Rule 48 of the Police Regulations was amended so that Police Force officers be allowed to keep all rewards offered by persons outside the city for the arrest of criminals and runaway sailors. Several sites were proposed for a city crematory facility (for garbage burning, not for disposal of human remains). Committee decided to visit each site before deciding on one. Motion: “That the question of providing a place for Crazy George to locate his Shanty be referred to the Police Committee for action.” Carried!
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 466-476
[volume 3 page 466]
The Council met on Monday July 21st 1890.
Present: Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Horne, Fox, Sentell, Costello, McLeod, Doering and Mason.
Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That Alderman Browning be appointed Chairman during the absence of the Mayor.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Tully Boyce and Mayor Hilbert in reference to the Nanaimo strikers.
From the Deputy Provincial Secretary acknowledging receipt of resolution of Council re school grounds.
From B. T. Rogers acknowledging receipt of resolution re cutting down Boundary Avenue in rear of the Sugar Refining Grounds.
From Geo Nesbit et al praying for the grading of Homer Street between Davie and Drake Streets.
Referred to Board of Works
From the City Solicitor giving an opinion re the Survey of Streets
[volume 3 page 467]
Referred to the Board of Works
From the City Solicitor re the test to the Sugar Refinery Lots.
Referred to Finance Committee
From the City Solicitor re the petition of the Lulu Island & Land Improvement Co. to run a Street Railway over certain streets in the City.
From the City Solicitor advising the City how to have lane closed in Block 74. District Lot 196.
From John Leask, City Auditor, submitting Auditor’s Report for April May and June 1890.
From the Royal City Planing Mills Co. threatening to apply for an injunction unless a draw was put in Cambie Street Bridge.
From Shirley Keating, asking payment for expenses incurred in connection with a search party by order of the Chief of Police.
Referred to Police Committee
From H. F. Keefer requesting the Council to extend the sewer to the end of the lane in Block No 196.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Cruden & Robertson asking Council to lower the water pipes on Princess St.
Referred to the Board of Works
[volume 3 page 468]
From D. Costumel asking Council to remit the taxes on the Vancouver Mfg & Trading Co’s property.
Referred to Finance
From Strathearn & Palmer offering to run out Victoria St. at $10.00 per day.
Finance No. 19
The Finance Committee met on Friday July 18th 1890.
Present Aldermen Browning Garden and Costello.
We beg to recommend:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
F. W. Hart, Carpets $35.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 27.00
Telephone Co. Rents 23.00
Provincial Government Schools 2159.00
A. St. George Hamersley,
Law Costs 64.42
H. Hemlow, 2 Months’ Salary 120.00
2. Re D. J. McDonald’s Communication re repairs to City Wharf.
“This Committee being informed that the work done by D. J. McDonald upon the City Wharf was executed by order of the City Engineer in accordance with an understanding arrived at with Mr. Oppenheimer, as representative of the Wharf Company, who promised that in the event of the Wharf not being purchased by the City, he would see that the cost of repairs would be made good by the said Company. It is resolved that Mr. McDonald’s account be forwarded to Mr. Oppenheimer for settlement in accordance with
[Volume 3 page 469]
this agreement.”
3. The Communication from the Barbers re closing their Shops on Sunday was received and referred back to Council, as the matter does not come under the jurisdiction of this committee.
4. That the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for the printing of the City Charter and By-Laws.
5. That the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Vancouver Improvement Company that the City is prepared to pay them the purchase money on the land purchased as a site for the Sugar Refinery; as the money is not bearing interest the City will not be expected to be liable to the Co for interest after this date..
Sgd J. M. Browning
Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.
Works No. 19
The Board of Works met on Thursday July 17th 1890.
Present Horne, Sentell, Costello, Doering and Browning. We beg to recommend: –
1. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Vancouver Water Works Co and Gas Co., advising them to lower their pipes on Oppenheimer and Princess Streets, in the meantime and if the City finds that it is liable they will be repaid.
[Volume 3 page 470]
2. That a Committee composed of Aldermen Costello, Horne and Doering be appointed to examine into the request of H. L. Ceperley Secy of the Vancouver Street Ry Co re extension of their line to Ninth. Av.
3. That the grades on Richards & Seymour Street Crossing Hastings St. be lowered.
4. That the City Clerk be instructed to write to Fairbanks & Co and others to ascertain the prices of Market Scales.
5. That the City Engineer be instructed to fill and gravel the Site for the fountain and have it Securely placed.
6. That the following accounts be paid:-
Davis & Taylor Painting Fountain $25.00
R. H. Wallace Placing P.O. Box $1.25
Murray & Fraser, Oppenheimer St. 485.10
John C. Murchie, Lansdowne St. 54.68
Leatherdale & McDonald,
North Arm Road 50.85
S. L. Tilley Stationery 3.75
Van Gas Co. Barrels 15.00
Urquhart & Morris, Keefer St. 81.69
John Costello, Powell St. 115.00
Wm. Tierney, Davie St. 380.25
W. Gibbons, Westminster Av. 31.07
7. That the following contracts be awarded:-
Westminster Av Grading McDonald & Lloyd
“ “ Sidewalk D. McTavish
Cambie St Sidewalk McDonald & Lloyd
Keefer St Grading H. Connacher
Homer St “ John Telford Davie St “ do
Haro St “ Wm Tierney
8. That the contractor working on Robson St between Jervis & Broughton Streets
[Volume 3 page 471]
also get the contract for grading said Street from Broughton to Nicola as the cutting on the one is required to fill the other.
