jacket rubber lined80 cts per ft.
Paragon 2 ply rubber lined90 cts ” “

[Volume 9 page] 8

Eureka 3 ply rubber lined$1.00 per foot.

These prices F.O.B. [free on board] Vancouver duty not paid.

Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co.

Maltese Bros.4 ply rubber.$1.05
Red Cross.75
Baker Fabric.90
New PeerlessCotton Jacket.75
New Surprise.80
Jubilee” knit.70
Underwriters” woven.60

Canadian Rubber Co.

Engine[?]90 cts [cents].
Patrat [sic – Patriot?]80

Chicago Fire Hose Co.

Chicago Fire Jacket Brand88 cts per ft.

American Fire Hose Co.

Jacket Hose coupled77 cts per ft.
American double Jacket1.04 cts per ft.

Freight and duty paid.

HP. Dunn & Co

Eureka Fire Hosedelivered$1.25 per ft.

Aerial Truck

LaFrance Fire Engine Co
Waterous Engine Co.
John. D. RonaldF.O.B. Brussels.2900

Chemical Engines

AG. LongChampion 3½$3000
Painter & ThurstonHalloway2478
Ronald Co.Halloway$2100 & $2300
ChampionF.O.B. Brussels2100 & 2300
Muskegon” “2300 & 2600.

[Volume 9 page] 9

Fire Engines

Painter & T[h]urston Solsby
$6500 & $6800
” “Clapp & Jones6000 & 6250
” “Amoskeag Engine6950 & 7500.
John D. Ronald
4500 & 4800
American Fire Engine Co.
Waterous Engine Co.
American Fire Engine Co.

Fire Alarm Boxes

Gamewell Fire Alarm Co. San Francisco$125 & $75 per box
” ” per A.A. Andrews94 ” “
Chas Stimson non interference F.O.B. Montreal75 ” “
” ” Sector Box60 ” “

All these tenders were referred to the Chief of the Fire Department for examination.
The Board then adjourned until Monday at 1 P.M.

The Fire and Police met on Monday February 27th 1899.
Present: – the full Board.

The following tenders were accepted on the recommendation of Chief Carlisle of the Fire Department and A.W. Cameron Engineer: –

Steam Fire Engine, Waterous Engine Co.

Aerial Truck, ” “

Hose, 2000 ft. from Gutta Percha & Rubber Co.

1750 ft being Eureka hose and 250 ft. Maltese Bros. Hose.

Fire Alarm Boxes five from A.A. Andrews three with Keys and two Keyless.

Mr. A.G. Long representing the Chemical (Champion) Engine Co. proposed that in Case there was not a sufficiency of funds that he would be prepared to make such terms of payment as might suit the convenience of the Council.
Recommended to the favorable consideration of the Council provided the interest is fixed at 3½ per cent.

Sgd H. B. Gilmour.

[Volume 9 page] 10


Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by ” Gilmour.
That the sum of $100 be granted the Salvation Army in lieu of payment of taxes.

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by ” Foreman.
That the City accept Evans, Coleman & Evans amended tender for the supply of pig lead.

Moved by Alderman Gilmour.
Seconded by ” Foreman.
That the Council proceed to ballot for the appointment of three policemen.

After a number of ballots was taken it was found that J.A. Preston, Andrew Waddell and John Jackson received a majority of the votes of the Council.
They were declared elected.

Introduction of By Laws.

Moved by Alderman Skinner
Seconded by ” Wood.
That the following By-Law be read a first time viz: –
A By-Law to amend By-Law to amend By-Law No 32.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by ” Gilmour
That the following By-Laws be read a first time: –

  1. A By-Law to strike the rate for 1899.

[Volume 9 page] 11

2. A By-Law to provide the remuneration for Mayor.

3. A By-Law to provide the remuneration for Aldermen.

4. A By-Law to [p?alsly] exempt from taxation all Civic improvements.


The Council then adjourned.
James T. Garden

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk