The Fire Water & Light Committee proposed that the Capilano Waterworks upon its completion be overseen by Assistant Engineer J. P. Lawson, freeing up City Engineer to attend to other matters. This clause was struck out of their report: only Aldermen McGuigan and Franklin supported the original proposal. Another report of the Special Committee on Street Railways was adopted, although Aldermen Collins and Scoullar had moved to table the report with no recommendations.
This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon
Illustration: Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Ci Dept P13
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 258 – 264
[volume 5 page 258]
Vancouver January 3rd 1893
The Council met on Tuesday January 3rd 1893.
Present. His Worship the Mayor, and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Franklin, Odlum, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Bodwell & Irving asking for the taxed costs in the case of Dowack vs the City
Referred to the City Solicitor
From H. Abbott acknowleding (sic) receipt of resolutions of Council re building of terminal station etc.
From the Free Library furnishing annual report
Referred to the Finance Committee
From the City Solicitor stating that Costello & Munro were entitled to a return of their deposit.
From John Brenton in reference to a fence near John Dowell’s residence
Referred to the Board of Works
From J.M. Holland asking for the return of his deposit
Action already taken
From. W.H.L. Tyrell asking for compensation for being quarantined.
The following Reports were received and read:
Finance F.W.& L Committee
The F.W.& L Committee met on Friday December 30th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins, McGuigan, Odlum, and Mills
It was recommended:-
1. That the Communication from the Board of Works asking the Committee to provide funds for clearing in 185 be laid over until all the signatures are obtained
[vol 5 pg 266]
2. That the Communication from Messrs Bell Irving and Paterson re the appointment of a 3rd party to settle this dispute with them be referred to the City Solicitor.
3. That the following accounts be paid:-
The World P & P Co. Advertising $28.15
The News. Advertiser “ etc. 92.15
Wm Cowederoy Clerical Work 60.00
W.B. Fisher “ “ 60.00
Sgd. R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.
F.W. & L. Committee,
The F.W. & L. Committee met on Thursday December 29th 1892
Present Aldermen Franklin, McGuigan, Mills and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Gurney Cab Co Drayage $2.00
J.C. Campbell Supplies 7.00
Van Carriage Works “ 2.00
Palmer Bros “ 20.16
S.S. Clyde Freight charges 7.00
Veitch & Nickson Laying water pipes 1511.33
W.P. Turner et al Labor 434.05
Thos Veitch Team of horses 550.00
2. That the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Indian Department, Ottawa for a copy of the Document given to the late Vancouver Water Works Co permitting them to cross the Indian Reserve on Capilano Creek
3. That H.F. Perkins be promoted to the position of teamster for Fire Hall No 3 Mount Pleasant at a salary of $55 per month
[vol 5 pg 267]
dating from the 1st January and that Wm Elliott be appointed to a position on the Chemical engine at a salary of $45.00 per month from the 1st of January 1893.
4. That as the water extension is now about completed we would recommend that at their completion, the City Engineer be no longer required to give his personal attention to the work owing to other pressing business requiring his attention re sewerage and street paving etc as we are of the opinion that this part of the City business can now be satisfactorily performed by a suitable person in charge of the work department who will be required to personally see to the men starting work in the morning, keep accounts of time and materials, be responsible for the proper water service and give the committee a correct monthly account of all work done on a proper approved form suitable for publication in the press. We would further recommend that J.P. Lawson, the assistant Engineer be appointed to take charge of this work at the commencement of the new year and to cease his connection with the Board of Works department, to be responsible to the F.W. & L. Committee.
This would reduce the cost of the Board of Works Department and at the same time enable the F.W. & L. Committee to know their exact expenditures as under the present arrangement they do know owing to the Board of Works being charged with the Engineers Salary and his time not being charged to the Water works department, that department has not had to pay what it really should have done.
Sgd J.L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That Clause 4 be struck out. Carried
[vol 5 pg 268]
Yeas Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McCraney, Odlum, Gavin, & Mills
Nays McGuigan and Franklin
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the balance of the Report be adopted
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday December 29th 1892
Present Aldermen McCraney, Gavin, Franklin and Scoullar
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Thos M Thomas Lanes $10.00
do do 14th & 15th Avs 10.00
do do Quebec St 285.00
Keil & Kerr Drayage 2.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans Sewer pipe 213.00
2. That the City Engineer notify Messrs Evans Coleman & Evans, agents for the BC Pottery & Terra Cotta Co, to send a representative in order to come to a settlement as to the question of the claims for extras preferred by the contractors and to arrive at an understanding as to the question of the percentage held back which is dependent on the settlement of the questions of the claims and that an official order for the pipes required for section 8 only be given.
3. Re the account of Murray & Fraser for extras on Dunlevy Av in 1890. This Board claims that the City has already paid all the money due to Messrs Murray & Fraser on their contract for Oppenheimer St.
4. Re the charge from the Trades & Labor Council
[vol 5 pg 269]
that D. McGillivray had sublet part of his work on Cordova Street that Board having no knowledge that he had done so would request the said Trades Council to furnish facts and proof of subletting
5. That the City pays the costs of all renewals to the rock crusher provided Dr. Kendall gives the City an order so that same can be collected from his account.
6. That the Street Inspector be instructed to have the dangerous trees in the vicinity of Thos Fitzpatrick’s house, cut down as soon as possible
7. That the request of Thos Thomas re an extension of time for cleaning part of D.L. 185 be not granted and that the facts relating to said clearing be laid before the Finance Committee at its next meeting so that money will be furnished to carry on the work.
8. That the matter of a claim preferred by E. Fader for damage to a horse by falling rails belonging to Dr Powell on Richards Street be referred to the City Solicitor to look into and that the Street Inspector be instructed to make the excavation and its surroundings, as safe as possible for pedestrians or teams by letting off the water and doing such other work as may be necessary, the cost of said work to be charged to Dr Powell.
9. That as D.G. McLeod has not appeared before the Board in answer to a notification sent to him in order to substantiate the statements made by him in reference to City Contracts this Board recommends that his communication be filed.
10. That Geo. F. Rowenfells account for extras on 7th av be laid over.
[vol 5 pg 270]
11. That the communication from H. Connacher in reference to his claim for a plow be filed.
D.H. Morgan appeared before the Board in an answer to a notification asking him to attend to substantiate charges made by him against the City Engineer. He denied all knowledge of the communication and declared it to be a forgery.
Sgd H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Scouller
That $20.00 be held back and of the amound due Thos M. Thomas pending completion of certain work and that the balance of the Report be adopted.
Special Committee
Your committee appointed to examine into the proposition by the Vancouver Tramway and Electric Lighting Company beg to submit the following:-
1st The attached proposition of the Company to the City consisting of Seventeen sections which the Aldermen have had placed in their hands
2nd The suggestions of modification made by the Committee to the Board of Directors specially relating to clauses 7, 9, 12, 13, 16 and one additional marked A on attached sheet – said suggestions being adopted nu the Company
3rd In view of the fact that if any definite plan be adopted concerning this matter it more properly belongs to the work of the incoming Council to the favorable consideration of which the proposition is hereby recommended.
Sgd E. Odlum, Chairman
H.P. McCraney
H.L. Franklin
Vancouver Dec 31st 1892 R.A. Anderson
[vol 5 pg 271]
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That the Report be left over without any recommendation
Moved in Amendment by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.
Motion lost; amendment Carried
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the City Treasurer be instructed to return all forfeited reports in his hands Carried
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded “ Gavin
That the following account be paid:-
A.O. Leask Duty etc on Fire Appliances $95.96
The Council then adjourned
Thos F. McGuigan F. Cope
City Clerk Mayor