9. That tenders be called for the construction of a six ft sidewalk on Helmcken St. from Richards to Homer and that the sidewalk on Homer Street be extended 100 feet e southerly from Helmcken St.
10. That the City Engineer examine and report upon the necessity and cost of painting Granville Street Bridge and on repairing the wings, and also the cost of thoroughly repairing the North Arm Road South of Granville Street Bridge (foot portion).
11. That John Brenton’s salary be increased to $65 per month.
12. That tenders be called for the erection of a six ft sidewalk on Hamilton Street between Hastings and Dunsmuir Streets, money to be taken from some other part of the Ward.
13. That Howe Street be graveled to Georgia St about 260 ft with gravel taken from the west end of Hastings Street.
14. That the box drain on Hornby Street be curtailed and a box drain laid on Davie St. from Howe to Granville.
15. That the Chairman of the Board of Works be authorized to engage the services of Messrs Strathern & Palmer to run the line of Victoria Street.
[Volume 3 page 472]
The Engineer reported that he had arranged with Messrs Boyd and Clandenning to grade Centre St full width at 90 cts per ft which arrangement was confirmed by the Board.
Sgd J. W. Horne
Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.
Police No. 8
The Police Committee met on Tuesday July 15th 1890.
Present Aldermen Costello, Carroll, Sentell and Mason.
We beg to recommend: –
1. That the following accounts be paid: –
S. T. Tilley, Stationery $1.00
R. E. Green, Interpreting 2.50
John Scuitto, Supplies 131.93
Leatherdale & Company, Buggy 5.00
D. J. McLean, Towels 2.10
Van Volkenburgh & Bro., Meat 40.40
Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Nursing 10.00
L. Forwell, Milk 2.76
Robert Clark, Suit 14.50
H. McConney, Drayage 1.00
H. McDonnell & Co. Salts .20
Dr. Beckingsale, Evidence 2.00
M. G. McLeod, Fares 17.50
Wm Murphy, Clothing 12.00
C. Nelson, Drugs 1.25
G. L. Allan, Shoes 1.20
W. J. Smith, Drayage .50
M.A. Harvey, Hack hire 5.00
2. That Rule 48 of the Police Regulations
[Volume 3 page 473]
Be so amended that members of the Police Force be allowed all rewards offered by persons outside the arrest of Criminals and runaway Sailors.
Sgd. M. Costello
Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the Police Committees Report be adopted.
Crematory Report
The Crematory Committee appointed by Council to select a site for such purpose, met in the City Hall on Tuesday July 15th 1890.
Present Aldermen McLeod (Chairman) Carroll & Sentell
Several sites supposed to be suitable for crematory purposes were discussed but no decision was arrived at, the Committee considering it prudent to go around and view the sites before making a final selection.
The Chairman took the matter in hand and interviewed several property owners on False
Creek and vicinity and would report to Council that the Site offered by Messrs Hayes & McIntosh, in compunction with Van Volkenburg & Bros. in Block 90 264 is most suitable and would recommend its selection.
Such site would be about 100 feet square and can be secured free provided it is used for all times for the purpose granted, if not the property to revert to the grantors.
[Volume 3 page 474]
And further, that the slaughter houses of Mssrs Hayes and McIntosh and Van Volkenburgh Bros be allowed to remain in their respective locations, conditional on their being kept in accordance with the Health By-Law and to the approval of the Health Inspector.
Sgd. Malcolm McLeod
Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the Report of the Crematory Committee be referred back to the Said Committee for reconsideration.
Introduction of By-Laws
Alderman Horne introduced two By-Laws
(1) To appoint Police Committee
(2) To define the Authority and limit the powers of the Police Committee
Which were read a first time.
Moved by Alderman MacLeod
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the question of providing a place for Crazy George to locate his shanty on be referred to the Police Committee for action thereon.
Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Horne
That a committee consisting of Aldermen Costello, Garden, Mason and Doering be appointed a Committee to wait upon the City
[Volume 3, page 475]
Solicitor re the Survey of Certain Blocks in 200A and vicinity.
Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That a Committee composed of Aldermen Sentell, Horne and McLeod be appointed to take into consideration the Petition of the Barbers re Sunday Closing.
Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the Board of Works be authorized to place a clock in the Market Tower, at a cost not to exceed six hundred dollars provided suffient remains over out of the Market appropriation.
Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the following Board of Works labour account be paid:-
B. Romang et al 193.00
Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That acting upon the advise [sic] of the City Solicitor, that the City Engineer be instructed to locate the Streets in 30 2, according to the registered plan, without regard to the stakes, as at present placed.
Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the report of the Board of Works be laid over one week in
[Volume 3 page 476]
each case after being read for the Consideration of the Council before final action is taken theron.
Moved in amendment by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the Report of the Board of Works be in every case referred to a Committee of the Whole, to be considered clause by clause.
Motion lost, Amendment carried
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer
Thos. McGuigan City Clerk