The Board of Works is authorized to dig a trench along the water course from Pender Street to Water Street, and plow under “decayed vegetable matter and rotten wood” presenting a fire hazard. Owners of the lots in question will be charged for clearing. Fire by-law completed and sent for printing.
This transcript was made in 2012 by Transcribimus volunteer
Margaret Sutherland
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 44-45
[vol 1 page 44]
Vancouver July 19th 1886
The Council met on Monday July 14th [sic] 1886. Present the Mayor and all the Aldermen. The Minutes of last Meeting were read and adopted.
The Report of the Board of Works was read and adopted.
Petition from the Property Owners on Cordova Street between Carroll and Homer Streets praying the Council to pass a By-Law for the improvement of the same was received and referred to the Board of Works.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that two additional banks be constructed and that the Board of Works by authorized to advertise for tenders for the Construction of the same. Carried.
Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Dunn that as a temporary protection from fire the Board of Works are authorized to dig a trench of such width as they may think necessary from Pender Street to the lane in rear of Water Street along the line of present water course and dammed at the north end and that the decayed vegetable matter and rotten wood East of said trench and up to the building in the vicinity to the Westward and North said lane and East of the trench to Cambie Street
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be turned under and covered with earth and that the owners of the lots cleared be called upon to pay the cost of such cleaning. Carried.
Fire By-Law No 6 was read a second time after which the Council resolved itself in to a Committee of the whole (with Alderman Balfour in the Chair) who considered the By-Law Clause by Clause, and passed them after which the Committee rose to Report.
By Laws Amended
Moved by Ald Dunn seconded by Ald Northcott that By-Law No 6 be read a third time. Carried.
Moved by Ald L.A. Hamilton seconded by Ald Dunn that By-Law No 5 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and C Clerk and a Copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Balfour that this meeting adjourn until Wednesday evening at 7.30 P.M. Carried.
M.A. MacLean, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk