Vancouver to acquire its own water works – January 27, 1891

Council agrees to acquire the Water Works from its current private owners. It was agreed to request the provincial government not to dissolve the current Small Debts Court Act until a judge is actually resident in Vancouver. Council to request the Dominion Government to establish a dry-dock in Vancouver large enough to accommodate ships to and from China, Japan, and Australia.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber


City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 264-275

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Vancouver January 27th 1890

The Council met on Monday January 27th 1890.

Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Horne, Garden, Fox, Sentell, Costello, McLeod, Mason and Doering.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Allan N. Stuart in reference to clay deposits for manufacturing pipes in Vancouver. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Aveling & Porter in reference to rollers. Referred to the Board of Works.

From E. B. Bristow & Co. in reference to the purchase of a Chemical Engine. Referred to the F. W. & L. Committee.

From F. W. Hart requesting to be allowed to disinter A. L. McMullen’s remains. Referred to the Board of Health.

From Dr. Robertson furnishing list of drugs required at Hospital. Referred to the Board of Health.

From B. T. Rogers in reference to a Sugar refinery in Vancouver. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Royal Templars of Temperance praying that the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors be restricted etc. Referred to License Committee.

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From W. J. Gallagher et al praying that a Sewer in Block 41 District Lot 541 be completed. Referred to the Board of Works.

From E. Mohun in reference to recording Sewer connections etc. Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Engineer reporting on the improvements of the North Arm Road. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Miss Bowes furnishing copies of “Home Cheer”. Filed.

From A. G. Hesslier and Wm. Dennis of Halifax sending the Vancouver Mayor and Council greetings on the completion of the Telegraphic Service to that point and reply of Mayor Oppenheimer. Filed.


F. W. & L. No 2

The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday January 22nd 1890.

Present Aldermen Fox, McLeod, Garden and Doering.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the California Electrical Works be allowed to transfer its contract for the erection of the Electric Fire Alarm System to R. B. McMecking of Victoria.

2. That Alderman McLeod and Doering be allowed to test the team selected for the Fire Department and purchase it found satisfactory.

Sgd. J. M. Fox, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the Report of the Fire, Water & Light Committee be adopted. Carried.

Works No 2

The Board of Works met on Thursday January 23rd 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Horne, Sentell and Doering.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

C. P. R. Co. freight on Syphons $110.32
W. C. Muir, Work 67.50
Angus McAuley, Cutting down trees 3.00
D. J. McDonald, Gravel 2,241.010
Edward Mohun, Commission 200.00

2. That the duty on the Syphons be paid amounting to $187.95 and clearance.

Re: J. G. McDonald account for fixing the City Wharf.

As there is nothing in the Minutes authorizing such work, this committee refuse to recognize any such claim.

Re Turner, Beeton & Co’s account;

This Committee finds the charge of 10 percent upon their account for syphons as an unusual one for purchasers to pay but seeing that a similar charge was made and admitted by the Council on a previous occasion, we recommend that the account amounting to $606.22 be paid.

We have received several petitions for street improvements and have laid same over until after the Estimates are compiled.

Sgd. I. W. Horne, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Sentell. That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 2

The Finance Committee met on Friday January 24, 1890.

Present Aldermen Browning, Garden and Fox.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following account be paid:

I. Oppenheimer, Journal for 1890 $4.00

2. That a page be taken in the Dominion Directory represented by Polk & Co. at a cost of $35.00 which shall include a copy of the Directory for the civic offices.

3. That Dr. Bodington be tendered $3.00 in full settlement of his account for making an affidavit re Small pox on the S. S. Premier.

4. That the Guarantee Bond drafted by the City Solicitor for the Bank of British Columbia to indemnify them against any future trouble in paying over the $5,000.00 deposited by Claude Vautin in their Bank be approved and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Mayor and City Clerk.

5. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the several banks in the City and Hanson Bros. of Montreal and others that may be suggested soliciting tenders for the purchase of $10,000 worth of City Debentures.

6. That there are no funds on hand at present to be devoted towards a Museum

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and that Messrs Redgate and Leclaire be notified to that effect.

7. That the Report of the Board of Works be confirmed.

Sgd. J. M. Browning, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman McLeod. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

Water Works No 1

The Water Works Committee met on Thursday January 23rd 1890.

Present Alderman Browning Fox and Garden.

Alderman Garden was appointed Chairman.

We beg to recommend:

That this Committee considers it advisable in the interests of the City to acquire the system of Water Works from the Vancouver Water Works Co. provided the same can be purchased for a sum which may be considered its value to the City’s and further that the Water Works Coy be requested to appoint as early a date as possible to meet your Committee for the purpose of coming to some financial understanding.

Sgd. James F. Garden, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Doering, seconded by Alderman Fox. That the Report of the Water Works Committee be adopted. Carried.

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Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Browning introduced a By-Law to fix the Salary of the Mayor which was read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Mason, seconded by Alderman Costello. That the Motion of Alderman Browning in regard to the dismissal of the Police Magistrate be rescinded. Motion lost 2.7.

Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Mason. That the motion of Alderman Browning in regard to the appointment of a City Solicitor be rescinded. Motion lost 5.5.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Costello. Whereas the address of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of British Columbia to the Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province delivered at the opening of the present session sets out that a measure will be introduced at said session for the repeal of the Small Debts Court Act.

