Library Board, City Solicitor appointed – January 20, 1896

Library Board, City Solicitor appointed – January 20, 1896

The Board of Works recommended that plans for the new Oriental Hotel on Cambie Street be approved. The new hotel never materialized, but pictured above is the “old” or “original” Oriental Hotel at 308 Water Street.  Appointed to the Library Board for 1896 were J.M. Duval, Ald. Wm Brown, Geo. Walker, Robt. McPherson M.P.P., Geo W. Hobson, W. Prentice, and J.D. Breeze. A. St.George Hamersley was appointed City Solicitor for 1896.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Joanne McCormick



Manuscript: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 7 pages Volume 7, pages 4-17
to see original handwritten minutes — click here

[Volume 7, Page 4]

The Council met on Monday January 20th 1896
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Painter, Banfield, Schou, Clandening, McPhaiden, Brown, MacDonald, Bethune and Coldwell.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From Major Townley asking for the use of the Market Hall and Shed when not in use, for drilling purposes {military instruction}. Referred to Market Committee.

From the Vancouver Nationalist Association drawing attention to a notice in the BC Gazette given by the Consolidated Railway & Light Company to the effect that application will be made to the Provincial Legislature for a Private Bill to enable them to acquire franchises etc, and asking the Council to oppose the granting of same. Laid over for motions.

From William Seidelman stating that a culvert constructed near his premises was not large enough to allow the water to pass through {thus flooding his property}. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Miss G.A. Reid etal, asking the Council to assist them in providing work for the unemployed. Referred to the Board of Works.

[Volume 7, page 5]

From W.B. Ross asking for an investigation into his case. Referred to the Police Committee.

From the City Solicitor stating that it would be necessary to have the voltage or pressure of electricity expressed in the contract for the lighting of the City. Referred to the Light Committee.

From Thomas Stephenson drawing attention to the injustice done Thomas Hallam in the Police Court. Referred to the Police Committee.

From Fred Allen objecting to the dividing of the Feed Contract. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Angus McDonald, asking to be re-appointed Electrical Inspector. Referred to the Light Committee.

From J.A. Forin, Secretary of the Property Owner’s Association asking that all tenants in arrears for water for 30 days be shut off. Referred to the Water Committee.

From the School Board asking that when the Financial Statement for the year is prepared that it be handed to them for verification, also asking that the unexpended balance of their appropriation be handed over. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From the School Board asking for a 3-plank sidewalk on 7th Av from Bridge Street to Spruce Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From A.G. Thyme etal, asking for an electric light on the corner of Thurlow and Pender Streets. Referred to the Light Committee.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.

[Volume 7, page 6]

From F.M. Cowperthaite etal, asking for a sidewalk from the south end of Cambie Street Bridge to 7th Ave. Referred to the Board of Works.

From E.W. Beckett, C.M.C., Maple Ridge, stating that the Maple Ridge Council fully concurred in the establishing of a Public Market in Vancouver. Filed.

From the Park Commissioners asking for an advance of $2000 on account of their appropriations. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From G. Campbell Secretary of the Vancouver Poultry and Pet Stock Association asking for the use of the Market Hall Cellar for storing their poultry coops. Referred to the Market Committee.

From F.L. Prior etal asking for a sidewalk on 10th Ave. Referred to the Board of Works.

From William Fowler, asking the Council to purchase the lumber used on the Market Shed in connection with the poultry show. Referred to the Market Committee.

From the City Solicitor advising the reduction of the license for shops. Filed.

From P. Fewster etal creditors of the reservoir furnishing a statement of the amount due each of them. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From William Little etal, asking for the improvement of Park Lane. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Davis Marshall & Macneill & Abbott serving an injunction on the City on electric light contract. Referred to the City Solicitor.

[Volume 7, page 7]

From G. Griffith, organizing Secretary of the Marine Railway and Dry Dock, asking the Council to use their influence with the Provincial Government on behalf of his company to obtain a lease of Deadman’s Island. Laid over for motion.

The following Reports were received and read:
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday January 15th 1896. Present: the full Board.

From S.A. McPherson asking not to be compelled to connect the building in rear of St. Anne’s Convent with the sewers as the same could be turned into a school room in the spring. Resolved that Mr. McPherson comply with the By-Law as it is not within the jurisdiction of this Board to grant a special permit of this description.

From J.T. Brown, Milk Inspector, submitting his report for the past two weeks. Filed.

From Robert Marrion, Health Inspector stating that the Chinese shacks on Dupont Street are being rapidly repaired with all the unsanitary conditions underneath them and asking for further instructions, also for instructions regarding the enforcement of the Brush By-Law. Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to carry out the conditions contained in the By-Law.

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Inspector of Weights & Measures and ask him to call at the City Hospital and adjust the weights.

Resolved that the Chairman and Alderman Bethune be empowered to purchase a weigh scale for the City Hospital.

[Volume 7, page 8]

Resolved that the Matron be instructed to ascertain what she is being charged for coal before she orders anymore.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Crowder & Penzer supplies $35.89
C.F. Foreman supplies $60.55
News Advertiser supplies $3.75
Champion & White supplies $3.75
Crowder & Penzer supplies $11.77
Central fish Market supplies $10.83
J.W. Smith working $45.71
J.C. Woodrow supplies $39.71
J. Dodson supplies $10.00
J.W. Currell supplies $.50
Can Ry & L Co supplies $5.71
Shelton & Co supplies $56.00
G.S. Welson supplies $2.55
Van Gas Co supplies $4.50
Robertson & Hackett supplies $6.75
C.S. Phelp supplies $19.46
W.J. McGuigan inquiry $5.00
Signed D. McPhaiden, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Painter; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the cutting of brush be allowed to stand over until April. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday January 17th 1896. Present: the full Board.

From Dr. Thomas, asking for $95 as payment for professional attendance upon J. Flanders…

[Volume 7, page 9]

…at the Isolation Hospital from Dec 12th 1894 to January 14th 1895 inclusive. Resolved that he be requested to be present at the next meeting of the Committee and state the particulars of the case.

From the Secretary of the Board of Works handing resolution passed by the Board of Works in which they request that $5000 be placed to their credit pending the compiling of the estimates. Laid over.

From C.D. Rand, Secretary Van Improvement Co., asking for cheque for the portion of the $100 remitted in 1894 which was not incurred on account of purchase By-Law. Laid over pending adjustment of charges.

From O.L. Spencer, Secretary Van Bar Association handing copy of resolution passed by his Association recommending that Mr. Hamersley’s application for City Solicitor be entitled to 1st consideration. Referred to the Council.

The applications received for City Solicitor were referred to the Council.

The following tenders were received for supplies for 1896:
W.G. Fraser, screened Wellington $5.74
W.G. Fraser, slack coal $2.85
Evans, Coleman & Evans, screened Wellington $5.40
If City does its own hauling and returns sacks $4.75
Crowder & Penzer, double screened Wellington $5.40
Crowder & Penzer, slack $2.50
A. Blayney, Anthracite Furnace $8.75
A. Blayney, nut size $7.50
Resolved that Crowder & Penzer’s tender be accepted for Wellington Coal and A. Blayney’s for anthracite coal.

[Volume 7, page 10]

J. Dodson, 27 1.5 lb loaves for $1.00. Resolved that his tender be accepted.

Fred Allen Oats $20 per ton
Bran 20 per ton
Chop feed 20 per ton
Hay 9 per ton
Carrots 8 per ton
Straw 6 per ton
Welsh BrP Hay 10 per ton
Oats 22 per ton
Bran 18 per ton
Chop feed 22 per ton
Straw 9 per ton
Carrots 9 per ton
Crowder & Penzer Hay 10.50 per ton
Oats (white) 22.50
Oats (black) 20.50
Bran 18.50
Chop feed 18
Straw 9.50
Carrots 9.50
Brackman ? Hay 9.50
Oats 23.50
Bran 18.50
Chop feed 20
Straw 9
Carrots 10
W.G. Fraser Hay 8.50 per ton
Straw 6 per ton

Resolved that the tender of Fred Allen be accepted for Oats, Bran, Chopped feed & Carrots and W.G. Fraser for hay and straw.

W.A. McIntosh, E. Fader and J.C. Woodrow. Resolved that the tender of J.C. Woodrow be accepted.

Burial of the dead
From C.B. Lockhard, Center & Hammar and Kemp & Simpson. Resolved that the tender of Kemp and Simpson be accepted.

[Volume 7, page 11]

Resolved that the Deputy Returning Officers and Clerks be paid $6.00 and $4.00 respectively for their services at the last Municipal elections.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
H. Kersey Erecting screens $5.00
J.A. Skinnier supplies $2.25
Chas Hack hire of tables $5.00
V.J. Straube dog tags $50.00
Crowder & Penzer supplies $42.85
W.J. La Porrieh drayage $5.00
Adam Hieds drayage $2.00
E. Clough drayage $5.00
News, Advertiser supplies $67.90
G.A. Roedde supplies $10.50
Signed J.J. Banfield, Chairman.
Moved by Alderman Banfield; Seconded by Alderman Brown.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday January 16th 1896. Present: the full Board.

From C.J. Mayne etal, asking for a sidewalk on 9th Av between Scott {today’s Fraser Street} & Dock {Windsor} Streets. Referred to Alderman Coldwell to examine and report upon.

From Mrs Gold asking that the worn-out sidewalk in front of the Albion Hotel be replaced by a new one. Granted.

From the News Advertiser and World agreeing to supply their daily papers for filing in the Engineer’s Office at $10 per an each (sic). Resolved that they be informed that the only object in getting the papers is for filing same in the office for reference. If they cannot….

[Volume 7, page 12]

….be supplied at half rates the matter will be dropped.

Resolved that the City Engineer examine the culvert on Mr Seidelman’s property and report as to its efficiency.

Resolved that the Finance Committee be requested to place $5000 to the credit of this Board pending the making up of the estimates.

Resolved that the following work be attended to by the Ward men or day work under the Engineer’s directions:
1. Cordova Street, south side between Cambie and Abbott Streets, new walk.
2. Powell Street, north side between Boundary Avenue {today’s Glen Dr} & Victoria St at brewery, 2-plank sidewalk.
3. Water St in front of Albion Hotel, old sidewalk replaced
4. Westminster Av {Main St}, 6 ft walks east side from 9th to 10th Aves and from 14th to 15th Aves.

Resolved that tenders be called for the following new work:
Jervis St, 6 ft walk from Georgia to Robson.
Robson St, 6 ft walk from Robson to Barclay.
Jackson Av, 6 ft walk from Keefer to Prior.
Tools for use of Board of Works for 1896.

Resolved that the plans for the new “Oriental Hotel” Cambie Street be approved and signed by the Engineer being found to be in conformity to the Fire Limit By-Law.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Geo Cassady & Co supplies $225.10
John Boyd & Co supplies $.55
C.R. & L Co Ld supplies $5.00
J. Hughes express $.50
E. Shurgold express $.50
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $8.40
Dickie & McCurdie Denman St $24.55
T. Thomas etal labor $323.60
Signed H.P. Shaw, Chairman

[Volume 7, page 13]

Moved by Alderman Shaw; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

The Annual Report of the Library Board was received and filed.

The following applications were received for the position of City Solicitor: A. St. G. Hamersley, J.H. Hallett, Alex Henderson & A.C. Brydon Jack.

Moved by Alderman Clandening; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to make the appointment. Carried.

The Mayor was appointed Chairman.

A ballot being taken it was found that Hamersley received 7, Brydon Jack 3 and Henderson 1.

The Committee then rose and reported the selection of A. St. G. Hamersley
{Note: full name was Alfred Hastings St George Hamersley; 1892-1977}
It was then moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman McDonald.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the following accounts be paid for work on market {clearing of snow from the Hall roof}:
John Rowell $1.50
Joel Stevens $1.65

[Volume 7, page 14]

Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman Banfield

Where as notice has been given by the Consolidated Railway & Light Company in the BC Gazette of the intention of the Company to apply to the Provincial Legislature at its next session for an act granting the said Company amongst other powers, “power to enter upon the expropriate lands and to open and break up the soil and pavements of the roads, streets or bridges in any municipality, City or town in the said Province for the purpose of laying rails, erecting poles or for any other purpose of the said Company.”

And whereas by the Vancouver Incorporation Acts, the New Westminster Incorporation Acts and the Municipalities Acts the control and management of the Streets Roads and Bridges is given to the Cities of Vancouver, New Westminster and the Municipalities respectively and are vested in the Cities and Municipalities and it is considered essential and a necessary part of Municipal Government that the roads, streets and bridges should be entirely in the control and jurisdiction of the Municipalities in which they may be situated.

And whereas the result of legislation such as now applied for, would be to empower the Company to interfere with the Roads and Highways, and consequently with the Municipal bodies who now have sole control over them, and thus interfere with the rights of the people.

Be it therefore resolved that the City of New Westminster, and Municipalities of North Vancouver, South Vancouver, Burnaby & Richmond be requested to join with the City of Vancouver in opposing the passage through the House of Assembly of any Act granting the Company the powers asked for, and that point action be taken to preserve the powers granted to, and now held by the Cities and Municipalities of Jurisdiction and Control over their own streets and Highways. That the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Council of each year, and Municipality, with a letter respectfully requesting that petitions be forwarded by each City and Municipality to the Honorable the …..

[Volume 7, page 15]

….Speaker and members of the House of Representatives, praying that the powers applied for by the Company be not granted any privileges or rights on, under, or over, the streets and Highways of the Cities and Municipalities. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Bethune; Seconded by Alderman McDonald
That the following gentlemen be appointed members of the Library Board for 1896:
1. J.M. Duval
2. Wm Brown
3. Geo. Walker
4. Robt. McPherson M.P.P
5. Geo W. Hobson
6. W. Prentice
7. J.D. Breeze

Moved by Alderman H.P. Shaw; Seconded by Ald. D. McPhaiden
That the City Council hereby endorse the proposition for a Marine Railway and Dry Dock on the terms named in the communication just read and that copies of this resolution be sent to the Government. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Bethune; Seconded by Alderman Clandening
That tenders for a 6 foot sidewalk be called for on west side of Bridge Street {Cambie} between Cambie Street Bridge and Ninth Avenue, tenders to be received up to Thursday the 23rd instant. Lost.

Moved by Alderman Banfield; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Government be requested to have the Course of Lectures now advertised, and which a charge of 50 cents admission is made be given to the …..

[Volume 7, page 16]

….public free and that the Council offer the Government free of charge the Market Hall or the Council Chamber. Carried.

Notice of Motion
Alderman Banfield gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move the following resolution:
That at next meeting of the Council I will introduce a bylaw to borrow $150,000 pending collection of taxes.

Alderman Bethune gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move the following resolution:
That during the last civic elections a large number of the Tax Payers disapproved of the system of paying Aldermen for their services. And as some of the Candidates promised that they would be willing to give their time without any remuneration. Be it resolved that no appropriation be placed in the estimates for the payment of Aldermen for the year 1896.

Alderman Banfield gave notice that the next meeting of the Council he would move the following resolution:
That he will introduce a Bylaw to amend By Law no. 32.

Alderman Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move the following resolution:
That he will move for a return to be made at the next regular meeting of the Council of the Poll tax collected for the years 1894 and 1895, setting forth the amounts received monthly and distinguishing between the amounts so paid by those whose names are on the voter’s lists and those who are not given the names of each so far as practicable. This return to be made as early as possible.

[Volume 7, page 17]

Alderman Schou gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move the following resolution:
That a Special Committee of this Council be appointed, to ascertain & report on the advisability or otherwise, of establishing a smelter in Vancouver and if municipal encouragement of such industrial effort be found necessary and desirable, to report also as to the best method of advertising for suggestions and proposals from the person wishful to establish such an undertaking.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan Henry Collins
City Clerk Mayor

Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from:
• The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; Complete Vindication, columns 1-3, page 3; January 21, 1896.
• Goad’s Fire Insurance Map, 1912