Charges for new English Bay bath house not to be more than 5 cents for supply of a towel and [bathing] suit. A minimum of 20 percent of the changing stalls to be left free of charge. Swimming hours to be “not less” than six am (!) to 8 pm. Sailors being admitted to the City Hospital to be examined to be “furnished with a certificate of admission” (i.e., they do not have syphilis or other venereal disease).
This transcript was made in 2019 by Gerald Soon
Illustration: CVA 789-37 – [View of the wooden
English Bay Bathing Pavilion on Beach Avenue from the foot of Burnaby Street]
photo of original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 470 – 475
Vancouver July 3rd 1893
The Council met on Monday July 3rd 1893
Present- His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Fowler.
The Minutes of Last meetings were read and adopted.
From J.E. Keith, Treasurer of the Dominion Day Celebration Committee submitting statement shewing a surplus of $191.51 after paying all accounts for this year and last year.
From J.M. Holland asking to be refunded the amount expended by him in the construction of a sidewalk at the junction of Water and Cordova Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Thos Whiteley etal, Expressmen asking to be allowed to use part of Abbott St as a stand
Referred to the Police Committee
From J.J. Nickson stating that he was delayed on his Sewer contract.
Referred to the Board of Works
From E.F. Clark asking the City to reconvey to him the land known as “Clarks Park” as he intends donating the site to the B.C. College.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Communication be referred to the Finance Committee and that the Secretary of the College be invited to attend.
From Rand Bros & G.W. Hobson drawing attention to the fact that water was being pumped out of the City Lands.
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee.
From F.S. Dobson asking if the Council is prepared to receive a proposition regarding the creating of a suspended pipe line.
Referred to the F.W.& L. Committee.
From W. J. Henning asking for the removal of two stumps on the corner of Ninth Av & Prince Edward Street
Referred to the Board of Works
From J.W. McFarland, on behalf of a deputation from the Van Elec Ry & L. Co asking the Council to defer their decision on their proposition to purchase of the Street Railway until they meet them.
Laid over.
From Robert Campbell asking that his claim be settled definitely
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Communication be filed. Carried
The following Reports were received and read:-
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday June 30th 1893
Present- Aldermen Collins, Anderson, Cargill and Hobson
It was recommended:-
1. That the Department of Marine and Fisheries be informed that the City will be willing to receive sick seamen into the City Hospital and Board and nurse them at 90 cts a day provided the Government supplies medical attendance
2. That in future all sick seamen before being admitted into the City Hospital must be examined by some member of the Hospital Medical and furnished a permit of admission.
3. That the following accounts be paid:-
M.A. Harvey Hack hire $23.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies 71.00
H.H. Layfield & Co. “ 155.93
Davis & Taylor Kalsomining 170.00
B.C.M.T.& T. Co. Supplies 17.50
W.J. McGuigan Inquests 25.00
Champion & White Scavengering 10.75
News. Advertiser Supplies 56.00
Wm Edwards Refund Cemetery fees 6.00
Mrs. Manley Work 3.10
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Cargill
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday June 30th 1893
Present- Aldermen Collins, Cargill, Hobson and Brown
It was recommended:-
1. That funds be provided to pay M.G. McLeod $10.00 a month dating from the 1st of July for his services as License Inspector.
2. That the Auditor’s Report for May & June be filed.
3. That the following accounts be made:-
M.A. McLean Costs in Police Court Cases $34.00
Thomson Bros Supplies 10.55
News. Advertiser “ 51.08
S.T. Tilley & Son “ 26.10
J. Miller “ 30.00
sgd R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Cargill
Seconded by “ Anderson
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday June 29th 1893.
Present the full board.
It was recommended:-
1. That Messrs Watt & Trott be notified if they are not willing to accede to the following terms and conditions in connection with the caretaking of the bathing sheds, the Job will be given to some other applicant:-
a) The agreement to be for a term of 5 years only
b) Five stalls on each side of the bathing sheds to be left open and free of charge
c) Twenty five per cent to be left open and free of charge in case of any extension to the bathing sheds
d) Charges allowed to be not more than 5 cts each for towel attendance and suit:
e) Male and female attendants to be furnished when necessary.
f) Hours to be not less than from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
2. That the Communication from J.J. Nickson claiming $620.50 for extra work and damages on Section 10 of the Sewers be referred to the City Engineer to get a report from the inspector on the works.
3. That Crowe & Wilson be granted permission to put in Ventilators in the sidewalk in front of the Fremont House on Carrall Street, to be built flush with the sidewalk and under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer.
4. That Harvey Hadden be tendered $200.00 for the piece of land to be expropriated from Lot 12.Block 11.541.
5. That the express stand be moved from Abbott Street to the following streets viz:-
a) Hastings Street between Carrall & Cambie
b) East-side of Seymour St between Hastings & Cordova.
c) Westminster Av between Hastings & Dupont streets opposite the Market building.
6. That the Communication from M. Cunningham claiming $150.00 for obstruction of Trounce Alley be deferred to the City Solicitor.
7. That the sum of $60.00 be paid over to E. Richtensbasque owner of the lots on water
street overflowed, provided he gives a receipt in full for his claim.
8. That C. Goodmurphy be not granted permission to connect his wharf with Westminster Av sidewalk.
9. That Miss Harding be allowed to have the Kitchen Sinks of two cottages about to be erected on the corner of Gore Av & Prior St connected with the existing box drain.
10. That the communication from John Brenton reporting a stagnant pool of water at the back of the American Restaurant be referred to the City Engineer to examine and report.
11. That the communication from A. Gilmore asking that the grade of the sidewalk on Hastings Street in front of Lots 21 & 23 Block 8.196 be raised to the established grade be referred to the City Engineer for attention.
12. That the City Engineer have the stones removed from the corner of Richards & Pender Streets, the cost to be charged up to the parties who deposited them there, and also that he have both of the bad holes made safe for pedestrians the cost of each case to be chargeable to the property.
13. That the matter of the sidewalk on Richards Street at the Bank of B.N.A be laid over for consideration next week.
14. That the specification submitted by the City Engineer for concrete sidewalks be approved.
15. That the grading of Princess Street between Campbell Av & Vernon St as requested, be laid over for the time being.
16. That the communication from John Brenton asking for extra help to flush No.6 sewer be referred to the City Engineer.
17. That the City Engineer examine Ash St, Fairview and Barnard St. east of Raymur to see as to the best means of access etc and report:
18. That the tender of T.M. Thomas be accepted for the grading of Westminster Av for the lump sum of $699.00
19. That tenders be called for the following new work up to Thursday July 13th at 3 P.M.
3rd Ave Fairview, grading two blocks west of Centre St.
7th Av Mt Pleasant: grading 1 block west of Ontario St.
Hastings St: South side, between RIchards & Seymour St, concrete sidewalk .
20. That the following accounts be paid:-
D. McGillivray Cement $5,330.99
G.W. Mitchell Expenses 1.40
E. Kingcome “ .75
News. Advertiser Supplies 7.00
Boyd & Clendenning “ 17.00
S.T. Tilley & Son “ 4.50
Hugh Morell Haro St. 58.87
J. Bausman Express hire 75 cts.
H. Lomas etal Labor 562.70
D.J. McPhalen Supplies 1.00
Evans, Coleman & EvansPipe 371.08
Rannie & Campbell Coal Harbour Bridge 641.10
J. Potter Sec 8, Sewers 1282.59
Do “9 “ 2887.90
T. Powell Alberni St 201.60
D. Gibbons 6th Av 180.00
C.G. Garrison Seymour St. 179.02
sgd H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the matter of the rewiring of the old wing to the City Hospital be left in the hands of the Chairman of the Health Committee with power to act. Carried
That the matter of repairing Westminster Av Bridge be referred to the Board of Works.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ B. Fowler
That the following labor account be paid:-
W. Hooper etal $290/25
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Fire By-Law. Carried
Alderman Collins was appointed Chairman.
The By-law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney seconded by Alderman Brown.
The Council then adjourned to meet again at the call of the Mayor to meet the Deputation on the street Railway question.
F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.