And whereas the reason given for the proposed repeal of said Act is that the Dominion Government has appointed several county court judges and therefore said Act is no longer necessary.

And whereas there is a Judge resident in every City of this Province except Vancouver although said City has a population of upwards of 15,000 persons and a great deal of

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business of all kinds is being daily transacted acted therein.

And whereas in the business transactions of such a large population it is often necessary to avoid loss that creditors should be able without delay to collect small claims with little cost and in consequence of there being no Judge located here this cannot be done if the Small Debt Act is repealed.

Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that the Government of this Province and the Members of the Legislative Assembly be respectfully requested if said act is to be repealed for the remainder of the Province that it be allowed to remain in force in this City until there shall be a Judge resident here.

And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk with the City Seal affixed be sent to each Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Carroll. That whereas the representation of the Mainland in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia is at present inadequate and not in proportion to the population and some of the districts are not represented according to size or commercial importance thereof.

Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that this Council heartily sympathizes with the objects of the Mainland Association as declared in their Circular of the
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15th January a copy of which has just been read. And that as far as is consistent with the Municipal Procedure, we will lend our support in furthering the objects of the Mainland Association and wish them a complete success in their endeavours to obtain proper and equitable representation for the Mainland in the Legislative Assembly of this Province. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Horne. Whereas in the interests of the Port of Vancouver it is necessary that every facility should be provided to enable vessels which come to said port to have any necessary repairs made.

And whereas at the present time there is no Dry Dock in this Province of sufficient capacity to receive the class of vessels plying between this port and China and Japan and those which it is anticipated will shortly be placed on the route between this City and Australia Colonies although a dry dock of such dimensions is absolutely necessary.

And whereas this port being the terminus of the C. P. R. and place of entry and departure of the class of ships above mentioned, is the proper place at which such a Dry Dock should be built to fill an absolute want.

And whereas Vancouver is a point of Imperial importance being the terminus of the C. P. R. which traverses throughout its entire length from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through British Territory, thus affording an alternative route to the Suez Canal as a means of transporting troops and mails

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to India; and whereas a secure and safe harbour entirely protected by nature from the attack of any hostile fleet is the proper place at which in the interests of the Imperial Navy a dock should be situated and whereas Vancouver harbour possesses this requisite in an eminent degree. Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that the Dominion Government be requested to direct that such location in tidal waters in this port be set aside for the erection of such Dry Docks and that such sum be placed in the Estimates for the present year as will enable the work to be begun at once and carried on to completion and that the Mayor be empowered to enter into negotiations with the Dominion and Imperial Governments and with any individuals or companies who may desire to undertake the construction of such Dry Dock as a private speculation and make such arrangements with them or any of them as may lead to the early construction of said work.

And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk with the City Seal affixed be forwarded to the Department of Public Works and to the Members of the Dominion Parliament from this Province at Ottawa. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Costello. That whereas the ratepayers of the
City of Vancouver carried a By-Law appropriating the sum of ten thousand dollars for the im- [volume 3 page 273]

provements of the East and West Parks $2,000 to be spent on each Park.

And whereas none of this appropriation has yet been spent on the East Park and $5,000 is still in the City Treasury for improving it.

And whereas the last report of the Park Commissioners recommended that 18 acres be cleared on the North West corner of said Park skirting along the C.P.R. Track which report was adopted at the last business meeting of the City Council for 1889.

Therefore be it resolved that the City Clerk put a notice in the “World” calling for tenders to clear, grub and grade said 18 acres according to the plan and report of the Park Commissioners which was adopted by the City Council of 1889 and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and make a survey of the same. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Sentell. Whereas preparations on a large scale for the smelting and reducing of the mineral products of this Province are now, about being made and capital to a very large extent has been expended in preparing for such smelting and reducing of mineral ore.

And whereas in the smelting and reducing of such minerals large quantities of lead are always produced which could be utilized if our home market could be secured for our own people, but in consequence of the much larger smelting operations of foreign countries, specifically The United States where there is a large home market, their surplus produce

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is shipped into Canada at such rates as will make it difficult for the various miners and smelters of Canada to compete if tariff protection is not afforded them by the Government of the Dominion and such lead produce will be accordingly lost if action is not taken.

Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that the Dominion Government be respectfully requested to place such a duty upon lead imported into Canada as will enable our miners and smelters of met al to compete with importers of the Surplus produce of other countries.

And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and City Clerk having the City Seal affixed and a copy of the annexed table be forwarded to the Honourable the Minister of Customs at Ottawa. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Fox, seconded by Alderman Horne. That Messrs Sansom and Dawson be authorized to make a plan of the tower of the Market buildings so as to admit of a clock tower or Belfry being erected and submit same to the Board of Works Committee without delay and that said Committee report thereon to this Council with the estimated cost of such addition. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman Doering. That the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders and that the City Engineer be authorized to cut

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down the steep hill on the North Arm Road according to the grades shown on the plan made by him and submitted to this Council. Carried.

Notice of By-Law

Alderman Browning gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to fix a sum to be paid as a Bonus to a Company who will construct and operate a Sugar Refinery in the City of Vancouver.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City ClerkA