The Health Officer reported two cases of diptheria in December 1893. Council overturns its former decision to allow Oppenheimer Brothers to construct a railway siding to their premises. By-law established to elect an Alderman for Ward No 2 and two School Trustees to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations received at the last meeting.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 652 – 656
[volume 5 page 652]
Vancouver BC January 2nd 1894
The Council met on Tuesday 2nd January 1894.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Cargill Hobson Salsbury Towler Brown McCraney Collins Franklin & Hackett
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted
From Dr Thomas. Medical Health Officer reporting that there were two cases of diptheria during the month of December. Filed
From Chas E. Hope, complaining about the sewer connection with some cottages at the corner of Georgia and Hamilton Streets owned by Francis Crosbie.
Referred to Board of Works
From J.W. McFarland, offering to accept $90.00 in connection with J. J. Nickson’s claim against Sewers.
Referred to Board of Works.
From W. Webster, asking if any decision had been given in the case of Vancouver vs. C. P. R. re title to the water front of the City of Vancouver.
Referred to City Solicitor.
From Chas Duncan of Duncan & Hamilton asking to be given six months’ auctioneer’s license for $50.00.
Referred to Finance Committee
The following reports were received and read
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on December 28th 1893.
Present Alderman McCraney, Brown Franklin Hackett and Salsbury.
[volume 5 page 653]
It was recommended:-
That the matter of the amount and nature of the Bond of J. M. Hollands be submitted to the City Solicitor for his decision.
That the former resolution giving Messrs Oppenheimer Bros permission to construct a siding on Columbia Avenue across Powell St and alongside their premises be and is hereby rescinded.
That Mr. D. McGillivray be paid the sum of $750.00 instead of the sum of $516.30 already offered as a final settlement in full of all demands of whatsoever nature for extra haulage in connection with his street paving contract.
That tenders be called up till 3 pm on Thursday 18th January 1894 for the following new work
Clearing in Sub: 182
That tenders be called up till 3 pm on Thursday the 25th January 1894 for the following new work
Bituminous Rock Paving
a) Granville St between Robson & Hastings Streets
b) Hastings St “ Carrall & Cambie Sts
c) Basement drain on Granville St.
That the following accounts be recommended for payment
S.T. Tilley & Son Stationery $4.65
H. Lomas et al Pay Roll 119.60
Signed J.P McCraney
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded “ Salsbury
That the report be adopted. Carried.
[volume 5 page 654]
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 29th 1893
Present Alderman Cargill Anderson Collins Hobson & Brown
It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be recommended for payment
The World P & P. Co Supplies $70.39
S.T. Tilley & Son “ 10.50
Shelton & Co Ballot Boxes 31.50
Hammersley & Hamilton Disbursements 132.21
The B.C. Gazette Gazetting Bylaws 238.75
Signed W. Cargill
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded “ Brown
That the report be adopted. Carried
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday December 29th 1893
Present Alderman Collins, Cargill Towler & Hobson
It was recommended:-
That one half the total amount of the note amounting to $90.00 be paid to D. Brydone-Jack when the note is paid in full settlement of his claim.
That tenders be called for drugs for so much a month or by items for the Health Department for the year 1894.
That Miss O’Brien be placed on the Hospital staff in place of Miss Bean.
That the following accounts be recommended for payment
G.I. Wilson Supplies $3.10
[volume 5 page 655]
C.S. Philp Supplies $22.47
The B.C.D.T. & D. Co Message to Small pox hospital .50
William Ralph Supplies 1.70
Leatherdale & Co Hack hire 10.00
William Ralph Supplies 11.55
Crowder & Penzer “ 140.41
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 64.67
R.A. Baynes Cordwood 110.00
James Ruth Supplies 1.40
F.W. Hart Burial 10.00
David Rush 12 dys at Isolation Hospital 24.00
Signed Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded “ Towler
That the report be adopted
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded “ Brown
That Alderman Collins’ resignation be accepted. Carried
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Hobson
That a By Law to provide for the election of an Alderman to fill the vacancy in Ward No 2, caused by the resignation of Alderman Collins and two School Trustees vice Messrs Brown & Collins resignation be read a first time. Carried
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded “ Towler
That the Water Works Pay Roll, amounting to $371.10 be paid. Carried
[volume 5 page 656]
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded “ Towler
That the Council give notice to every City Official working at the City Hall and every City Employee, who is getting Two dollars & fifty cents per day and upwards that their services are not required after thirty days from this date and that the Mayor name a Committee of five, one from each Ward, said committee to have power to call for applications and to arrange a salary for each position to be filled for the year 1894.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman McCraney
That this question be brought to the notice of the new Council and Water Commisioners with a recommendation to them to investigate the Officers and salaries attached thereto with a view to re-adjustment. Carried
Consideration of Bylaws
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded “ Brown
That the rules be suspended and the Bylaw re election of an Alderman for Ward 1 and two School Trustees be read a second time. Carried.
The Council went into Committee of the whole for its consideration with Alderman Cargill in the chair.
The Bylaw was read over clause by clause and reported to Council complete
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded “ Franklin
That the rules be suspended and the Bylaw was read a third time.
The Council then adjourned
F. Cope