Allan K. Stuart was allowed $10.00 by the Finance Committee for overtime spent in preparing the Klondike Map. Photo shows supplies headed to the Klondike.
Committees for 1898 were formed without incident, except for divided opinion about whether Alderman McPhaiden’s name should be on the Board of Health.
This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Illustration Source: COV Archives Out P510
[Fully loaded scow heading to the Klondike c1900]
Source: COV Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 125 – 130
To see or download photos of the original handwritten pages for this date, click the buttons below (2 parts)
City Council Minutes – Vancouver January 20th 1898
Original handwritten minutes here: City of Vancouver Archives
[Volume 8, Page 125]
The Council met on Thursday January 20th 1898
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McGuigan, McPhaiden, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The Mayor submitted the following names to constitute the Standing Committees of the Council:
Finance Committee
Aldermen McQueen, Painter, McGuigan, Brown and Bruce.
Board of Works
Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McPhaiden, Foreman and McMorran.
Water and Market
Aldermen Brown, Neelands, Townley, McGuigan and McMorran
Aldermen McGuigan, Foreman, Bruce, McQueen and Townley.
Railway & Light
Aldermen McPhaiden, Painter, Neelands, Foreman and Bruce
Fire and Police
Aldermen McMorran, Townley, McQueen, McPhaiden and Brown.
[Volume 8, Page 126]
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Brown
That Alderman McPhaiden’s name be placed on the Board of Health.
Lost by casting Vote of the Mayor
Ayes: Aldermen McQueen, Neelands, Brown and Foreman.
Nays: Aldermen Townley, Painter, McMorran and Bruce.
Aldermen McGuigan and McPhaiden refrained from voting.
Moved by Alderman Painter;
Seconded by Alderman Townley
That the Finance stand as named by the Mayor.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan;
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the Board of Works stand as named by the Mayor.
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Townley
That the Water and Market Committee stand as named by the Mayor.
Moved by Alderman Neelands;
Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Health Committee stand as named by the Mayor.
Moved by Alderman Townley;
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Railway and Light Committee stand as named by the Mayor.
[Volume 8, Page 127]
Moved by Alderman Painter;
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the Fire and Police stand as named by the Mayor.
The following Reports were received and read:
Fire and Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on Friday January 14th 1898.
Present: the full Board
From the Chief of Police furnishing Annual Report and asking for certain supplies. Referred to the next Board to deal with.
From the Chief of the Fire Department, furnishing Report for the year. Filed.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C. Casselman supplies $4.00
Chief of Police transport of prisoners $10.00
McLennan & McFeely supplies $2.97
Brackman & Ker supplies $110.55
City Grocery Co supplies $44.01
McDowell & Co supplies $1.50
Shelton & Co supplies $15.00
J.C. Woodrow supplies $37.07
Bell & Flest supplies $1.25
Clarke & Stuart supplies $1.35
Co Pedder express hire $.50
City Treasurer cash advanced $20.00
S. James interpreting $5.00
Chubb & Stewart supplies $42.00
CPR Co telegram $4.63
Co. A. Cunyon interpreting $2.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $10.21
C.S. Philp supplies $20.65
[Volume 8, Page 128]
Can Gen’l Elec Co supplies $18.35
J. Storing supplies $16.25
F.A. Lee hack hire $1.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $4.75
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $4.53
James Carnahan scavengering $3.00
Signed D.G. McDonald, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Townley; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Water & Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday January 12th 1898.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Neelands, Painter and D.G. McDonald
Resolved that I. Bushong be paid $50.00 on account of his contract for wiring the new City Hall.
Resolved that M. Rockett be allowed an extra fifty cents a day over the original agreement during the time he is employed as foreman on the new City Hall.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
I. Bushong contract $60.00
Pay Roll labour $932.80
J. Dodson supplies $17.60
H. Mintrie supplies $8.00
Letson & Burpee supplies $7.90
Thomas Veitch training $6.00
McLennan & McFeely supplies $20.30
Brackman & Ker supplies $31.80
C. Casselman supplies $7.00
J.C. Woodrow supplies $59.35
BCMT & P Co supplies $15.51
News, Advertiser supplies $4.00
BC Iron Works Co supplies $78.35
[Volume 8, Page 129]
Roberson & Hackett supplies $61.09
John E. Barwick supplies $4.75
Hastings Saw Mill Co supplies $20.81
City Grocery Co supplies $98.21
James Carnahan scavengering $2.25
Evans, Coleman &Evans supplies $26.70
Lapoint & Holmes supplies $69.29
McDonald Brothers garbage $.50
William Ralph plumbing City Hall $235.80
Edwards Brothers supplies $1.15
Armstrong & Morrison supplies $9.00
Clarke & Stuart supplies $3.35
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $47.55
McDowell & Co supplies $2.59
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $136.78
Signed William Brown,
Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday January 14th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Townley, Brown and McPhaiden.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Langley Municipality taxes – McLennan Ranch $67.25
Telephone Co rents $35.55
J.J. Cowderoy clerical work $7.50
News, Advertiser supplies $56.50
Evans, Coleman &Evans supplies $20.05
E.W. Edwards etal municipal elections $119.50
From the City Solicitor advising the City to accept $500.00 in full settlement of the CPR Co’s Hospital account.
Resolved that if the CPR Co pay in $600 in full settlement of their hospital account….
[Volume 8, Page 130]
….up to November 27th 1897 that it be accepted.
Resolved that Allan K. Stuart be allowed $10.00 for overtime spent in preparing the Klondike Map.
Resolved that Officer Butler send in a detailed statement of his expenses to Seattle and have same forwarded to the Provincial Government for payment.
Signed James McQueen,
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the Report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Painter;
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
Street Pay Roll $987.05
The Council then adjourned.
Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk
James F. Garden