Vancouver Hospital Rules Amended – January 7, 1899

Vancouver Hospital 1902
Vancouver Hospital, 530 Cambie Street, 1902

The only proposed amendment that “cannot be agreed to” by Council was “on the approval of the Medical Board” after Council’s decision.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: COV BU P 369
Man and nurses on lawn in front of the Vancouver City Hospital – 530 Cambie Street

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 612 – 613

[Volume 8 page] 612

Vancouver, January 7th 1899

The Council met on Saturday January 7th, 1899.
Present: His worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, McQueen, McPhaiden, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.

The object of the meeting was to consider the proposed Agreement for the regulation of the City Hospital.

The following letter was received from the Secretary of the Hospital Medical Board:

“That the rules and regulations for the “Medical Staff”, as submitted to the Medical Board be amended as follows:

Clause I

That the words “on the approval of the Medical Board” be inserted, after the word “Council” on the first line.

Clause V

That the hours of attendance be changed from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Clause VIII

That this clause be eliminated and the following inserted in its place.

“An Attendance Book shall be kept at the Hospital in which the visiting physician of the week shall enter the date and time of his visit”.

Clause XIV

That this clause be eliminated, as not being in the best interest of the Hospital.

Sgd A.M. Robertson
Hon Sec’y

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman Bruce.
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider the proposed Rules with the Mayor in the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
That the suggestion of the Medical Staff to insert the words “on the approval ….

[Volume 8 page] 613

…. of the Medical Board” cannot be agreed to.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Painter.
That the appointments on the Medical Staff be made subject to the approval of the Medical Staff and the words be inserted.

Amendment lost; Motion carried.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
That the suggestions, as to the clause 5 be agreed to.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
That the suggestions, as to clause 8 be agreed to.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
That the suggestion as to the striking of clause 14 be agreed to.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman McMorran.
That the Committee rise and report progress and that the foregoing resolutions be sent to the Medical Staff.

The Council then adjourned.

James F Garden

ThP F. McGuigan.
City Clerk