Charles G. Johson and John Devine to audit Vancouver’s 1886 accounts – January 10, 1887

Use of City Hall for County Court granted to the Provincial Government free of charge. Two bidders present plans to supply water works to Vancouver: E. A. Wilmot of the Coquitlam Water Works Company and G. A. Keefer of the the Capilano Water Works Company. Chas. G. Johnson and John Devine appointed to audit the accounts of 1886, at a remuneration of $25 each

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 213-221

[page 213]

Vancouver Jan 10th 1886 (sic)

The Council met on Monday Jan 10th 1887 at 7.30. P.M.

Present His Worship Mayor MacLean (presiding) Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer, I. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Thos. Birmingham re the ornamenting of the City with trees. Laid on the table.

From the Sun Life Assurance Company asking for information regarding Street Bonds and the debt of the City. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Messrs. McIntosh and McTaggart acknowledging receipt of $6,900 debentures and showing that 5.00 was still due. Referred to the Finance Committee.

Thos. C. Sorby drawing the attention of the City Council to the irregular shape of Cordova St and asking that it be remedied before being built upon. Filed.


The following applications were received for the position of City Auditors:-
Chas. G. Johnson, John Rankin, John Devine, M.M. Picken and F. Cotton.

[page 214]


J.H. Carlisle to Moving Safe $26.00 F.W.L.
Edwin Ridd, work on Aldexander St. 3.00 By W.
Walter Ashford, Milk 6.50 Health
S.L. Lilley, Stationery 13.10 Finance
A.J. Matheson, hauling Wood 2.00 Health & Finance
Hasting Mill Co. repairing Engine 10.00 F.W.L.
Robt. Couth, coal for City Hall 7.00 Finance


Fire Water and Light Committee

A meeting of the Fire Water and Light Committee was held on Saturday Jan 10th 1886 at 2 P.M. The following recommendations are submitted to Council:-

That from the Cursory glance given to the Charter by your Committee it does not appear that the Corporation has such power as would enable them to comply with the terms submitted by the Coquitlam Water Works Company namely for the quarantining of the interest on their debentures and it would be considered advisable that the Charter Committee should ascertain whether the Corporation have this power and if they have not that the Charter be amended in that direction.

That this Council be Authorized to purchase Street Lamps and make the necessary arrangements for lighting the City – provided under By-Law No. 12.

That the Fire Inspector be instructed to see that Clauses 6 and 16 of the Fire By-Law be carried into effect.

sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Chairman

Report adopted.

I. Oppenheimer – Mannion

[page 215]

Finance Committee

A Full Meeting of the Finance Committee was held on Monday Jan 5th 1887 at 7 P.M.

The following report is submitted:-

That all Certificates or Indentures now issued at ten per cent interest be recalled and that arrangements be made for payments of all outstanding accounts.

That further time be asked from the Council re the consideration of issuing debentures until the reports of the different Committees giving estimates of expenditures for the current year are received.
Your Committee would recommend that two Auditors be approved to Audit the accounts for the last year and that they receive twenty five dollars cash for such audit.

That an Auditor be appointed for the current year to make monthly audits and receive and remuneration one hundred and twenty dollars per year.

sgd., D. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Report adopted on Motion of Ald. Hamilton seconded by Ald. Clark

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday Jan. 6th and Monday Jan 10th 1887 at 2 P.M. respectively.

The following report is submitted:-

[page 216]

We have opened the tenders for the partitioning off of the City Hall for the Mayor and Engineer’s Offices but before recommending the awarding of the contract to the lowest bidder we have instructed the City Engineer to prepare plans and estimates of the cost of creating an addition to the East of the City Hall and also the cost of removing the cells outside the main building and partitioning off the space occupied by them for offices.

This action we trust we be approved of by Council.

We have asked for tenders for the planking of Westminster Avenue 20 feet wide and the laying of a sidewalk 8 feet wide on the East side and have received one tender from Mr. Hawkins for said work:-
Sidewalks per Lineal ft 57cents

Planking for B.M $17.50

Considering his tender as being too high we do not feel justified in recommending its acceptance by Council.

[motion 121]

We would recommend that a contract be set for the clearing and grubbing of three acres of the land selected for a public cemetery.

We have instructed the City Engineers to prepare a colour plan of the ground proposed to be drained and sewered and the estimated cost thereof.

The City Engineers having submitted and estimate showing that work to the amount of $1800 had been

[page 217]

completed on Cambie Street by Messrs. Boyd and Clandenning we would recommend that Bonds to the

Amount of 90% of the estimate submitted by paid to the said contractors.

We have authorized the purchase of 3000 feet of plank to finish the sidewalk on Westminster Avenue on the South Side of False Creek and have asked for tenders for the grading and planking of Columbia Avenue in accordance with the petition of the property owners on said Avenue.

We recommend that an appropriation to the amount of $500.00 be made out of the Street Debentures Fund for the purpose of planking or otherwise making passable the low places on Westminster Avenue.

sgd L.A. Hamilton

Report adopted on motion of Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Ald Lefevre.

From the Property owners on Westminster Avenue praying the Council to pass a By-Law for the planking and Sidewalking of said Avenue.

Referred to the B. of Works

The tenders for the City Printing for the year was received and referred to the Finance Committee for examination.

C.G. Johnson, County Court Registrar appeared before the Bar of the Council

[page 218]

and asked for the free use of the City Hall for holding of Court until such time as the Government would make other arrangements.

[motion no 122]

Moved by Ald. D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Humphries that the City Hall be tendered to the Provincial Government for County Court purposes free of charge with all the requisites included until such time as they make other arrangements. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries that the power conferred on the last Finance Committee re the furnishing of the City Hall be transferred to the present Finance Committee.


Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander that in consideration of the Bank of British Columbia in Vancouver advancing to the City of Vancouver by permitting said City to overdraw its account from time to time to an amount not exceeding the sum of $10,000.00 this Council hereby pledges and hypothecates the taxes of this year to said Bank to secure the repayment to said Bank of the of the amount advanced by it to said Corporation with interest on the sums so from time to time advanced at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the date of such advances respectively.

[page 219]

And be it further resolved that the mayor and City Clerk be hereby authorized to forward to said Bank the promissory note of this Corporation for the above Amount as Collateral security for the repayment of said advance and enclose with said promissory note a copy of this resolution. Carried.

G.A. Keefer of the Capilano Water Works Company and E.A. Wilmot – President of the Coquitlam Water Works Company appeared before the Bar of the Council and outlined their respective schemes for the introduction of Water Works into the City.

[motion no. 123]

Moved by Alderman I. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mannion that as the Coquitlam Water Works company’s scheme has been before the F.W. & L. Committee it is resolved that the Capilano Water Works Company’s scheme be referred to the said Committee to report on both. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer that Thursday evening Jan 13th at 7.30. P.M. be the Hour appointed for the Meeting of the Charter Committee. Carried.


Alderman L.A. Hamilton introduced a By-Law for the Appointment of Auditors for auditing the accounts of
[page 220]

the year 1886 which was read a first and second time.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Alexander that Chas. G. Johnson be appointed one of the Auditors. Yeas 7. Nays 3.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Alexander that John Rankin be appointed the other Auditor. Yeast 3. Nays 7.

Moved by Ald Humphries seconded by Alderman Mannion that J. Muir Picken by appointed one of the Auditors. Yeas 2. Nays 8.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer that John Devine be appointed one of the Auditors. Yeas 5. Nays 5.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Mannion that F. Cotton be appointed one of the Auditors. Yeas 2. Nays 8.

On a second vote being taken Chas. G. Johnson and John Devine were declared appointed.

The Council then went into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Hamilton in the Chair.

In Committee the By-Law was numbered 26 and read over Clause by Clause after which the Committee rose to report progress.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by I. Oppenheimer that By-Law 25 be now read a third time. Carried.

[page 221]

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer that By-Law No 25 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and a copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication. Carried.

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries that it is considered advisable to appoint an officer to act as License, Fire and Health Inspector and with that view instruct the Finance Committee to report what salary should be paid to said officer. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk