J. H. Carlisle appointed License, Fire, and Health Inspector at a salary of $75 a month. City Clerk to write the Hon. Provincial Secretary asking for a grant of $2,000 for the hospital and $1,000 for the Fire Department.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 229-235
Vancouver January 24th 1887
The Council met on Monday January 24th 1887 at 7.30. P.M.
Present His Worship the Mayor and all of the Aldermen.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the City Auditors asking for instruction from Council as to the manner in which the statements referred to in clause seven of By-Law 25 was to be made out and also asking the Councils definition of the following clause. “And they shall make a special report of any expenditure made contrary to law”.
After considerable discussion they were authorized to bring in their statements in accordance with the provisions of the By-Law.
From R.G. Tatlow praying the Council to extend the sidewalk from the end of Jackson Avenue to the School House.
Extension already recommended by the Board of Works.
From A.J. Marks praying the Council to amend Liquor By-Law so as to provide for the having of variety theatre.
Laid over for one week.
The following applications were read for the office of License, Fire and Health inspector. – Joseph Huntly, M.G. MacLean, Joseph Pyatt, G.G. Johnson, William Summer, E.P. Hamilton, Jas. Z. Hall, Wm. Turner, John Abrams, D.R. Reid, Edward Lunn, David Flynn, M. Picken, Jas. Moran, Jas. A. Coldwell, John A. Green, J.H. Carlisle, A. McDougall, Thos. Crawford, and Geo. Q. Chipman.
Moved by Alderman Mannion seconded by Alderman Lockerby that the appointment be made by Ballot.
On a Ballot being taken, J.H. Carlisle received six, Joseph Huntly two, G.G. Johnston one and M.G. MacLean one.
J.H. Carlisle was then declared elected, his services to begin on the first of February.
Petition from Thomas Hooper and others praying the Council to construct a two foot sidewalk from Dunsmuir Street to Pender Street along Cambie Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John Boultbee acquainting the Council that forty dollars was still due Munro Miller on account of City Charter.
Referred to Finance Committee.
From John Boultbee asking the Council to fix a salary for the Police Magistrate.
Referred to Finance Committee.
Thomson Bros. Rubber Bands 2.50 Finance
Express Company 5.00 F.W.L.
A.W. Wright, Express 1.00 Finance
Corbould and McColl 37.00 Finance
Vancouver News 21.90 Finance
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Thursday January 20th 1887 at 2. P.M.
The following accounts were examined and recommended to be paid: –
Garden and Hermon 5.00
J.A. Gillis 10.00
Edward McKindry 5.00
J.H. Carlisle 26.00
sgd. D. Oppenheimer
Report adopted.
Board of Works
A Meeting of the Board of Works was held on Monday January 24th 1887 at 2. P.M.
Tenders were received and read: –
(1) For grading, and grubbing three acres of the Public Cemetery.
(2) For close cutting grubbing and laying of one sidewalk on Columbia Avenue.
(3) For the Building of an addition to the City Hall.
The tenders were as follows
For Cemetery,
Boyd and Clandenning $800.00
W.C. Muir $1080.00
Ballinger & Lock $900.00
Gill and Bowers $750.00
M. Costello $194.50 per acre
Thos. Egan $265.00 per acre
A. Morrison $450.00 per acre
J.H.L. Wilson $400.00 per acre
J.M. Ayer $325.00 per acre
Wm. Collin $225.00 per acre
W.H. Gallagher $120.00 per acre
F. Joubert $1100.00 per acre
Stephenson & McCraney 190.00 per acre
Columbia Avenue
Boyd and Clandenning
Clearing and Burning per acre $175.00
Sidewalking per foot 34 cts
Thos. Egan
Clearing and burning per acre $175.00
Sidewalking per M. $14.50
Stephenson & McCraney
Clearing & burning lump sum $190.00
Sidewalking per foot 33 cts
W.C. Muir
Clearing &c Lump sum $260.00
Sidewalking 35 cts
We recommend that the following tenders be accepted.
(1) For Cemetery
W.H. Gallagher @ $120 per acre
(2) For Columbia Avenue
Stephenson & McCraney @ 190 Lump sum for close culling and burning and 33 cts a foot for sidewalking.
In the matter of the tenders for the addition to the City Hall we would ask the Council for an extension of time for their consideration. We ask of the Council that the Board of Works be authorized to contract with William Harkins and the Hastings Saw Mill Company for the grading and planking, 16 feet wide of Dunlevy Avenue from Powell Street to Hastings road at the following rates: –
With the former for grading at 20 cents per cubic yard and hauling and laying plank at $1.50 per M and with the latter for plank at $5.00 per M.
And to enter into contract with Messrs. Stephenson and McCraney for the construction of a sidewalk eight feet wide from Jackson Avenue to the east like of the school house lot.
Also that one thousand dollars be placed to the credit of the Board of Works for improvement of streets and building of sidewalk.
We recommend the payment of the account of Edwin Kidd amounting to three dollars for work done on Alexander Street.
(sgd) L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted.
Alderman Hamilton introduced two By-Laws one for six thousand five hundred dollars for the grading and sidewalking of Columbia Avenue, and the other for four thousand three hundred dollars for the planking of said Avenue, which were read a first time.
Notices of Motion
Alderman D. Oppenheimer gave notice that at the next of the Council he would introduce a By-Law to raise a general for $– to be expended on streets and general improvements and in redeeming the Local improvement debentures of the City heretofore issued.
Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would at the next meeting of Council introduce a motion to instruct and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to apply to the Legislative Assembly asking them to refund to the City of Vancouver for its use and benefit all Provincial Revenue taxes and all personal property taxes that have been collected by them for the year 1886.
Alderman Lefevre gave notice that he would at the next meeting of Council introduce a By-Law for the preservation of the Public Health.
Alderman Humphries gave notice
that this Council through the Mayor be required in the terms of an Act passed by the Dominion Government on the 2nd of June 1886, Chap 35, entitled “An Act respecting Certain Works Constructed in or over Navigable Waters”, to apply under Section 2 of such Act for leave to construct a wharf on the South Side of Burrard Inlet for the use of the City of Vancouver, B.C. such wharf to be 660 feet long and to extend into such inlet to such an extent as to admit of the mooring of ocean going steamers alongside thereof and to extend in an easterly direction from the foot of Cambie Street of in the Alternative from Cambie Street to Abbott Street, the latter being the site of the Old Granville Townsite.
Moved by Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander
that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Honorable (sic) the Provincial Secretary, asking that a grant of $2000.00 for a hospital and $1000.00 for the Fire Department be placed on the estimates and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the number for this district.
The Council then adjourned
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk