The Fire and Police Committee resolved that John H. Grady be appointed in response to the Chief of Police’s letter saying that an extra officer was needed. Alderman Brown, Bethune, Clandenning and McDonald objected to the Committee specifically naming Grady, and thought any new officer should be appointed in the usual way. Aldermen Schou, Shaw, Painter, Banfield, Coldwell and McPhaiden supported Grady’s appointment, and so Grady was hired.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
Original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 7 pages 20 – 31
two see original handwritten minutes from January 29, 1896 – click here
[Volume 7, Page] 20
The Council met on Wednesday January 29th 1896
Present His Worship, the Mayor and full board of
From the News Advertiser and the World objecting
to the manner in which it was proposed to award the advertising contract.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From John Simpson etal asking for improvements
on Nicola Street
Referred to the Board of Works
& Light Committee
From Evans, Coleman and Evans complaining about
the coal contract being awarded to Crowder and
Referred to the Finance Committee
From the Clerk of Burnaby, asking if it was the
intention of the Council to enforce the “wide
Fire Act”.
Referred to the Board of Works
From H. Newcomb etal asking for the im-
provement of Front Street.
Referred to the Board of Works
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From the Trades + Labor Council asking that
all By-Laws and charter amendments
be printed in the local papers.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From Robt. G. Clarke. Dewdney, asking the
Council to put in force the law against
the selling of liquors on Sunday etc.
Received and acknowledged
[Volume 7 page] 21
From the Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works
acknowledging receipt of communication re
appropriation to City Hospital + Fire Department.
From W. Pillew Harvey asking if Mr. Monck-
ton and accepted for his friends the respon-
sibility of erecting a smelter and refinery in the
Laid over for motion
From T. Duncannaan etal, asking for improve-
ments on Princess Street
Referred to the Board of Works
From Geo McGowan, stating that, an action had
been brought to restrain the City from performing
a certain contract with the Western Electric
Light Heat and Power Co. And requesting the
City to defend same.
Referred to the City Solicitor
From J Buntzen Secretary of the Consolidated
Ry + Light Co. Stating that there was a mis-
apprehension as to the nature of the Bill they
were to present to the Legislature.
From Ald Scoullar asking to be reinstated
as Health + Plumbing Inspector
Referred to the Health Committee
From the City Clerk of New Westminster ack-
nowledging the receipt of a communication
regarding the application of the new Consolidated
Railway + Light Co to the Provincial Legisla
ture for rights over the streets and stating that
they would oppose the application
From Geo Schofield etal, asking for improve
ments on 7th Av Fairview + a hydrant –
Referred to the Board of Works
and the Water Committee
[Volume 7 page] 22
The following Reports were received and read:-
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday Janu-
ary 24th 1896
Present the full Board.
From James England, Treasurer of the Alexandra
Orphanage asking for last quarters appropriation
to the orphanage ending Dec 31st 1895, amounting
Resolved that his request be granted.
From Philip Fewster handing list of accounts re re-
servior, and stating that the same had been verified
by Affidavits
Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to in
form him that the Committee can take no legal
action in the matter.
From Geraldine A. Reid Secretary Friendly Aid
Society, asking the cooperation of the Council in
giving assistance to single men who claim to be
in need.
Resolved that she be informed that an appropriation
having been made to the Park Commissioners
for new improvements that work can be had
of them on application
From Wm Garden, in the absence of Mr. Tatlow,
Chairman of the Park Commissioners requesting
that the sum of $200 be placed to their credit.
Resolved that his request be granted, this
amount to be deducted from their estimates
for 1896.
From. E. AH. Roone making application to
the Committee to purchase new maps.
Laid over until the maps are exhibited.
From Fred Allen stating that he would not fill
parts of the feed tender which was awarded
[Volume 7 page] 23
him unless he was allowed to fill, all of it:
Resolved that inasmuch as W. G. Fraser had
not signed his contract for the hay and
straw awarded him, that the whole of the
feed contract go to Fred Allen he being the
lowest tenderer.
From. C. W. Murray, Secretary Vancouver Board
School Trustees handing copy of resolution
passed at a meeting of his Board on the 17th
inst stating that the Board will require the balance
of appropriation yet unexpended in order to pay
contracts now let and nearly completed.
Resolved that their request be granted, the
interest and sinking fund to be charged to
From R. G. Tatlow, Chairman of the Park Commission
ers, asking for, an advanced of $2000 on account
of their appropriation for the new work.
Resolved that his request be granted.
Resolved that Dr. Thomas be paid $50, as full pay
ment for the professional attendance on J. Flanders.
Resolved that the Board of Works be allowed
$5000 pending the making up of the estimates.
Resolved that the costs of the case of Bailey vs
City of Vancouver amounting to $326.16 and $23.05
be paid.
The following tenders were opened, and laid over
for examination.
Stationery. Thomson Bros. + Clarke + Stuart
Drugs. Chas. Nelson + H. McDowell + Co.
General Groceries. F. Filion Edgett Bros. Hesson + Irving
and C. F. Foreman.
Chemicals for F. D. McDowell + co + C. W. Nelson.
Fish. Thos. Anderson
Green Groceries + fish. C. S. Philps
Binding. News Advertiser
Printing. Thomson Bros. News Advertiser
and Trythall + Son.
[Volume 7 page] 24
The following tenders were received and awarded:-
Pioneer Steam Laundry. Mrs. . Barrett +
Charley Lee.
Milk. F. Ellison 15 1/2¢ + J. Jones 18¢
Advertising. News Advertiser + World
Wood. M. J. James, R. Smith; J. Steeves and D.
Ice. International Ice Co.
The tenders were awarded, as follows:-
Washing. Pioneer Steam Laundry Milk. F. Ellison
Wood M. J. James. Ice. International Ice Co.
That the News Advertiser be given the Advertising
for the first six months, and the World for the
balance of the year.
The following accounts were recommended for
Vancouver Bill Posting Co. $2.00
News Advertiser Supplies 30.60
G. A. Roedde 9.50
sgd. J. J. Banfield
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report be adopted.
Water + Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wed-
nesday January 22nd 1896.
Present the full Board.
From. R. G. Clarke and H. P. Bales Dewdney, asking
the City Council to establish a market day
in Vancouver and to use their influence with
the CPR to procure special rates for farmers
and produce coming in to Market also to try
and induce the C.P.R to put a station in Dew-
dney Municipality.
Laid over
[Volume 7 page] 25
From Wm Towler offering the additions made
to the Market Shed for the Poultry Show to the
City for $20. the windows not included
Resolved that his offer be accepted
From Major Townley asking for the use of the Market
Hall for the next month when not otherwise
engaged for drill purposes and also for the
use of the shed adjourning one night a week
for drill purposes.
Resolved that his request be granted.
Resolved that Thursday be appointed as Mar-
ket Day.
A communication was received from the pro-
prety owners association, asking that the
water works offials be instructed to collect
water rates from servants and turn off the
water when 30 days in arrears.
The method of collecting water rates suggested
by the property owners association does not
seem to the Committee to be feasible, they would
suggest that all water rates be collected in the
rents and to avoid the evil referred to.
Messrs Paniher and Schou were appointed a
Committee to wait upon the CPR Co and by
and arrange for Special rates for farmers
and produce coming into Market.
The Committee visited the Market and Mar-
ket shed and recommend that the roof of
the Market building and its exterior walls
and interior be put in a thorough
state of repair.
That the Market shed by floored all over
that suitable windows be put into it and
otherwise fitted up to make it fit for
farmers produce.
The following accounts were recommended
for payment:-
News Advertiser Supplies $24.50
Can Gen’l Elec Co. “ .35
[Volume 7 Page] 26
Evans, Coleman + Evans Supplies $9.00
Z. Franks “ 7.80
D. Mcgillivray “ 968.86
J. Young. Repairs 16.55
Clarke + Stuart Supplies 5.13
W. Hooper etal. Labor 613.85
sgd Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Schou
That the Report be adopted.
Fire + Police Committee
The Fire + Police Committee met on Tuesday Janu-
ary 28th 1896.
Present the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended
for payment:-
F. W. Mitchelt Supplies $20.00
Wm. Ralph. “ 5.10
J. Carnahan Scavengering 1.50
A. Andrew Carpentering 7.
Robert Clark Supplies 1.20
McLennan + McFeely “ 1.10
E. Clough Drayage .50
F. W. Mills. Fireman 8.
C. Lassehnan Supplies 2.75
R. S. Parsons Hack hire 1.50
J. Carnahan Scavengering .50
Hunt + Murray. Supplies 126.50
C. J. Harling Drayage .50
A. Blayney InteSupplies 16.
CPR Co. Supplies 3.88
C. S. Philp. “ 4.42
J. Moon Morely 2.50
Robertson + Hackett Supplies 4.25
J. A. Skinner “ .75
Lee + Stewart. Hack hire 1.50
Wm Ralph. Supplies 1.35
Thos. Hallam Refund of fine. 5.00
[Volume 7 page] 27
From the Chief of Police asking that the police
be supplied with the new revolvers.
Laid over.
From the Chief of Police calling attention to the
necessity of detailing a constable for duty
in the police station and in order to fill
the vacancy on the streets suggesting that an
additional policeman be appointed.
Resolved that in view of the report of the Chief
of Police that he wished a man appointed
to take charge of the gaol at night it be-
comes necessary to appoint another police
officer and that John H. Grady be recommended
for that appointment.
From Thos. A. Callin applying for a position on the
police force.
From W. B. Ross asking that his case be in
Resolved that Mr. A. Williams be asked to give
an opinion on the case of Haywood vs. The City.
Sgd. C. A. Coldwell
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Coldwell
That the report be adopted
Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman Bethune.
That the clause recommending the
appointment of J. H. Grady be struck out and
applications called to fill the position in the
usual way.
Yeas. Alderman Brown, Bethune, Clandenning
and McDonald
Nays. Aldermen Schou, Shaw, Painter, Ban-
field, Coldwell + McPhaiden.
Motion carried.
[Volume 7 page] 28
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Thursday January
23rd 1896.
Present the full Board.
From W. Serdelmain re culvert at Powell Street near
Columbia Brewery, asking that it be enlarged
and lowered.
Laid over for Committee to see pending the Estimates
From C. W. Murray Sec. School Trustees asking for
a little filling between the sidewalk and fence
at the old west end school.
Referred to the Engineer for attention
From R. A. Muskett re garding to his house
on Second Av Fairview
Laid over until the Estimates.
From the Secy Relief Committee of Friendly
Aid re relief for single men out of work.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Hong Wo + Co. Etal Dupont Street
complaining re sidewalk
Referred to Ward Foreman to see to it.
From R. A. Muskett, asking permission to put
up a pole to support a sign opposite his store
Cordova Street.
Not granted, as it will not conform to the By-Law.
From F. L. Prior etal, asking for grading on 10th Av.
Laid over pending the Estimates.
From E. J. Grant, asking for sewerage ex-
tension West of Nicola Street.
Laid over for a report from the Engineer.
From W. Little etal, asking that lane between
Prior and Barnard Streets to be made passable.
Referred to the [photo of page cut off at the bottom]
[Volume 7 page] 29
From C. J. Mayne etal asking for 3 plank walk
on 9th Av east from Scott to Dock Street.
Referred to the Wrd Foreman for attention
From J. Clarkson complaining of culvert em-
ptying into his lot on 7th Av Fairview.
Referred to the Engineer for attention.
From the Secretary of the School Trustees re
sidewalk on 7th Av. Between Bridge + Spence Strs
Resolved that a temporary walk be laid down
by the Wrd Foreman.
From F. M. Cowperthwaite etal re sidewalk
on Bridge Street.
Resolve that tenders be called up to the 30th
inst at 4 p.m. for the following:-
The following tenders were received and opened
Hardware, locks, etc.
Thos Dunn + co.
McLennan + McFeely/
Vancouver Hardware Co.
Thos Dunn + co.
Vancouver Hardware co.
Resolved that the tender of Thos Dunn + co
be recommended for acceptance.
Cassady+ co. $8.50 per M
W. L. Tait; “
R. C. P. Mills “
Resolved that as all of the tenders are the same
that none of them be accepted.
Jackson Av. E. Denton +co. 14¢
Bute St. “ Do 13 1/2
Jervis St. “ Do 13 1/2
Resolved that the tender of E Denton + co for each
of the above be accepted.
[Volume 7 page] 30
Resolved that E. Denton + co be awarded the laying
of a 6 ft walk on Dunlevy Av btween Harris
and Barnard Streets, at the same price as their
tender for Jackson Av Walk (250 ft more or less)
Resolved that the matter of necessary repairs to
the Westminster Av and Cambie Street bridges
be left in the City Engineer’s Land for attention.
The following accounts were recommended for
G. A. Roedde. Minute book $7.50
Clarke + Stuart. Supplies $7.41
J. Bradley Express .75
Thos Veitch hauling 3.00
News Advertiser. Ads 10.00
sgd H. P. Shaw
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Clandenning
That the clauses in the report relating
to the awarding of Contracts for Nails and
Hardware be struck out and referred to
the Finance Committee.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Coldwell
That the Report as amended be
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Painter
That during the late civic elec-
tions a large number of the tax payers
disapproved of the system of paying Alder-
men for their services, and as some of the
candidates promisted that they would be
willing to give their time without any reser-
vation be it resolved that no appropriation
be placed in the estimates for the payment
of Aldermen for 1896.
Ruled out of order by Mayor until the Esti-
mates are considered.
[Volume 7 page] 31
Moved by Alderman Schou
Seconded by “ Banfield
That a special committee of
this Council be appointed by the Mayor to
ascertain and report on the advisability
or otherwise of establishing a smelter in
Vancouver and if municipal encour-
age of such industrial effort be found
necessary and desirable; to report also
as to the best method of advertising for
suggestions and proposals from persons wish
ful to establish such an understanding.
The Mayor appointed Alderman Shaw, Schou t
C Clandenning, Brown and Bethune.
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Shaw.
That a return be made of the
poll taxes collected for the years 1894 and 1895
setting forth the amounts received monthly
and distinguishing between the amounts
so paid by those whose names are on the Vot-
ers’ list and those who are not, giving the
names of eac so far as practicable,
this return to be made, as soon, as
Consideration of By-Laws.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole
on the By-Law to authorize the borrowing
of $150,000 in anticipation of the Municipal
Revenue for the year 1896.
The Mayor was appointed Chairman.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause
and reported to Council, as complete.
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the By-Law be read a
3rd time
[Volume 7 page] 32
Notice of Motion
Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at next
meeting of Council he would introduce a
By-Law to amend By-Law No 228.
The Council then adjourned.
Henry Collins
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk