Pender Street lowlands to be drained– July 23, 1888

City Engineer…to drain the low lands on Pender Street crossing Howe, Hornby and Granville. City Treasurer instructed not to collect any tax on personal property this year and to repay any tax that he has already collected.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
eries 23-A Volume 2 pages 409 – 420

[Volume 2 page 409]

Vancouver July 23rd 1888

The Council met on Monday July 23rd 1888 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Clark, Coldwell, Couth, Dougall, Humphries, McConnell and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From C. Sweeney et al. asking for the appointment of a police man in the west end of the City and recommending the appointment of Thomas Andrews to the position. Referred to Police Committee.

From R. H. Alexander, in reference to the Claims of Mrs. Baker for garden destroyed by Park Road.

From S. O. Richards et al. praying for the improvement of Robson Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From F. W. Boucher et al. praying for the improvement of lane between Dunsmuir and Pender Streets in Block 35, District Lot 541. Referred to Board of Works.

From F. W. Sentell et al. praying for the lowering of the grade of the sidewalk on Hastings Street

[page 410]

between Jackson Avenue and Dunlevy Avenue. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Wm. Power et al. praying that a sidewalk ten feet wide be laid on Granville Street between Hotel and Pacific Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From W. J. Hanna et al. asking that Council defer the passing of By-Law prohibiting cows from running at large. Laid over.

From J. C. Bailey, Chief Engineer of the Sault Ste Marie Railway etc. submitting report on plans of False Creek submitted to him.

From H. Abbott asking what assurance the City would give that False Creek Bridge would be proceeded with. Filed.


Health No. 14

The Board of Health met on Monday July 23rd 1888 and beg to recommend that the Medical Health Officer and Alderman Clark be instructed to make out a list of the furniture and appliances necessary for the City Hospital and that the City Clerk call for tenders in accordance therewith

[Volume 2 page 411]

We have received a communication from James Hartney claiming compensation for losses sustained while in Quarantine which has been referred to the City Solicitor.

In regards to the communications of Dr. Bodington and Mr. Owen Hughes your Board asks for further time for their consideration.

Sgd., R. Clark, Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander. That the report of the Board of Health be adopted. Carried.

Works No. 23

The Board of Works met on Friday July 20th and Monday July 23rd 1888 and beg to report that the following tenders have been received for Street improvements etc.

Seymour Street Sidewalk and Approach

Peter A. Grant
For whole work $197.00
Bell and Taylor
Sidewalk per ft 28 cts
Approach per m ft 16.00
Wm Jordan
For whole work 200.00
W. McAllister
Sidewalk per ft 25 ½ cts
Approach per m ft 14.00

[Volume 2 page 412]

Goodmurphy & McLellan
Sidewalk per ft 25 cts
Approach per m ft 16.00
John McLaren
Sidewalk per ft 25 cts
Approach per m ft 16.00
Geo Oliver
Sidewalk per ft 29 cts
Approach per m ft 16.00
Fernan & Owens
Sidewalk per ft 29 cts
Approach per m ft 14.90

Gore Avenue

A. Bunker
Grading per ft 94 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft $1.18
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 96 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Nelson Street

H. Connacher
Grading per ft 35 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culvers per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 44 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

[Volume 2 page 413]

James Hartney
Grading per ft 28 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading per ft 35 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft 38 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Barclay Street

H. Connacher
Grading per ft 50 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
James Hartney
Grading per ft 49 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 76 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading per ft 65 cts
Logs per ft 11 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft 48 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 86 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

[Volume 2 page 414]

Oppenheimer Street

H. Connacher
Grading per ft 65 cts
Logs per ft 6 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 73 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft 84 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 73 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Heatley & Hawkes Ave

A. Bunker
Grading per ft 69 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 49 cts
Logs per ft 6 cts
Culverts per m ft 15.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading Hawkes per ft 75 cts
Grading Heatley per ft 70 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
McLaren & Almond
Grading Heatley per ft 50 cts
Grading Hawkes per ft 48 cts
Culverts per m ft $16.50

[Volume 2 page 415]

McDonald & Cameron
Grading Heatley per ft 62 cts
Grading Hawkes per ft 64 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading Heatley per ft 61 cts
Grading Hawkes per ft 59 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Painting Fire Hall

McGarrigle & Davis $100.00
John Slade 76.40
J. C. Rowley 97.00

We recommend that the tenders be awarded as follows:

Barclay Street, McDonald & Cameron, Oppenheimer Street, H. Connacher, Heatley & Hawkes Ave. ditto (do). Nelson Street, James Hartney, Gore Avenue, A. Bunker, Seymour St Sidewalk & Approach, D. McAlister Painting Fire Hall, John Slade.

False Creek Bridge

We have received a report from Mr. J. C. Bailey C. E. Chief Engineer of the Sault Ste Marie Railway and Bridge Company to whom the plans of False Creek Bridge were submitted.

He recommends that acceptance of Plan “A” as being the most suitable and economical and would meet with all the requirements of the case.

[Volume 2 page 416]

In accordance with said report we recommend that Plan “A” be accepted and tenders called for the construction of the Bridge.

We further recommend that tenders be called for the following streets:-

1. Davie from Burrard to Nicola Prior full width from Westminster Avenue westerly to False Creek. Campbell Avenue from Powell to Dupont. The filling up of Hastings Street between Carroll Street and Jackson Av.

2. That Messrs Springer and Van Bruner’s petition be granted re Cambie Street Sidewalk.

3. That further improvements on Quebec Street and Westminster Avenue be deferred and that the bridge on Sixth Avenue be not constructed at present.

4. That the City Engineer report upon the opening up of Scotia Street and also on the opening up of a Street full width from Westminster Avenue westerly to connect with proposed road to North Arm of Fraser River.

5. That the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works be asked to furnish the Corporation with plans of the school House to be erected on the South Side of False Creek, cost not to exceed $750.00 the plan to be so

[Volume 2 page 417]

drawn that the house when constructed will form a wing to a permanent building.

6. That Messrs McDonald and Cameron be awarded the contract for the grading of Hornby Street full width from Nelson to Helmcken at 60 cts per ft.

7. That the City Engineer be instructed
(a) To improve Westminster Road from the end of the planking to the bridge below Blairs residence
“b” To drain the low lands on Pender Street crossing Howe, Hornby and Granville.
“c” To drain Thurlow Street in the vicinity of the New School house.
“d” To drain the low lands in Oppenheimer Street between Jackson Avenue and Dunlevy Avenue.
“e” To drain Westminster Avenue between Harris and Oppenheimer.

8. That the Park Road be gravelled by days’ labour and that the Board of Works be empowered to have said work performed in sections costing $450.00 each.

9. That Mr. Williams be permitted to lay a pipe from a well on Seaton Street to the Brewery.

10. That Robson Street be graded full width from Granville to Howe.

[Volume 2 page 418]

11. That Brunswick Street be graded full width 20 feet wide from 5th to 7th Av. and that the City Engineer be instructed to let same by private contract.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:

James Hartney, Park Road $2683.71
J. J. Tierney, Georgia Street 219.39
do do Fifth Av 259.20
J. C. Bailey Examining Plans 10.00
Frank Cerra & Co. 6th Av 225.00
H. A. Bell, Fire Hall 900.00

Sgd., Chas. A. Coldwell, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Clark. That James Hartney be paid
$2683.71 on the Park Road instead of $2983.71 and that the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Clark. That the City Treasurer be instructed not to collect any tax on personal property and to repay any tax that he has already collected this year on personal property. Carried.

[Volume 2 page 419]

Moved by Alderman Couth seconded by Alderman Clark. That the Board of Works be instructed to Select a site and construct a Morgue, that such a building is very much needed was made apparent by the scene at the city wharf on Saturday last. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That Alderman Coldwell be empowered to settle with Mrs. Baker for alleged damages to her garden caused by Park Road improvements. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Couth. That Amendments to Fire Limits By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

Committee of Whole

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Humphries in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause after which the Committee rose and

[Volume 2 page 420]

asked leave to sit again.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos., F. McGuigan, City Clerk