This ship is the HMS Imperieuse from the Fire and Police Committee Report. Officer Butler arrested two runaway sailors from Imperieuse but had to turn in the reward money to the Department.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives CVA Bo P131.2
HMS Imperieuse in Burrard Inlet 1898s
Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8, pages 115 – 122
To see original handwritten pages for this document, please click on the buttons below (3 parts)
The Council met on Monday January 10th 1898
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.
From H. Newcomb complaining about a lane between Dufferin and Front Streets on Mount Pleasant. Referred to the Health Inspector & Board of Works.
From I. Oppenheimer thanking the Mayor, Council and City Officials for the tokens of esteem accorded by them at the funeral of his brother David.
Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the City Clerk be instructed to prepare and forward a letter of condolence to the friends of the late D. Oppenheimer.
From J. R. Linton, asking the Council to sign a document addressed to the Dominion Government, that they had no objection to him getting a title to the lots he has squatted on in rear of the Sunnyside Hotel. Filed.
From the Park Commissioners asking for a grant of $500 in anticipation of their yearly grant. Referred to the Finance Committee.
[Volume 8, Page 116]
From Lt Col Worsnop & Officers wishing the Mayor and Council a Happy New Year. Filed.
From McClary Manufacturing Co quoting prices on street signs. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Davis Marshall & Macneill, asking for the settlement of the claim of P. W. Thompson. Referred to the City Solicitor.
For the World P&P Co tendering the Mayor and Council copies of their Klondike edition and asking them to subscribe for a number of copies. Referred to the Finance Committee.
From W.S. Copland etal, asking the Council to clear a portion of the Beach at English Bay. Referred to next year’s Council.
The following Reports were received and read:
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday January 5th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McPhaiden, Painter, Neelands and W.S. MacDonald
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
J. C. Woodrow supplies $50.47
A. Desrochers supplies $86.68
E. Clough drayage $1.50
City Grocery Co supplies $106.53
J.G. Johnstone repairs $6.90
U.S.S. Co tug hire $60.00
A. Nosste labor $4.75
J. Dodson supplies $21.00
City of Victoria supplies $44.35
William Ralph supplies $2.20
V. Straube repairs $3.90
[Volume 8, Page 117]
J. Carnaan drayage $6.00
News, Advertiser supplies $6.10
C.S. Philp supplies $40.36
Ivan Bushong supplies $69.40
William Collier repairs $3.00
M.S. Rose repairs $56.71
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $5.31
McDowell & Co supplies $59.04
John E. Barwick supplies $2.56
R. Marrion disbursements $2.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $39.31
R.A. Muskett supplies $12.90
W.J. McGrufair mental tax $5.00
From the Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health and City Clerk of Victoria, acknowledging receipt of communications from the City Clerk in reference to the Chinese Leper recently sent to Darcy Island. Filed.
From Miss Macfie furnishing monthly report. Filed.
From the Health Inspector and Medical Health Officer furnishing Annual Report. Resolved that the Report be filed for reference and copies forwarded to the Provincial Board of Health.
From Miss Macfie furnishing number of patients admitted into and discharged from the hospital during the year. Resolved that the communication be referred back for further particulars.
Signed D. McPhaiden,
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 8, Page 118]
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 6th of January 1898.
Present: Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McPhaiden and W.S. MacDonald
From Jasker etal, asking that the 6 ft walk on north side of Seventh Avenue be extended westerly from Quebec Street past their residences. Laid over.
From William Trythall & Son, asking for a plank walk to their new house on the south side of Nelson Street between Jervis and Broughton Streets. Referred to the Ward Foreman.
From James Webster, asking for lane to be opened back of Lot 6, Block 41, DL 302. Owners who are obstructing lane with their fences already notified.
Resolved that the Foreman for Ward Three lay an 8-foot single dressed walk on the north side of Hastings Street from Westminster Avenue to Heatley Avenue.
Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to send some rock to Alexander Street, as soon as possible.
Resolved that the Foreman for Ward Four be instructed to lay a 6-foot walk on Jackson Avenue on east side from Princess to Keefer.
[Volume 8, Page 119]
The Annual Report was read and discussed and with some minor alterations approved.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $140.77
Robertson & Hackett supplies $40.26
BCT & T Co supplies $526.61
E. J. Kendall supplies $333.77
Thomas Verhel delivering rock $132.25
S. Elkins labor $987.05
Signed H.J. Painter,
Moved by Alderman Bethune; Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Report be amended by inserting a clause granting the request of James Ker etal for a 6-foot sidewalk on 7th Avenue and that the balance of the Report be adopted as read. Carried.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 31st 1897.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Townley, McPhaiden and Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
BC Gazette advertising $127.00
News, Advertiser supplies $10.50
From D. Todd Lees, Soliciting a share of the City’s Klondike Advertising.
Referred to the Board of Trade for favorable consideration.
From W.D. Burdis, asking the Committee to favorably consider the return of an Auctioneer’s License paid by one Wells as he only used it once.
[Volume 8, Page 120]
The Board met again on Friday January 8th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Townley, McPhaiden and Brown
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Clarke & Stuart supplies $11.14
Walker & Robinson supplies $15.00
News, Advertiser supplies $13.44
The World P&P Co ads $17.82
BC Electric Railway Co lights $1765.23
Signed James McQueen, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Reports be adopted. Carried.
Fire and Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday December 28th 1897.
Present: Aldermen D.G. McDonald, McQueen, McPhaiden and W.S. MacDonald
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Robert Black supplies $82.50
News, Advertiser supplies $1.50
W. Gried & Co supplies $19.80
V. Straube supplies $21.10
Gas Co supplies $3.00
Webster Brothers supplies $1.75
M.S Rose supplies $6.00
C. Casselman supplies $3.65
G.W. Leonard supplies $.75
McDowell & Co supplies $4.57
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $15.01
A.E. Lees & Co supplies $11.00
D.J. McLean supplies $7.00
Mortimore Brothers supplies $115.50
F.A. Lee hack hire $1.75
From Thomas Crawford asking for two weeks leave of absence to undergo a surgical operation. Granted.
[Volume 8, Page 121]
From J.H. Smith complaining about boys coasting down Richards Street.
Being attended to.
From the Chief of the Fire Brigade reporting Alexander Macfarlane absent without leave on the 14th instant, and also for being intoxicated while on duty.
Resolved that he be punished for the offence by depriving him of his annual vacation and that he be informed that if he repeats the offence it will result in his summary dismissal. This rule to apply to all firemen who become intoxicated while on duty.
From the City Solicitor advising that Police Court Clerk McIntosh was entitled to retain the monies earned by him for making out the Returns to the Department of Justice Ottawa but that Officer Butler should pay in the reward received by him for arresting runaway sailors from H.M.S. Imperieuse. Resolved that following the advice of the City Solicitor, McIntosh be allowed to retain the monies earned by him and that Officer Butler pay to the City Treasurer the reward received by him.
From the Chief of the Fire Department reporting that five of the Fire Alarm boxes were out of order. Referred to the Chairman and Alderman W.S. MacDonald to look into and remedy.
Signed D.G. McDonald,
Moved by Alderman D.G. McDonald;
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
[Volume 8, Page 122]
Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the following account be paid
M. Rockett etal labor $261.60
Moved by Alderman Bethune; Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Vote of Thanks be extended to the world Printing and Publishing Co for the Klondike edition of their paper presented to the Mayor and Council.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Council stand adjourned until 10am on Monday next.
Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk
W. Brown
Mayor pro tem