Chain gang labour to be seen on city streets – Jan 20, 1890

Chain gang labour to be seen on city streets – Jan 20, 1890

Licensed “hackmen” (horse-drawn public cab drivers) ordered to post standard fares in some conspicuous place in their vehicles. The Sergeant of Police is instructed to use prison labor as much as possible in cleaning up the streets in the business portions of the City. M.A. MacLean (first mayor of Vancouver) is terminated from his position as Police Magistrate, as he does not have the required qualifications.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 248 – 263

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Vancouver Jan 20th 1890

The Council met on Monday January 20th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Carrall, Horne, Garden, Fox, Sentell, McLeod and Doering.

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Fox. That Alderman Horne be appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor. Carried.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

While the Minutes were being read His Worship arrived and took the chair.


From Robt. Bell et al in reference to the lane in Block 52, 196. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Dr. Robertson, Hon. Secy. of the Hospital Board submitting Estimates for the year. Referred to the Health Committee.

From W. Bailey in reference repairs on Eveleigh & Thurlow Streets. Referred to the Board of Works.

From A. Campbell Reddie acknowledging receipt of communication in reference to North Arm Road. Filed.

From David Jameson, Secretary of the Typographical Union praying Council to have the printing done in the City. Filed.

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From S. A. Bucknall asking remuneration for goods destroyed in quarantine. Referred to Board of Health.

From the Independent Order of Good Templars and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union praying Council to have the Saloons closed on the Sabbath etc. Referred to the License Committee.

From A. Benoit, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence acknowledging receipt of communication re Volunteer Militia at Vancouver. Filed.

From Redgate and Leclaire re the establishment of a Museum at Vancouver. Referred to Finance Committee.

From R. L. Polk & Co. requesting the City to purchase one of their directories. Referred to Finance Committee.

From J. M. Bowell Collector of Customs, notifying Council that he had seized the Fire Alarm Boxes of the California Electrical Works for infraction of the Customs regulations. Referred to Finance Committee.

From Frank E. Tilley in reference to 6th Av. Referred to Board of Works.

From Ferguson & O’Brian asking for copies of the Mayor’s address. Filed.

From J. G. McDonald asking payment for repairs to City Wharf. Referred to Board of Works.

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From the License Inspector submitting a list of Licenses granted etc. Referred to Finance Committee.

From the City Engineer submitting an account of balances due on streets etc. Referred to Board of Works.


Charter Committee

The Committee on the consolidation of the City Charter and By-Laws met in the City Hall on Thursday January 16th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Garden, Horne and Costello.

Alderman Browning was appointed Chairman. Resolved.

That the City Council be requested to empower this Committee to make any recommendation they may deem advisable towards amending the City Charter and By-Laws.

And further that an advertisement be inserted in the British Columbia Gazette and one of our local papers, giving notice that an application will be made at the approaching session of the Legislature of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Incorporation Act 1886 and amending acts. Resolved.

That this Committee notwithstanding the powers conferred upon it by the Council for the employment of legal advice, considers it advisable to defer taking any steps towards consolidating the City Charter and By-Laws until after a City Solicitor is appointed.

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The Committee then adjourned.

Sgd. J. M. Browning, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the Report of the Charter Committee be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 1

The Finance Committee held its first meeting on Thursday January 9th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Fox and Costello.

Alderman Browning was appointed Chairman of the Committee and every Friday at 4 P.M. fixed for the regular day of meeting.

We beg to recommend:

1. That 20.00 be appropriated for the cutting away of the trees along Hastings St. provided Robert Hemphill agrees to pay the balance of the cost of the work.

2. That John Leask be appointed City Auditor at a Salary of $20.00 per month, it being understood that in the event of there being any Special audits required that the remuneration if any for such services be left to the Finance Committee to decide and say how much shall be paid.

The Salary of the newly appointed official shall date from the 15th day of November 1889.

