Council reviewed and amended a draft agreement with the Burrard Inlet and Fraser River Valley Railway Company. City Solicitor to prepare amended draft to take to Council on Monday April 4, 1892.
This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer Christine Cathcart
and sponsored by the Woodward family
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 page 725 only
[vol 4 pg. 725]
Vancouver March 29th 1892
The Council met on Tuesday March 29th 1892. Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson Connon, Scouller, McGuigan, McCraney, Franklin, Odlum, Mills and Gavan.
A draft form of the agreement was laid before the Council which was read over clause by clause and amended in accordance with the ideas of the Council.
It was resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an agreement in accordance with the wishes of the Council, and submit same for consideration on Monday next at the next regular meeting.
The Council then adjourned.
(signed) F. Cope
Ths. F.McGuigan
City Clerk