Council for 1893 held its final meeting. John Johnstone to be paid $133.00 for election services.
This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 661-662
[volume 5 page 661]
Vancouver January 15th 1894
The Council met on Monday January 15th 1894 at 10 a.m.
Present. His Worship Mayor Cope, and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Hackett, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Towler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Brown
That the following account be paid:-
John Johnstone etal. Election services $133.00
The following Report was received, and read:-
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on January 12th 1894.
Present. The full Board.
It was recommended:
1. That the Communication from Mr McPhie asking for the extension of the 3 plank sidewalk on Dufferin St be referred to the Street Inspector for attention at once.
2. That Oppenheimer Bros. be granted permission to lay a track on the lane in Block 6.196 as far east as lots 32 & 21.
3. That tenders be called for the construction of a sewer across Georgia Street from the Crosbie Cottages.
4. That the amount of the award for the expropriation of a small portion of Lot 12.541, amounting to $369.90 be paid on delivery of the conveyance referred to in the award deeding over the portion expropriated to the City.
5. That the amount due by the City to the
[volume 5 page 662]
B.C. Pottery & Terra Cotta Co be paid into Court in pursuance to the order of the Judge.
6. That the amount due by the City to the B.C. Pottery Co be paid into Court in pursuance to the order of the Judge.
7. That the following account be paid:-
H. Lomas etal. Labor $53.10
sgd. H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Salsbury.
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Report be adopted.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Board of Works, F.W&L. Committee, Auditors Report, Medical Health Officer’s Report, Sewer Inspectors, Health Inspectors and Police Committee.
All were adopted.
The Council then adjourned sine die.