Champion Sculling Race Cancelled – July 20, 1896

A communication was read from Geo Bach by Secretary of the Carnival Committee stating that it was impossible to arrange a World’s champion sculling race between Messrs Grandau and Stanbury. Plans were made to have a week of sports and regatta instead. Council received a letter from Robert Barker complaining that boys were in the habit of assembling on Drake Street between Richards and Seymour Strs to the annoyance of the people in that vicinity. Police were directed to deal with them.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Leah Minuk

Original handwritten minutes: COV Archives Series 31
Volume 7 pages 243 – 248

To see or download images of the original handwritten pages, click on the buttons below (2 parts):

[Volume 7 page] 243

Vancouver, July 20th 1896

The Council met on July 29th 1896.

Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Schou, Banfield, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, MacDonald, Bethune and Coldwell.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Aulay Morrison Eng. MP acknowledging receipt of communication re Canal from the Fraser River to Burrard Inlet.

From Thos. H. Moore et al asking for the opening up of Victoria St.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Malcott Richardson, Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor acknowledging receipt of communication regarding the reduction of the salary of the Police Magistrate.

From W. Hepburn Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council, asking that $2000 of the Carnival grant be devoted to clearing a free public park.
Referred to the Board of Wards.

From D. Robson, Government Agent acknowledging receipt of monies on accounting of boarding Vancouver prisoners in the Provincial Jail and asking for the balance of the account held back.
Referred to the Police Committee.

From G. A. Jordon, on behalf of several colored gentlemen complaining that his clients were refused stalls at the bathing sheds and asking for a letter

[Volume 7 page] 244

of apology. The City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Morgan and ask him to write a letter of apology and at the same time inform him that he had no authority to refuse admission to these people.

From Joseph B. Roose applying for a position on the City Staff.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From J. Mason & Co. rendering an account for $50.00 for plumbing work done at 931 Westminster Avenue for wash house purposes for which a license was refused.

From James Ellison stating that he was refused a laundry license for 224 Prior St. on the grounds that the wash house ByLaw could not be complied with and protesting against same.
Referred to the Health Committee.

The following Reports were received and read:

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday July 15th 1896.

Present Aldermen McPhaiden, MacDonald and Painter.

The following accounts were recommend for payment:

Thorpe & Co Supplies $1.50

Crowder & Penzer “ 32.71

Wm. Urquhart “ 16.75

G.W Hutchings “ 45.95

Van City Iron Works “ 3.40

J. Dodson “ 15.45

Ms. D. O’Connor Nursing 10

Dr. Johnston Mental Ex 5

J. Carnahan Scavenging 5

A. Kersey Labor 8.33

M.J. James Supplies 75.35

[Volume 7 page] 245

J. K. Davis Glazing $ 1.50

Con Ry Co. Supplies 1.50

Dr. Poole Mental Ex 5

Wm. Ralph Supplies 4.82

D.J. McPhalen Labour 28

Graham & Wallace “ 6

Ed Hudson “ 3.75

Ths. Dunn & Co. Supplies 10.15

C.S. Phelp “ 14.69

W.J. McGuighan Enquiries 15.

C.H. Foreman Supplies 75.20

Clarke & Stuart ‘’ 20.81

McDowell & o. “ 42.90


From Miss Macfie furnishing monthly report:

From the Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector reporting upon the unsanitary conditions of Dupont Street. Resolved that he owners of the property on Dupont Street complained of as being unsanitary by the Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector be allowed to fill in the same to abate the nuisance as originally recommended by this Board and agreed to by the respective owners.

From the City Engineer reporting that the cost of draining the cemetery grounds would be $402.50.
Laid over

From the Milk Inspector furnishing Report:

Resolved that the Health Inspector be allowed to get samples of swill pails for Chinese Scavengers for the approval of the board.

Resolved that as Geo Phillips has failed to fulfil his contract for keeping the Sanitary Grate in the Hospital repaired

[Volume 7 page] 246

That his bondsman Mr. J. E. W. Macfarlane be called upon to do the work.

Sgd. D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ MacDonald
That the Report be adopted

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday July 14th 1896.

Present Alderman Coldwell, Paulin, McPhaiden and Macdonald.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Vancouver Transfer Co. Cab $1.50

J. Dodson Supplies 15.40

News. Advertiser “ 2.52

E. Clough drayage 50

J.C. Woodrow supplies 22.09

C.S. Phelps “ 5.76


From J. S. Fraser et al protesting against the granting of a laundry license to the premises known as 931 Westminster Av. and that in future no laundry license be issued by the License Inspector until each application has been submitted to the Board and received its approval.

From J. E. Robinson et al Express and Draymen asking that the drivers of all licensed vehicles be licensed.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Robert Barker complaining that boys were in the habit of assembling on Drake Street between Richards and Seymour Strs to the annoyance of the people in that vicinity.

[Volume 7 page] 247

Referred to the Chief of Police with instructions to have the nuisance abated.

Resolved that Forage Caps be ordered for the Firemen from Cairns S.P. New York.

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for 750 feet of hose for the Fire Department.

Sgd. C. A. Coldwell

Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 17th.

Present Alderman Brown {in the Chair}, Painter and Clandenning.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

News Advertiser Supplies $9.

Crowder & Penzer “ 17.21

Y.F. Baldwin “ 8.

The following contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.

J. D. Fraser, replanking Westminster Av Bridge

J. J. Powell, Grading Powell St.


From Wm Cargill applying for the positions of accountant.
Referred to the Council

Sgd Wm Brown

The Report was adopted on motion of Alderman Painter.
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning

[Volume 7 page] 248

A deputation consisting of Messrs C. Sweeny, W. F. Salsbury, Capt S Tatlow Worsnop and Bennett interviewed the Council in relation to a grant for a week of sports.

A communication was read from Geo Bach by Secretary of the Carnival Committee stating that it was impossible to arrange a World’s champion sculling race between Messrs Grandau and Stanbury and that the Committee had relieved the Council of their pledge to grant them $5000 but asking that another sum be voted for a week of sports.

After hearing the views of the Deputation it was moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the sum of $3000 be voted to the Carnival Committee on condition of a like amount being raised by them to carry out a week of sports.

Ayes, Aldermen Painter, Schou, McPhaiden, Clandenning and MacDonald.

Nays Aldermen Banfield. Brown, Bethune and Coldwell

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ MacDonald
That in future the City will not be responsible for the payment of burial certificates to Chinamen.

The Council then adjourned

Ths. F. McGuigan
City Clerk

Henry Collins