Council for 1894 Wraps Up Business – January 14, 1895 10:00 am

Council for 1894 wrapped up business and heard final reports. Retiring Mayor Anderson and Alderman McDowell empowered to “represent the City in the Legislature to press the passage of the Charter Amendments” One last minute amendment to the City Charter was passed; that the non payment of taxes shall not debar parties from voting.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  YVR Mike

City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 376 – 384
original handwritten minutes from Jan 14 1895 10 am – click here

[Volume 6 page] 376

Vancouver January 14, 1895
The council met on Monday January 14th 1895 at 10 a.m.
Present Aldermen Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, C.L. Brown, and Bethune.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” C.L. Brown
That Alderman Bethune be appointed Chairman.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
Mayor Anderson arrived and took the Chair.

From Alderman McDowell recommending certain improvements and alterations of the Crematory and Hospital.
The following reports were received and read:

Water Committee
The Water Committee met on Tuesday January the 8th 1895 Present: Aldermen Wm. Brown, McPhaiden, and Bethune.
From McPhillips & Williams re Purdy & Williams estimate on Reservoir. Referred to the City Solicitor
Messes Ralston & Sherdahl waited on the Board asking for a reduction in water rates on Water.

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Street property.
It was resolved to wait until the meters placed on the first of January were read and to adjust the back rates on these readings.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Ths. H. Tracy. Expenses to Westminster $6.00
Western Dredging Co. Hire of Pile Driver 18.00
W. Hooper etal. Labor. 290.55
Geo Wright ” 5.00
sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the report be adopted

Police Committee

The Police Committee met on Wednesday January 9th 1895.
Present Aldermen C.L. Brown, McPhaiden and Wm Brown.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
The board then adjourned sine die.
sgd C.L. Brown

Moved by Alderman Wm. Brown
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the report be adopted

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday January the 11th 1895.
Present – the full board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
J.J. Cowderoy Clerical work $37.50
G. A. Roedde Supplies $19.50
Telephone Co Rent 37.90
Van Elec Ry & L. Co Supplies 5.00
B.C. T & D Co. Posting 2.00
News Advertiser [???????] 4.40
H. Kersey Supplies &c 19.25
Crowder & Penzer Supplies 64.59
Ellen Bloomfield Supplies 40.00
A St G Hamersly Law Costs 799.58
A.J. Paterson Clerical Work 11.25
A.J. Paterson etal Labor 87.00
A telegram was read from Hanson Bros. stating that if a decisive answer was not received to their offer for debentures they would be compelled to withdraw it.
The City Clerk was instructed to reply that a decisive answer would be sent when the decision on the legaity of the By-Law was given.
sgd W. F. Salsbury

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by ” Wm. Brown
That the report be adopted.

The Health Committee

The Health Committee met on January 9th 1895 Present Alderman McDowell, Wm Brown, C.L. Brown and McPhaiden.
From E. C. Coldwell, asking for an extension of time for connecting with the sewers. Say to the middle of March.
Resolved that she be granted the extension of time

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requested provided she signs a written agreement to have the connections made at the time specified.
Miss Macfie furnished the report on the hospital for December which was received and filed.
The following account was recommended for payment:
R.H. Caswell Milk Inspector $21.35
less for loss of [? unreadable] 50,
The City Clerk was instructed to order certain supplies from Mr. Pearce of London. Ont. for Mr. Bleach Lester
sgd John McDowell
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” McDowell
That the report be adopted
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on January 12th 1895
Present the following: Alderman McCraney, Queen, Shaw, C. L Brown and Wm Brown. A letter from Gideon Robertson asking permission to put in ventilators in sidewalk opposite Bailey Bros Store on Cordova Street to admit fresh air under the building was read. Permission granted jubject to the work being carried out to the satisfaction of the engineer
From Smith & Sons stating that the horse scraper ordered would be shipped immediately.
The grading of the lanes in Block 26, 200d was orderd to be done by the chain gang.
That the account of Mr. Nicolls for 139 ft sidewalk laid on Bute Street opposite his residence
[Volume 6 page] 379

be passed subject to being found correct by the Engineer.
The Chairman submitted his annual report which was approved.
sgd H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman C. L. Brown
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the report be adopted
[Volume 6 page] 381
The following annual reports were reviewed:
Board of Works
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” McDowell
That the clause in the Report recommending the fixing of the Bituminous rock pavement by Contract be struck out:
Carried Lost
That the Report was adopted as read.
The following other Reports were adopted without amendment: Finance, Water, Health, Police, Fire & Light Committies and the Report of the Plumbing Inspector
The Report of the Health Inspector was referred to the Health Committee.
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by ” Bethune
That the account of the Bank of Montreal for legal expenses amounting to $15.00 be paid.
Moved in ammendment by Alderman C.L. Brown.
Seconded by Alderman Shaw.
That the account be referred to the new Finance Committee.
Amendment Carried
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the following account be paid:
North Vancouver Road Tax $108.00
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the following account be paid:
Geo Wright: Labor. $5.00
[Volume 6 page] 382
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the following account be paid:
R. H. Casswell: Supplies etc. $20.85
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown.
Seconded by ” Bethune.
That the following accoung be paid:
A.K. Stuart: Address to Gnrl Booth $5.00
An agreement was submitted to Council regard ing the right of the City to lay water pipes up the Capilano, and to be exempt from taxation etc.
Referred to the Water Committee to carry out the details.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” McCraney
That the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign and affix the City Seal of the Corporation to the contract agreement between the City of Vancouver, and the Municipality of North Vancouver re: the right of way for the Water Works pipe line up the Capilano.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” C.L. Brown
That the Mayor and City Clerk be in structed to sign and affix the seal of the Corporation to the contract with W. H. Kendall for the supplying of crushed rock.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” C.L. Brown
That the retiring Mayor R. A. Anderson
[Volume 6 page] 383

be approved as one of the delgates to represent the City in the Legislature to press the passage of the Charter ammendments.


Alderman Mcdowell was unanimously chosen to be one of the delegates for the same purpose.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” McDowell

That the non payment of taxes shall not delay parties from voting and that the Charter be amended to that effect:


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” McDowell

That the Mayor vacate the Chair and that Alderman Wm Brown be appointed in his stead.


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” McDowell

That the thanks of this Council be extended to his Worship the Mayor for the able and impar tial manner in which he has filled the Chair during the past year and that the City Officials and the representations of the Press be completed with this motion.

The Mayor made a fitting reply.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Mayor Anderson

That the thanks of this Council be tendered to the retiring Aldermen.


Aldermen C.l. Brown and McDowell replied

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The Council then adjourned sine die.