Temporary Tracks To Be Laid at Granville & Pender – July 12, 1897

Temporary Tracks To Be Laid at Granville & Pender – July 12, 1897

The British Columbia Electric Railway Company was allowed to lay temporary bent rails at Granville and Pender Streets because the agreed upon size and weight of bent rails was not available. Right hand side of photo shows curved streetcar and curved track at Pender and Granville Streets.

This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards

Illustration: COVA Reference No.
CVA 677-629 – [Pender Street at Granville] 190?

Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 7 pages 637 – 642

To see or download the

[Vol. 7 page] 637

Vancouver July 12th 1897

The Council met on Monday July 12th 1897.

Present Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, W. S. MacDonald and D. G. McDonald.

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That Alderman Brown be appointed Chairman.


The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.


From Dr Bodington, Supt of the Insane Asylum, New Westminster stating that Mrs Crook was now sane and asking the City to take charge of her during her confinement.

Referred to the Police Committee with power to act.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Light, Railway & Tramway Committee

The Light Railway and Tramway Committee met on Saturday July 10th 1897.

Present. Aldermen Brown, Clandenning and Neelands.

Resolved whereas the British Columbia Electric Railway Company not having bent rails of the weight and size agreed by them in the Contract dated day of 1897 between the Company and the City to be laid at the junction of Granville Street and Pender Street and the Company having requested permission to lay other rails there temporarily.

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Be it resolved that provided the said Company enter into an Agreement to take up the temporary rails they wish now to lay at any time after receiving three months notice so to do from the City Council and lay down in lieu thereof rails of the dimensions and description set out in the contract free of all costs and charges to the City and leave the Street in as good a state of repair and condition, as it was when the said contract was entered into they be permitted to lay down the said temporary rails, as requested.

Sgd. James Clandenning

Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by “ W.S. MacDonald

That the Report be adopted.


Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 8th of July.

Present, the full Board.

T. A. Fee who applied for some earth for filling in at Broughton Street was informed that the City could not at present expend the money necessary for this purpose but that if he put on the necessary teams and labor to haul the earth at his own expense the City Engineer would show him where to take it from.

From A St. G. Hamersley stating that it is not the City’s duty to notify the owners of the Abbott Street Wharf of its unsafe condition as the City’s responsibilities ceases at the ends of the Streets.

Filed for reference.

From Crowder & Penzer calling attention to the bad condition of Harris Street leading to their wharf at False Creek.

Will be attended to.

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Resolved that the Foreman for Ward 3 dig some holes in Powell Street to see what condition the wooden box is in, as complaint is made that it does not carry off the water.

From A. St. G. Hamersley re the obtaining of consent of owners and mortgagees in Block 100 DL. 196 where a lane is asked for.

Laid over for the present.

The matter of allowing the ward foremen time for such holidays as Dominion Day, 24th of May etc was discussed.

It was decided not to allow them time for the holidays unless they actually worked.

Resolved that the Chairman be empowered to sign a progress estimate to be given by the City Engineer to T. Gibbons contractor for Georgia Street grading.

Resolved also that contractor Gibbons and his sureties be notified that under Clause 13 of the Contract he must complete the work in 6 days from the 9th inst or else if they see fit the City will take over the work and complete it at the Contractor’s cost.

Said notification to be sent him by the City Engineer in writing.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

R. C. P. Mills 63.85

………. 15.00

B.C. Iron Works Co. 1.50

Clarke & Stuart. 4.80

Thos. Dunn & Co. 39.65

Angus Fraser. 704.40

Sgd H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ W.S. MacDonald

That the Report be adopted.


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Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday July 7th 1897.

Present. Aldermen McPhaiden, Painter, Neelands, W.S. MacDonald and D.G. McDonald.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:- $

Clarke & Stuart Supplies. 2.55

Norman Cople. “ .75

W.J. McGuigan Inquests 20.

Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 59.03

McDowell & Co. Supplies 62.99

G.B. Sciutto Board 1.00

City Grocery Co. Supplies 75.29

City of Victoria Keep of Leper 40.34

Champion & White Scavengering .50

W.D. Brydone-Jack Med At. 25.00

F.E. Tilley Cemetery 300.00

T.M. Maclean Med At. 24.

J. Stearns & Son Supplies 8.70

Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 18.65

Clean Canning Co. “ 3.75

M.S. Rose “ 18.20


From McIntosh & Co complaining about the interference of the Health Inspector in respect of depositing of manure in the alley between Hastings and Cordova Streets.

Referred to the Health Inspector to carry out the By-Law.

From Miss Macfie, the Health Inspector and Milk Inspector furnishing Reports.


From the Medical Health Officer furnishing Report.

Filed for reference.

Resolved that the Chairman be authorized to arrange for the painting of the Isolation Hospital.

Resolved that tenders be called for heating

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the addition to the City Hospital.

Sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Neelands

That the Report be adopted.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 9th 1897.

Present. Aldermen Brown (in the Chair), Painter, Neelands, Clandenning and D.G. McDonald.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

The World P&P Co. Ads 9.18

Bailey Bros. Photos 4.00

Clarke & Stuart Supplies 17.40

B.C. Elec Co. Lights 1432.05

News Advertiser Supplies 11.84

C. P. Tel Co. Telegram .27

The following Contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.

Geo. Griffiths. Repairing False Creek Bridges.

Thos. Veitch. Delivering crushed rock.


From Miss M. M. Fraser asking that she be not charged interest on the back taxes on Lot 11. Block 60. D.L 541.

Resolved that she be informed that the Council has no power to remit the interest.

Resolved that the Street Railway Co be asked to pay their share of the cost of purchasing the property at the corner of Pender and Burrard Streets and that the City pay the balance.

Resolved that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque in payment

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of the verdict and cost in Smith vs the City.

sgd Wm. Brown
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ W.S. MacDonald

That the Report be adopted.



Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald.
Seconded by “ Clandenning

That the following account be paid:-

Dan Stewart. Firemen’s Uniforms. $434.58


Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded “ Painter

That the following account be paid:-

R.H. Cooke. Repairing Market Shed. $350


Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald.
Seconded by “ Neelands.

That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law to authorize the opening up of a lane through Block 108. D.L.196.


Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman.

In Committee the By-Law was read over Clause by Clause and reported to Council as complete.

It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman W.S. MacDonald, seconded by Alderman Neelands.

The Council then adjourned.