A communication was received from Mr. J. J. Blake asking the Committee to make provision for the payment of $100.00 for special jury fees in the case of Schimdt vs. the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Water Works Co.

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The matter was left in the hands of the Chairman, who was authorized to take whatever course he thought proper.

He was interviewed by Lawyer Campbell acting on behalf of Mr. A. J. Nicholl, Solicitor for the City of Vancouver and as the matter was of an urgent nature he authorized the payment of $100.00 at the Special request of Mr. McCall.
This action we trust will be approved of by Council.

The Committee met on Friday Jan 10th and Saturday January 11th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Costello and Fox.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Thos. Dunn & Co. Tacks .90 cts
F. W. Hart Table 2.25 Palmer Bros. Coal 41.25
J. Miller P. O. Box 2.00

2. That a written guarantee be given to the Bank of British Columbia, protecting them against any future trouble on account of paying over the $5,000.00 deposited by Mr. Claude Vautin in their Bank.

3. That the following tenders be accepted for printing, advertising etc.

For Printing, The News Advertiser
For Advertising, The World P & P Co.
For Milk, Wm. Fowell
For Meat, VanVolkenburgh & Bro.
For Coal, Wood & Feed, Crowder & Penzer
For Groceries, John Scuitto
For Green Groceries R. L. Winch
For Bread John Scuitto
For Pauper Burials, W. J. Taylor

3. The Committee met again on Friday

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January 17th 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Garden and Fox.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following account be paid:

Provincial Gov’t, Salaries of Teachers $1,440.00

2. That the Reports of the Police Committee, Health Committee, Fire, Water & Light Committee, Charter Committee and Board of Works were considered and are hereby confirmed.
Sgd. J. M. Browning, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Carrall. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

F. W. & L. No 1

The F. W. & L. Committee met on Tuesday January 7th 1890.

Present Aldermen Carrall, Fox, McLeod and Doering.

Alderman Fox was appointed Chairman and the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month at 3 P. M. fixed for the regular days of meeting.

The Committee met again on Wednesday January 15th at 3 P. M.

Present Aldermen Carrall, Garden, Fox, McLeod and Doering.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Telephone Co. $16.00
T. McDonald, Carrots 6.00
Palmer Bros. Coal etc. 63.89
Royal City Planing Mills Co. 83.12
Charley Clough, Attendance 10.00
Tye & Co. Supplies 34.04

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I. Forbes, Blacksmithing $4.00
J. McAllister, Blacksmithing 20.75
J. Mitchell, Blacksmithing 2.15
A. Godfrey & Co. Supplies 14.37
John Scuitto, Supplies 17.42
C. G. Johnson, Supplies 11.75
J. Sehl, Supplies 11.00
Vancouver Water Works Co. 47.05
Vancouver Electric Ill Co. 636.26

2. That three horses be purchased for the Fire Department and that the lame one now in use be sold after the purchase is made.

And further that Aldermen McLeod and Doering be appointed to make the selection on behalf of the Committee and report.

Sgd. J. M. Fox, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the report of the F. W. & L. Committee be adopted. Carried.

Health No 1

The Health Committee held its first meeting on Tuesday January 7th 1890.

Present Aldermen Carrall, Horne, Fox, McLeod and Mason.

Alderman Mason was appointed Chairman and the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in each month fixed for the regular days of meeting at 3 P. M.

The Board met again on Tuesday Jan 14th 1890.

Present Aldermen Carrall, McLeod and Horne. Alderman Horne in the Chair.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

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Brown & White, Blankets etc $62.10
R. I. Winch Groceries 20.07
C. Shergold, Drayage .50
Johnston & Tyson, Clothing 25.75
John Scuitto, Groceries 104.17
C. Nelson, Drugs 7.40
Van Drug Co. Drugs 42.60
Palmer Bros. Coal 81.43
S. T. Tilley Stationery 2.00
VanWfg & Stg Co. Rent 15.00
P. P. Gendrian Scavengering 7.00
VanVolkenburgh & Bro. Meat 54.08
Texas Lake & Co 8.55
A. L. McMillen, Dry Goods 1.00
P. Withey, Milk 29.40
Wm. Williams, Nursing 200.00
John Brown, Services as Boatman 60.00
Cecilia Nelson, Building & Contents 175.00

Sgd. J. W. Horne for Chairman

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the Report of the Board of Health be adopted. Carried.
Police No 1

The Police Committee met on Tuesday January 7th 1890.
Present Aldermen Carroll, Horne, Costello, Sentell and Mason.

Alderman Costello was appointed Chairman for the year.

The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in each month at 4 PM was fixed for the regular days of meeting.

The Committee met again on Tuesday January 14th at 4 PM.

Present Aldermen Costello, Carroll, Horne and Sentell.

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We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

VanVolkenburgh & Bro. Meat 23.15
Joseph Brown, Shoes etc. 5.20
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 16.75
Wm. Moresly, Boarding Prisoners 83.00
V. W. Haywood, Railway fares 8.00
D. J. R. Cameron, Railway fares 3.00
John Scuitto, Groceries 63.48

2. That the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for the positions of Chief of Police and Police Officers, such applications to be received up to Tuesday noon, January 28th 1890.

Applicants to furnish testimonials with applications.

3. That the resolution of Council instructing the Police Committee to proceed at once to make a thorough investigation of the Police Department including the office of Police Magistrate be referred back to said Council as this Committee is of the opinion that the matter of an investigation does not come within the scope of its jurisdiction as the office of Police Magistrate is under the control of the City Council.

4. That the License Inspector be forthwith instructed to have tariff cards printed and furnish same to all licensed Hackmen etc., who shall be required to post up same in some conspicuous place in their conveyances for the information of the travelling public.

And further that such License Inspector and the Police Officers of the City be instructed to have the By-Law strictly enforced in these particulars.

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5. That the Sergeant of Police be instructed to utilize prison labor as much as possible in cleaning up the streets in the business portions of the City.

Sgd. J. W. Horne for Chairman

Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Carrall. That clause “5” of the Report of the Police Committee relating to prison labor on the streets be referred back for reconsideration and that in the meantime no minors be employed on the streets. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Browning. That the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.

Works No 1

The first meeting of the Board of Works was held on Thursday January 9th 1890.

Present Aldermen Horne, Sentell, Costello and Doering.

Alderman Horne was appointed Chairman of the Board and the regular day of meeting appointed being every Thursday at 3 P.M.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

D. J. McDonald, Streets $57.31
DB. Murray, Melville St. 100.80
H. Connacher, 11th Av. 6.90
D. McAlister, Eveleigh St. 3.00

2. That Messrs Sansom and Dawson be paid one hundred and fifty dollars on account of commission on the Market building.

3. That the Architects having charge of the

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Market building be instructed to call for tenders for covering the roof of the building with the best quality of tin such tenders to be furnished to the Board of Works.

4. That $20.00 be appropriated for clearing Hastings Street east of fallen trees, provided Robert Hemphill agrees to pay the balance of the cost of the work.

5. That the City Engineer be instructed to carry out the intent and meaning of By-Law No 88 in regard to the fencing of high sidewalks and that 30 days be considered a reasonable notice to parties failing to comply with the terms of the By-Law.

The Board met again on Thursday Jan 16th at 3 P.M.

Present Aldermen Browning, Horne, Sentell, Costello and Doering. We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

W. C. Muir, Lane in Block 96, 196 $80.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 4.25
D. McAlister, Lansdowne St. 52.03
Vancouver City, Foundry 70.00
H. Connacher, Robson St. 119.25
Connacher & Archibald,
North Arm Road 94.50
H. Blyth et al labor 17.00
John Scuitto, Supplies 10.28
Palmer Bros. Supplies 2.60

2. That E. Mohun Sanitary Engineer be authorized to purchase one ton of rock brimstone and to employ another man for the work in hand in accordance with his letter of Jan 16th 1890.

3. That the City Engineer be instructed [unreadable] D. B. Murray to see that

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Frank Padovano completes the contract on Melville Street according to plans and specifications as said Murray will be held responsible.

4. We have considered the resolution of Council in reference to the cutting down of trees reported to be dangerous, near the corner of Cardero and Georgia Streets and beg to refer the matter back to Council as this Board cannot see its way clear to act in the matter.

Sgd. J. W. Horne, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Sentell, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Browning. That the following accounts for days labor be paid:

H. Blyth et al, Work $27.35

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That public notice be given that applications will be received for the office of Police Magistrate up to Saturday the 15th March next; applications to be addressed to the City Clerk. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the City Clerk be

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authorized to allow the Reporters of the City papers the use of the Reports of the different committees for publication. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Fox. That His Worship, the Mayor and the
City Solicitor be requested to watch the application now being made by the Vancouver Water Works Co to the Local Legislature for amendments to their Charter and to see that such amendments are in no way injurious to the interests of the City. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Doering, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the Health Committee be instructed to take steps immediately upon the disappearance of the snow, to see that all the conditions of the Public Health By-Law of the City are strictly carried out and obeyed, and that offenders against the same be dealt with as provided by said By-Law.

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Carroll. That Advertisements calling for tenders be inserted in the City papers for all supplies required by the City Hospital for the ensuing year whether of drugs or other necessaries and that the contract be given to the lowest tenderer who shall be for the supplying of drugs, a regularly qualified druggist and that the members of the Medical Board be requested to send in a list of Medical requirements and dressings for which tenders are asked. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Doering. That considering the rapid growth of the City and the consequent increase in the work and growing importance of the duties of Police Magistrate, it has now become absolutely necessary that said office be filled by a thoroughly capable and experienced lawyer conversant with criminal law; and considering that Mr. M. A. MacLean, the present Police Magistrate is not so qualified be it resolved that he be notified that his services will not be required after the 31st March next and that a successor be appointed to said office at a salary of $ per annum, in addition to fees derived from the Small Debt Court.

Moved in Amendment by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Horne. That the Police Magistrate be given thirty days’ notice instead of to the 31st of March.

Amendment lost; motion carried 3, 5, 5, 3.

Moved by Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Sentell. Whereas at present there is no
City Solicitor and it is a matter of urgent necessity that the services of a Solicitor duly qualified to appear in all of the Courts of British Columbia should be retained, it is resolved that Mr. A. St. George Hammersley be appointed City Solicitor at a Salary of $1000.00 per annum, to commence from date of first services rendered by him after his appointment, said salary shall be in full for all duties performed by him as required by By-Law No 32 defining the duty of the officers of the Corporation of the City, with the exception of any services he may be called upon to perform

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in regard to matters mentioned in Section 8 & 9 of said By-Law, and other contributions matters and in such cases only, after the actual commencement of actions or proceedings either by or against the City when he will be entitled to the regular fees. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Carroll. That whereas the City of Vancouver has been put to great expenditure during the last two years in protecting the public health on account of this port not being a quarantine station.

And whereas this expenditure would have been borne by the Dominion Government if a quarantine station were established at this port.

And whereas the trade of Vancouver is increasing largely every year making this port more liable to similar risks and expenditure which should be borne by the Dominion Government.

Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that the Dominion Government be respectfully requested to establish a quarantine station and hospital at this port at once.

And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution with the Corporate seal affixed be forwarded to the Hon. John Carling Minister of Agriculture and to D. Chisholm M. P. our representative. Carried.

Notices of Motion

Alderman Browning gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council

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introduce a By-Law for the purpose of fixing the remuneration of the Mayor; also that he would introduce a resolution granting M. A. MacLean a gratuity of two hundred and fifty dollars or an equivalent to three months’ salary upon his retiring from the office of Police Magistrate, and that he be recommended for re-employment by the Council as soon as a vacancy occurs for which he may be considered qualified.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk