Only $89 was reported as received from Police Court fines, which was thought to be “an unreasonably low sum.” Further to the Special Assessment for the improvement of Water Street, the rule was established, “Where the property in any block is especially benefited by the proposed improvements the rate per front-footage shall be uniform irrespective of the assessed value.”
This transcript was made in 2012 by Transcribimus volunteer
Margaret Sutherland
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 39-41
[vol 1 page 39]
Vancouver July 5th 1886
The Council met in the Relief Tent on Monday July 5th at 7.30 P.M.
Present Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Coldwell, Griffith, Humphries, L.A. Hamilton, E.P. Hamilton and Northcott.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Coldwell that in the absence of the Mayor, Alderman Northcott take the Chair. Carried.
Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
A communication was read from John D. Ronald, Brussels shewing the advantages of his Fire Engine over the Silsby Engine.
Accounts were sent in from the Brunette Saw Mill Co., British Columbia Gazette and John. M. Stuart, Chief of Police.
The first account was referred to the Board of Works and the other two to the Finance Committee.
Motion No [37]
Joseph Huntly furnished an account of the expenditure for the Keep of City prisoners for the Month of June, which was referred to the Police Commissioners to take the same action in the matter as for the account for the month of May.
The Treasurer’s Report was read shewing the amount of money received by him up to the 29th of June 1886 and
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the balance now in his hands.
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Caldwell that as it is appears from the Report furnished by the Acting Treasurer that after the 30th of June only Eighty three dollars had been received by him from Police Court fees etc. and as this seems to the Council to be an unreasonable sum for the receipts from Police Court Juries for the period paid Court has been in existence the Council therefore desires to draw the attention of the Acting Treasurer to Clause 159 of the City Charter which provides that all fees fines etc. shall be deposited in the City Treasury once a day and in the case the Provision of this section are not complied with it shall be the Treasurer’s duty to report any delinquencies to the Mayor and Clerk. Carried.
Petitions were red from the property owners on Hastings Street between Carrall and Howe, from property owners on Carrall Street between Coal Harbour and False Creek and on Columbia Avenue between Alexander and Dupont streets praying for the Council to pass By-laws for the improvement of the same. These petitions were all referred to the Board of Works.
Moved by Alderman E.P. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Coldwell that the Committee appointed to call upon the Provincial Secretary be allowed to postpone their report till next meeting of Council. Carried.
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Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Coldwell that Fire By-Law be left over till next meeting of the Council. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Griffith that having seen the proposed Assessment for the improvement of Water Street that the City Engineer be instructed to be guided by the following rule, “That where the property in any block is especially benefited by the proposed improvements the rate per foot-frontage shall be uniform irrespective of the assessed value”. Carried.
The Fire Committee was instructed to meet on Wednesday at 3 P.M.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Balfour gave notice that he would at the next meeting of the Council introduce an insurance by-law.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman L.A. Hamilton that the Council adjourn. Carried.
M.A. MacLean, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk