Council for 1900 sworn in, Committees Established – January 15, 1900

James F. Garden begins third term – January 15, 1900
City Council sworn in; Standing Committees formed

This transcript was made in July of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Sara Keay

and sponsored by Bruno Wall

Source: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 445 – 446

New Council

The New Council for 1900 met in the City Hall on Monday January 15th, 1900 at 12 M?
Present His Worship James F. Garden, Mayor and Alderman Robert Grant. Hugh P. Shaw. D. McPhaiden. W. J. McGuigan. C. F. Foreman. W. F. Barker, W.H Wood and T.S. Baxter.
After the Mayor and the members of the Council were sworn in the Mayor submitted these following names to constitute the Standing Committees:


Alderman McQueen
“ Shaw
“ McGuigan
“ Barker
“ Baxter

Board of Works

Alderman Grant
“ Neelands
“ McPhaiden
“ Foreman
“ Wood

Water and Market

Alderman Foreman
“ Shaw
“ McQueen
“ McGuigan
“ Baxter

Fire and Police

Alderman Wood
“ Shaw
“ Neelands
“ McPhaiden
“ Barker

[Volume 9 page] 446


Alderman McGuigan
“ Grant
“ McQueen
“ Foreman
“ Wood

Railway + Light

Alderman McPhaiden
“ Grant
“ Neelands
“ Barker
“ Baxter

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ Foreman
Had the committees as framed by the Mayor be confirmed.

The Council then adjourned.

James Garden

W. J. McGuigan
City Clerk