Mssrs. Armstrong and Morrison’s company will go ahead with producing riveted water mains, trusting that the By-Law to raise $1000000 for the extension of the Water Works will go through. However, the City will be saved harmless (not be obliged to buy the water mains) if the By-Law is defeated.
Source: COV S31 715 G 05 Vol 8
Pages 605 – 611
[Volume 8 page] 605
Vancouver January 3rd 1899.
The Council met on Tuesday January 3rd 1899.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From John G. Garvin asking for $1000 extra for re-assessing improvements at English Bay.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From Richmond Municipality asking the City to cooperate with them in having the Government widen the truck line to Eburne.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Rev. L. Norman Tucker asking for the reconsideration of the Hebblethwaite Case.
Referred to the Health Committee.
From Armstrong and Morrison stating that they would proceed with their riveted pipe contract and trust to the passage of the By-Law providing the funds.
From J. Buntzen General Manager of the B.C. Electric Co. complaining about the passing of the resolution compelling them to buy their supplies in Vancouver.
[Volume 8 page] 606
The following reports were received and read: –
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 30th 1898.
Present the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment: –
Gas Co. | Supplies | $7.55 |
B.C. Gazette | Advertising | 401.25 |
News Advertiser | “ | 17.40 |
Dominion Express Co. | Tags | 13.55 |
Mining Critic | Supplies | 176.90 |
The Province | Souvenir copies | 307.41 |
The Contracts for water works supplies were laid over pending the passage of a By-Law to provide the funds.
Resolved that a By-Law be introduced at the next meeting of the Council to raise the sum of $100000 for the extension of the water works system. Debentures to be for 40 years and bearing interest at the rate of 31/2 percent per annum.
Resolved that the Province account be paid for supplying 1000 souvenirs less $1000 charged for addressing and wrapping.
sgd Jas McQueen
Moved by Alderman McQueen,
Seconded by “ Painter,
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 8 page] 607
Water and Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday December 28th 1898
Present, Aldermen Brown, Neelands, McGuigan and McMorran.
Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to draw up the Contracts for water works supplies.
The following accounts were recommended for payment: –
John Boyd & Co. | Supplies | $179.40 |
Hastings Saw Mill | “ | 22.60 |
Robertson & Hackett | “ | 10.00 |
Robinson & Peppard | Teaming | 5. |
W.B. Harris | Repairs | 5.50 |
Armstrong & Morrison | Supplies | 89.00 |
Duke & Wallace | “ | 6.20 |
McLennan & McFeely | “ | 2.10 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | “ | 8.20 |
F.W. Boultbee | Duty | 15.60 |
Water Works Pay Roll | Labor | 657.06 |
sgd Wm Brown,
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ Neelands,
That the Report be adopted
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 31st day of December 1898.
Present the full Board.
From J.S. Creason etal asking for improvements on 6th Av Fairview.
Referred to the incoming Council.
Mr Sutherland interviewed the Board in regard to connecting with drain on Westminster Av
Referred to the Engineer.
[Volume 8 page] 608
The requests of Messrs Fair and Stinson to have the chaingang grade the respective lanes in rear of their premises were referred to the Engineer to see to.
The Engineer was authorized to have the following work done: –
Ward One.
Burrard St: 6 ft walk, westside from Comox St to Harwood Street.
Ward Two.
Water Street Single dressed sidewalk full width both sides from Abbott St to Cambie St.
Robson St: 6 ft walk on North Side from Granville to Richards.
The following accounts were recommended for payment: –
Mining Critic | Supplies | $6.40 |
Champion & White | “ | 13.75 |
R.C.P. Mills | “ | 55.78 |
S. Eldins | Labor | 1015.59 |
sgd H Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter,
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the Report be adopted
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to raise by way of Debentures the sum of $100,000 for the extension of the Water Works System.
The By-Law was accordingly introduced and read a first time.
[Volume 8 page] 609
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ Bruce,
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to give the polling places the time, and to appoint Deputy Returning Officer for taking the votes of the electors on the By-Law to raise $100,000 by way of debentures for the extension of the Water Works.
The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.
Moved by Alderman McPaiden
Seconded by “ Painter
That the By-Law to authorize the execution of three certain agreements with the B.C. Elec Ry Co be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman McQueen,
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a clause for insertion in the proposed agreement between Mssrs Armstrong and Morrison for the furnishing of riveted steel mains whereby they will agree to go on with the Contract and hold the City harmless in case the By-Law to provide the funds therefore is defeated. Such contract to be considered by the Finance Committee at next meeting.
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the Rules be again sus…
[Volume 8 page] 610
…pended to allow of the Second reading of the By-Law to raise $1000000 for the extension of the Water Works.
The By-Law was read a second time.
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ Bruce,
That the Rules be again suspended to allow of the Second reading of the By-Law to fix the polling places, the time and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers for taking the votes of the electors on the By-Law to raise $100,000 for the extension of the Water Works.
The By-Law was accordingly read a Second time.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden,
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the rules be suspended to allow of the Second reading of the By-Law to authorize the execution of three certain agreements with the B.C. Elec Ry Co.
The By-Law was accordingly read a Second time.
Moved by Alderman Brown,
Seconded by “ McQueen,
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Polling By-Law and the $100000 Loan By-Law.
Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman.
Each of these By-Laws were read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete without amendment.
The rules were again suspended and the Polling By-Law was read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Brown, seconded by Alder McQueen.
[Volume 8 page] 611
Moved by Alderman McPaiden
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Street Railway By-Laws and agreement.
Moved in Ammendment by Alderman Bruce,
Seconded by Alderman Brown,
That the By-Law be laid over for one week.
Ammendment carried.
The Council then adjourned
James F. Garden
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk