Sansom and Dawson’s plan for the City Market selected. Committees established to deal with the Reading Room and to meet with the Street Railway Company. Water service must be extended to Mount Pleasant for “fire and household purposes.” Council agrees that Vancouver purchase the wharf, if the voters approve.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 67-75
[volume 3 page 67]
Vancouver July 22nd 1889
The Council met on Monday July 22nd 1889 at 8 P. M.
Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, Horne, Mason, Salsbury, and Oppenheimer.
From Messrs Drake, Jackson & Helmcken notifying Council that they did not intend to proceed further in the prohibition cases of Power, Frick and Boehlofsky. Referred to Finance Committee.
From H. Abbott Esq acknowledging receipt of communication from Council re North Arm Road and asking for a copy of the communication where the company undertook to gravel the road.
The Clerk was instructed to furnish Mr. Abbott with a copy of his undertaking.
From D. B. Charleson refusing to repair Ninth Av Bridge. Referred to City Solicitor.
From A. J. Monath Secretary Vancouver Reading Room, asking the Council to take the Reading Room under its Management.
From Shurty & Tobin offering to furnish detailed estimates of cost of Electric Light plant for $50.00. Referred to F. W. & L. Committee.
From W. A. Cumyow asking for a Settlement of his account. Referred to Finance Committee.
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From Ed Johnston et al praying that Davie Street be graded from Granville to Richards Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From James B. Kennedy et al asking for Sidewalks on the Hamilton & Dunsmuir Streets. Referred to Board of Works.
From Walter C. Hargraves et al praying that the lane in Block 8, 541 be graded. Referred to Board of Works.
Wharf Committee
We the Committee appointed by the Council of the City of Vancouver to consider the advisability of purchasing the structure known as the City Wharf recommend to the Council the purchase of said Wharf at a price to be fixed by the City Engineer and Mr. W. H. Armstrong and we recommend that a By-Law be prepared for submission to the Electors to provide the necessary funds for said purchase at the price or sum fixed by said City Engineer and said Armstrong.
Sgd. W. J. Brewer, Chairman
Vancouver July 18th 1889
The City Engineer and W. H. Armstrong reported as follows:
We the undersigned having been appointed to examine and value the City Wharf beg to report as follows:
Expended in construction $2,453.00
Depreciation in value 50% 1,226.50
Approach No of feet B. M. 73,997
Main Wharf feet B. M. 142,954
[volume 3 page 69]
Value at $18.00 per M. $4,086
Warehouse & Shed 420
Depreciation in Value 25% 1,126.50
Total Present Value
Piles $1,226.50
Approach of Main Wharf 3,379.50
Gravel Slip 150
Boat Slip 50
Slip to Ferry Boat 100
Total $4,906
Amount required to put the wharf in good repair $1,100
Sgd. John P. Lawson
Moved by Alderman Costello seconded by Alderman Mason. That the report of the Wharf Committee be adopted. Carried.
Finance No 19
The Finance Committee met on Friday July 19th 1889.
Present Aldermen Salsbury, Whetham, Clark and Costello.
The following accounts are recommended for payment:
Wm. Murphy Police Clothes $347.25
N. Fraser, Drayage 2.50
J. H. Carlisle 5.00
Wm. Chitworth .50
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Meat 20.00
J. M. Stewart for specials 78.75
Do Expenses to Seattle 39.50
A. Hodgson, Painting Tags 18.75
Bank of BC. Interest 57.35
Godfrey & Co. Nails etc .32
H. Blyth et al Street Works 155.00
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We beg further to recommend:
1. That the proposition of E. Mohun submitted to the Board of Works for his remuneration in connection with the extension of the Sewerage System be accepted.
2. That the City Clerk be authorized to charge 50 cts for the use of the telephone to the cemetery.
3. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with Mr. Abbott General Superintendent of the C. P. R. Co requesting him to prepare deeds of the School lots, Hospital lots and Fire Hall Lots and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the amounts due on said lots as soon as conveyances are approved of.
4. That Wm. Webster be paid $13.25 the amount due the Leland House for Board and Lodgings furnished Mrs. Roberts late Matron of the City Hospital.
5. That the salary of the Caretaker of the Cemetery be increased to $40.00 per month as recommended by the Board of Works.
6. That the Rules and Regulations of the City Hospital be printed in pamphlet form as recommended to the number of 100 copies.
Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.
[volume 3 page 71]
F. W. & L. No 11
The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday July 17th 1889 to receive tenders for the Fire Alarm System and Electric Lighting.
Present His Worship, the Mayor, Aldermen Brighouse, Clark, Oppenheimer and Whetham.
The following tenders were considered:
Fire Alarm
R. B. McMicking,
For ten stations with Signal Box and all complete except poles $1,900.00 with poles $70.00 per mile extra.
F. C. Stover,
California Electrical Works
10 Boxes, Gardner non-interfering $1,250.00
2 Visual Indicators 15 in Gong 400
Battery Gacanometer, switches etc 150
600 poles 1,200
20 Miles Wire ½ insulated 1,200
1 striker for Tower Bell 350
Cable and pipe for Boxes 10
1-7 in Gong for Chief Eng Office 25
We recommend that the Gamewell System of Fire Alarm be adopted, pending arrangements being made for poles and detailed arrangements with Mr. Stover agent for the proprietors.
The tenders for Street lighting were opened but no decision has been yet arrived at by your Committee.
Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Costello seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee be adopted. Carried.
[volume 3 page 72]
Works No 18
The Board of Works met on Thursday July 18th 1889.
Present Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Horne and Oppenheimer.
We beg to report that plans and specifications for the proposed Market Building have been received from Messrs Jabian McCartney, Hope, Hoffar, Kenway, and Sansom and Dawson.
We recommend that the plans and specifications of Messrs Sansom and Dawson be accepted provided that the specifications are furnished to the satisfaction of the Committee and that the cost of their building shall not exceed the appropriation.
Mr. E. Mohun sent a proposition to the Board for conducting the proposed Sewerage extension which was as follows:
1. That he be paid 2% for the preparation of the plans and specifications, bills of quantities and 3 per cent for Engineer’s Superintendence.
2. That the City provide a Clerk of the Works to act under his instructions.
3. That the City provide office, stationery & all plans field notes & to remain the property of the City.
4. That the City provide extension of Contour plan and any necessary preliminary surveys, total of such cost not to exceed $200.00 in all.
We recommend that his offer be accepted.
We beg further to recommend:
1. That the communication of D. M. Kennedy asking for permission to construct a cable line of street
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railways be referred back to Council and a Committee appointed to deal with it.
2. That the Salary of the Caretaker of the Cemetery be increased to $40.00 per month.
3. That the City Solicitor be instructed to deal with Mr. Charleson in the matter of the Ninth Av Bridge.
4. That the City Engineer be instructed to bring in a report and estimate of a drain from Columbia Avenue to Granville Street to run through Blocks 12, 13 & 14, thence North to the lane in Block 10, thence through Blocks 5 & 1, thence North to Powell Street thence east to Columbia Avenue, thence North to the Shore.
5. That the Pay Roll of W. L. McDonald be signed.
6. That the City Engineer prepare plans and specifications of a house at the pound, price not to exceed $100.00.
7. That no more payments be given to contractors for excavations from basements unless the same be first submitted to the Board of Works.
Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Horne seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.
Introduction of By-Laws
Alderman Brewer introduced a By-Law to amend By-Law No 49 which was read a first time.
[volume 3 page 74]
Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the following account be paid:
H. Blyth et al Street Work $136.55
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the following accounts be paid:
G. F. Graham et al putting out fires $34.00
Van Water Works Co, Water rates 124.62
Moved by Alderman Costello seconded by Alderman Mason. That the City Engineer be instructed to place box drains on Westminster Road between 13th Avenue and 7th Avenue where he deems it necessary for the purpose of taking the water from the road during the rainy season. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Costello seconded by Alderman Mason. That the Vancouver Water Works Co be requested to extend their water system to Mount Pleasant at as early a date as possible as it is of absolute necessity for fire and household purposes. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Costello. That a Committee consisting of Alderman Horne, Clark, and Mason be appointed to meet the Reading Room Committee and report to Council. Carried.
[volume 3 page 75]
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mason. That a Committee consisting of Alderman Costello, Clark and Horne be appointed to meet D. M. Kennedy to discuss the Street Railway proposition and report to Council. Carried.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk