Council requests city departments to submit budgets for upcoming year. Request to federal government for contribution to upkeep and improvement of Stanley Park, as “said Park is to be used by the [city of Vancouver] only until the Government of Canada requires same for Military purposes“. Formation of committees for 1889 established.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 629-636
[volume 2 page 629]
Vancouver Jan 7th 1889
The Council for 1889 met on Monday January 7th 1889 at 12 O’clock Noon.
Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brewer, Brighouse, Clark, Costello, Howe, Lefevre, McConnell, Salsbury and Whetham.
His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer opened the proceedings with a lengthy address, foreshadowing the work for the year and giving a synopsis of the work of the past Council.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Horne. That a vote of Thanks be extended to His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer for his very efficient and exhaustive report to this Council on its first meeting. Carried.
From A. St. G. Hammersley, Hon. Sec of the Brockton Point, Athletic Club asking Council to have the road cleared around the Park Grounds.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That a sum not to exceed $350.00 be voted out of the Park funds for the construction of a road around the Park Grounds at Brockton
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Point and that the Park Commissioners be empowered to have the works carried out. Carried.
From A. St. G. Hammersley asking that the Mayor be empowered to sign the Lease of the Athletic grounds.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the Mayor be authorized to sign the Lease between the Corporation of the City of Vancouver and the Athletic Club. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the City Engineer be requested to make as soon as possible a correct map of the City on a large scale for the use of the Corporation and also lay before the Board of Works at an early date as possible an estimate of the public works necessary for the ensuing year Coupling with it the extension of Sewers when necessary. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Whetham. That His Worship, the Mayor be requested to write to and use his influence with the Provincial Government and particularly with the secure for this City a Land Registry Office. Carried.
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Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That unless the Capilano Water Works Company give to the City a guarantee that it will have its water service brought into the City at an early fixed date that this Council take steps to get an independent supply for itself. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Costello. That the City Clerk communicate with the Provincial Government and with the Council of the Municipality of Richmond to ascertain why work has not been commenced on the Bridge on the North Arm of the Fraser and the Roads agreed to be constructed have not been completed as agreed to by them severally. Carried.
Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the Chief of Police at once prepare a report in detail for the use of the Board of Police Commissioners showing what sums will be required by the Police Force during the year with the estimated cost of and incidental to the arrest and trial of offenders, adding the transportation to Provincial Gaol, a list in detail of the possible requirements of the Police Department during same time. Carried.
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Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That His Worship the Mayor be requested to write officially to the Department of Justice urging upon the Minister the necessity for the appointment of a County Court Judge for this City.
And further that His Worship also write to the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture to learn what is the intention of the Department with respect to the building of Immigrant Sheds in this city and the appointment of a Government Agent.
And further that he write to the Hon. the Minister of Marine and Fisheries asking that the Government should convey to the Corporation the Fore Shore of False Creek as heretofore petitioned for.
And further that he also write to D. Chisholm Esq M.P. urging upon him to press the necessity for these demands upon the Government. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Whetham. That the Medical Staff of the Hospital be requested to send in as soon as possible to the Chairman of the Board of Health the estimated cost and expenses of every kind which will be necessary in connection with the Hospital during the year, also showing in detail what will be the require-
[volume 2 page 633]
ments of the Hospital during the same period. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the Chief of the Fire Brigade be requested at as early a date as possible to send to the chairman of the F. W. & L. Committee the estimated cost and expenses of the Fire Department with a list in detail of the possible requirements of the Department during the current year. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman McConnell. Whereas from the absence of this Port being a Quarantine Station great expenditure has been incurred by the City during the last year in protecting the public health the amount in all exceeding $ [no dollar figure provided]
And whereas the greater port if not the whole of this expenditure would not have to be borne by the Corporation had such Station been established here.
And whereas from the increasing trade of the Port the Corporation will at all times be subject to the further risks of being compelled in self protection to expend very large sums which should not be borne by the taxpayers but by the Dominion Government.
Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the
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City of Vancouver in Council assembled that in Justice to this City and its inhabitants the Government of Canada should at once establish a Quarantine Hospital and Station at this Port and relieve the taxpayers from a burden that should not be borne by them but by the Dominion at large.
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk with the Corporate Seal of the City affixed be sent to the Minister of Agriculture and to D. Chisholm Esq M.P. our representative at Ottawa. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman Horne. Whereas the Corporation of the City of Vancouver has expended upwards of $30,000 in making roads through the Government Reserve in this City now known as Stanley Park.
And whereas said Park is to be used by the Corporation only until the Government of Canada requires same for Military purposes.
And whereas said Park in a State of Nature would be impossible for troops or war material without a large expenditure of money and the roads and drives made by the City being of a substantial and permanent kind will enable such troops and war material to move at once to any point of said Park.
And whereas it is the intention of the City to make other roads and drives
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through said Park from year to year and are willing to made same to such points as may be indicated by any military Engineer appointed by the Government for that purpose.
Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council Assembled that the Government be requested to make a grant on account of the sums already expended by the Corporation and make a yearly grant for the purpose of further improving same from year to year.
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk with the Corporate seal affixed be forwarded to Hon. Sir Adolphe P. Caron, Knight Minister of Militia and Defence and Donald Chisholm Esq M.P. our representative. Carried.
The following Standing Committees were struck for the year.
Finance Committee.
Ald. Salsbury
Ald. Whetham
Ald. Clark
Ald. Costello
Ald. Lefevre
Board of Works
Alderman Brewer, Brighouse, Horne, McConnell and Oppenheimer.
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Fire, Water & Light
Ald Oppenheimer
Ald Brighouse
Ald Whetham
Ald Clark
Ald McConnell
Board of Health
Ald Lefevre
Ald Salsbury
Ald Whetham
Ald Brewer
Ald Costello
Police Committee
Ald McConnell
Ald Salsbury
Ald Horne
Ald Brewer
Ald Lefevre
His Worship suggested that the Boards meet weekly on the following days.
Board of Health, Tuesday at 8 P.M.
Board of F. W. & L., Wednesday at 8 P.M.
Board of Works, Thursday at 8 P.M.
Board of Finance, Friday at 8 P.M.
And the Police Committee whenever convenient.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk