Vancouver Water Works Company given last chance – January 21, 1889

Last chance for Vancouver Water Works Company to fulfill its contract with city: water supply originally promised to city in early part of 1888.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 647-661

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Vancouver Jan 21st 1889

The Council met on Monday January 21st 1889 at 7:30 P. M.

Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, Horne, Lefevre, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That Alderman Lefevre be appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor. Carried.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Vancouver Street Railway Co. praying for amendments to clauses No. 3, 30 & 31 of the Street Railway By-Law.

From J. B. Babington applying for a position in connection with the Corporation. Referred to Board of Works.

From W. H. Rowling et al praying Council to endorse resolutions sent to the Hon F.G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, praying for the improvements of the North Arm Road etc.

From James Hartney asking why he was not awarded one of the contracts on Hastings Street for which he was the lowest tenderer. Filed.

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From Henderson Bros & Co refusing to give up their contract for supplying feed to the City. Filed.

From Black & Wilkinson offering to plank Pender Street to their Livery Stable if the Council would recoup them. Referred to Board of Works.

From the Secretary of the Vancouver Water Works Co. acknowledging receipt of communication from the City Clerk re Water Works and informing Council that the Company fully expects to have water in the City by March 1st. Filed.

From Dr. Beckingsale claiming $25.00 for illegal detention on Board the S. S. Premier on the night of Jan 11th at 12nn. Referred to Board of Health.


Finance No 2

The Finance Committee met on Friday January 18th 1889 at 8 P.M. and beg to recommend:-

1. That John Scuitto be asked to sign a contract for the supplying of groceries to the City for one year at his lowest quotations.
2. That as Hamilton Eligh is unable to carry out his milk contract that it

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be awarded to Greer & Co. the next lowest tenderers.

3. That as owing to a clerical error, a mistake has been made in awarding the feed contract to Henderson Bros & Co. that it be reconsidered and the hay contract awarded to Crowder and Penzer and the oats, bran and chopped feed to Palmer Bros. the lowest tenderers and that Henderson Bros & Co be notified that their tender being the highest on the list cannot be accepted.
4. That the Report of the Pound Committee be laid over.
5. That the City Treasurer be authorized to forward to the Provincial Auditor $607.99 the City’s share of the Teachers’ Salaries for A.D. 1888.
6. That the communication of John Grady asking for a bonus for a grist mill be laid on the table.
7. That the communications from F. X. Martin and Robert Mathison Jr et al be filed.
8. That Joseph Huntly be relieved of his duties as Police Court Clerk and that his salary as License Health and Fire Inspector be fixed at $75.00 per month.
9. That the following accounts be paid:
J. Miller, Rent of P. O. Box $1.75
Telephone Co. City Hall 4.00
F. W. Hart, Boxes 9.00
G. I. Wilson, Tape 3.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 45.40
World Printing & Publishing Co. 13.50
Palmer Bros. Coal 40.00

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Telegraph Co. .25 cents
John Johnson, Express 2.00
Queen Bros., Livery 7.50
F. X. Martin, Supplies 8.00
Robertson & Co., School Desks 347.00
News Advertiser 31.20
McLennan & McFeely, Supplies 13.15

The City Engineer has submitted to this Committee a Report showing the cost of improving Hastings Street, Powell Street, Dupont Street and the Lanes in Blocks 8 and 42.

Re Hastings Street.

Your Committee recommends that before the work on Hastings Street is proceeded with it is desirable that the road should be straightened; when arrangements have been successfully made to that end the Committee will be prepared to provide the necessary funds for the work.

Re the Lanes.

Your Committee reports that in view of the fact that there is such a large proportion of important work to be done on the streets, during the current year it cannot at present see its way clear to provide any funds for lane improvements.

Re Powell & Dupont Streets.

Your Committee reports that there are funds to meet the improvements on said streets say Dupont Street $722.00 and Powell Street $450.00

Re Granville Street South.

Your Committee recommends

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that the Board of Works be authorized to call for tenders for the grading, gravelling or planking of Granville Street South and that this Committee be empowered to arrange for funds for the payment of same so that the work can be carried out under the direction of the City.

The Fire, Water and Light Report was taken up and considered.

We recommend that that portion of the Report relating to the increasing of the candle power of the electric lights and the consideration of the Committees’ Estimates be deferred for the present and that the balance of the report be recommended to the favourable consideration of Council.

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Horne. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

F. W. & L. No 2

The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday Jan 16th 1889 and beg to recommend:

1. That Wm. Hamilton, Assistant Fire Engineer, be informed that his claim for an increase of Salary cannot be considered at present as the Board cannot see their way clear to recommend it.

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2. That the following accounts be paid:-

J. McAllister, Blacksmithing $5.50
F. X. Martin, Supplies 8.00
Thos. Dunn & Co, Supplies 10.66
Electric Illuminating Co. 243.25
Telephone Co. 33.00
McLennan & McFeely, Supplies 30.10
John Abrams, Firing Engines 7.50
Chas. Nelson, Supplies 1.00
Woodworth & Co. Coal 20.00
Godfrey & Co. Supplies 1.25
S. Brighouse, Money paid out for horse 236.00

3. That the following Electric Lights be increased to 50 Candle power:

1 On the Corner of Water and Cambie
2 On the Corner of Water and Abbott
3 On the Corner of Dupont and Carrall
4 On the Corner of Powell and Carrall
5 On the Corner of Oppenheimer at Railway
6 On the Corner of Powell and Columbia
7 On the Corner of Alexander & Columbia
8 On the Corner of Cordova and Carrall
9 On the Corner of Cordova & Abbott
10 On the Corner of Cordova & Cambie
11 On the Corner of Cordova & Richards
12 On the Corner of Granville & Dunsmuir
13 On the Corner of Hastings and Cambie
14 On the Corner of Hastings and Carrall
15 On the Corner of Hastings & Granville
16 On the Corner of Granville & Cordova
17 On the Corner of Granville & Georgia
18 On the Corner of Pender & Seymour
19 On the Corner of Hastings & Seymour
20 On the Corner of Hastings & Richards
21 On the Corner of Hastings & Homer

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22 On the Corner of Hastings and Columbia
23 On the Corner of Dunsmuir and Richards
24 On the Corner of Powell & Jackson
25 On the Corner of Oppenheimer and Dunlevy
26 On the Corner of Powell and Westminster
27 On the Corner of Harris and Westminster
28 On the Corner of Westminster North end of Bridge
29 On the Corner of Granville & Pender
30 On the Corner of Pender and Richards
31 On the Corner of Pender and Homer
32 On the Corner of Pender and Hamilton
33 On the Corner of Pender and Cambie
34 On the Corner of Hastings and Hornby
35 On the Corner of Hastings and Jackson
36 On the Corner of Hastings and Abbott
37 On the Corner of Dunsmuir and Seymour
38 On the Corner of Dunsmuir and Homer
39 On the Corner of Dunsmuir and Hamilton
40 On the Corner of Powell and Carol
41 On the Corner of Hastings and Hamilton
42 On the Corner of Hastings & Westminster

Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the clause relating to the Electric Lights be erased and the balance of the Report adopted. Carried.

Works No 1

The Board of Works held its first meeting on Thursday January 17th 1889 and appointed Alderman Brighouse Chairman

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for the year.

The following recommendations are submitted for the Sanction of Council:

1. That Messrs Whittier and Cramer be refused permission to erect a Barber’s Pole on the outer edge of the Sidewalk on Carrall Street and that the Street Inspector be notified to cause the removal of all obstructions on the sidewalks contrary to the By-Law governing same.

2. That Fader Bros’ offer to lay plank road on the South end of Granville Street at $15.50 per M. be accepted, said roadway to be of 2 inch plank 16 ft wide laid in 2 lengths of 8 ft each and that they be paid for the same as soon as Finance Committee can arrange for the same.

3. That H. G. Ballson be permitted to use a portion of Powell Street with building material subject to the Provisions of the Street By-Law.

4. That hereafter all contractors be required to furnish approved bonds to the full amount of the contracts as security for the due performance of the work and the payment of the men employed and that hereafter no deposits be returned where the contractor fails to carry out the terms of his contract.

5. That tenders be called for the planking of Water Street 30 feet wide with

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2 inch plank as for as necessary estimated cost $405.00

6. That hereafter all gratings in sidewalk shall be of iron instead of wood and where wooden gratings now exist that they be replaced with iron laid to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

7. That the City Hall grounds be fenced in and a suitable Coal House erected at once.

8. That the following accounts be paid:

J. McAllister, Blacksmithing $3.50
J. Moran, Cleaning out Sewers 11.25
Queen Bros, Tram Hire 6.00
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. Plank 4.50
W. S. Cook, Saddle & Bridle 10.00
Thos. Dunn & Co. Supplies 61.72
Godfrey & Co. “ 15.50
Alex McDonald, Extra work at Cemetery .50 cents
J. H. L. Wilson, Planting Trees 1.25
H. Avison, Park Ranger 60.00
A. Bunker, Lane in Block 13, 196 99.05
do. Hastings Street filling 680.40
do. Gore Av. 692.98
D. McAllister, Hornby Street Sidewalk 15.74
do. Granville & Georgia “ 20.95
do. Jackson Av. “ 28.06
do. Burrard St. “ 66.63
do. Drake St. “ 20.43
do. Hastings St. “ 366.50
Wm. Tierney, lane in Block 57 94.54
Frank Cerra & Co. Sixth Avenue 120.47
103.00 of which will be paid to John Scuitto.

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Keefer and McGillivray, Granville St. Bridge $7597.47
D. L. Gow, Powell St. Sidewalk 14.07
do Westminster & Ninth Av. 32.00
do Crossing, Westminster Av. 26.00
do Crossing, Burrard & Richards 5.00
do Sidewalk Carl Av. 140.86
do Sidewalk Pender St. 32.37
do Repairs to False Creek Bridge 4.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan, Ninth Av. 741.56


Tenders were received from the improvement of Hastings Street East, Powell Street, Dupont Street, Lane in Block 42 and Block 8, 196 and awarded as follows:

Hastings Street; Section 1, Boyd & Clandening
do do Section 2, J. Hartney
do do Section 3, Boyd & Clandening
Powell Street, Goodmurphy & McLellan
Dupont “ D. J. McDonald
Lane in Block 42, 196, Geo McKay
do “ Block 8, “ D. L. Gow

Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Whetham. That the portion of the Board of Works report recommending the awarding of the contract for the planking of Granville Street South to Fader Bros. be struck out and also that portion relating to the lanes in District Lot 196 and that the balance of the Report be adopted. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Costello. That the Resolution forwarded by the Residents of the North Arm of the Fraser River, to Hon. F. G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, praying for the improvement of the road bed from Vancouver to the Fraser River and other improvements embodied therein, receive the endorsation of this Council and that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Hon. F. G. Vernon expressing the wishes of the Council in this respect. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the Board of Works be instructed to fix all crossings torn up by the Vancouver Water Works Company, at once at said Company’s expense, if they fail to do so within three days. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a report to this Council at its next meeting of the total cost of the Granville Street Bridge across False Creek. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the communication of the Vancouver Street Railway Company be referred to the City Solicitor & a Special Committee to take the matter up and make a full report at the next regular meeting of this Council or at a Special meeting to be called by the Mayor. Carried.

The Chairman appointed Alderman Horne, Brighouse and Costello to act on the Committee.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman Clark. That in future the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed that he is not on any account to issue an order for goods of any kind until a requisition for same signed by the officer in charge has been delivered to him and filed in his office approved by the Chairman of the proper Committee or in his absence the Mayor.

And that hereafter no account or estimate shall be passed by any chairman of Committee before being certified to by the proper officer that the goods have been received or work done and by the City Clerk or other officer specially appointed for that purpose, that the account is correct and the prices charged in accordance with the price contracted for.

And further no account shall be

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accepted by the Chairman of any Committee which has not been so ordered by the City Clerk. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Whetham. That whereas the Vancouver Water Works Company did promise and represent to the citizens and the Council of the City of Vancouver in 1887 that they would have their water service brought into the City and ready to supply all parts of the City early in 1888.

And whereas said Vancouver Water Works Company agreed to guarantee the fulfilment of their promise by putting up the sum of $1,0000.00 cash as a forfeit in the hands of Trustees to be selected from the citizens of Vancouver, the said amount to be forfeited in case the Company did not have their water service ready for use throughout the City early in 1888.

And whereas these, together with other representations made by said company caused the citizens of Vancouver to reject the other Water Works Company’s Scheme who were prepared to furnish the City with water early in 1888 and to give the necessary security for same.

And whereas the Vancouver Water Works Company have not put up the guarantee promised or any guarantee of any kind.

And whereas they have failed to carry out their promises agreeing to have

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this city supplied with water early in 1888 and at other dates set by them in said year.

Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that unless the Vancouver Water Works Company gives to the City of Vancouver a Guarantee Bond, to be approved of by the City Council for double the amount they agreed to put up in cash guaranteeing to this City that they will take the necessary steps to raise a have their water service brought into the City within three months from this date, that this Council will take the necessary steps to raise a loan to construct and complete a system of Water Works to be built, owned and managed by the Corporation of the City of Vancouver.

And that the City Clerk be instructed to correspond with said Vancouver Water Works Company to ascertain if they will give the guarantee required and report to this Council at the next regular meeting. Carried.

Notice of By-Law

Alderman Horne gave notice that he would introduce a By-Law at the next meeting of this Council, authorizing the Mayor and Council of the City of Vancouver to raise by way of a loan, a sum of money sufficient to construct, complete and operate a system of Water Works to be built, owned and managed by the City of Vancouver.

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The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk