Permission granted for the Base Ball Club to erect a small building for a Caretaker on the Park grounds. City treasurer to pay the freight on the hook and ladder truck and the half year’s interest on the $114,100 debenture. Finance Committee have considered the draft form of lease submitted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. re Block 48 but caution some provisions are too stringent to be adopted by the Council. Board of works has instructed the City Clerk to call for tenders for the improvement of Granville Street and the widening of the Westminster Road.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 15-20
Vancouver July 25th 1887
The Council met on Monday July 25th 1887 at 7.30 p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, David Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Thos. Stephenson on behalf of the Base Ball Club asking permission to erect a small building for a Caretaker on the Park Grounds.
Permission Granted.
The following petitions were referred to the Board of Works: –
I.J. Hayden and others for the improvement of Water Street.
Robert Couth and others for the improvement of 6th, 7th & 8th Avenues and Westminster Avenue.
Walter E. Graveley and others for the improvement of Oppenheimer Street.
Captain G. Cox and others for the improvement of Oppenheimer Street and Jackson and Carl Avenues.
Frazier Stover for the improvement of Eveleigh.
From Oppenheimer Bros. asking permission to use parts of Alexander, Powell and Columbia Av. for Railway siding.
From W.S. Gore acknowledging receipt of Resolution of Council re opening up of a road from Lulu and Sea Islands into the City of Vancouver and expressing regrets that there was no appropriations available for that purpose.
From F.G. Vernon acknowledging receipt of letter re removal of R.D. Pitt from Lot 2, Block 2, O.G.T. and informing Council that Mr. Pitt had no authority to occupy said grounds.
From John J. McGee, Clerk of the Privy Council, sending Copy of a Report of the Privy Council re a grant of Military Reserve for Park Purposes.
The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge receipt of Report.
Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee met on Friday July 22nd 1887 and beg to report that they have examined the following accounts and recommend their payment: –
Thomson Bros., Stationery $3.35
Abrams & Co., Matting etc. $67.46
S.T. Tilley, Stamps etc. $36.50
F.W. Hart, Blinds $5.00
J. Miller, Rent of P.O. Box etc. $3.95
J.B. Thornton, Blacking .50 cents
We recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to pay the freight on the hook and ladder truck and the half year’s interest on the $14100 debenture.
Also that the City Clerk be authorized to insure the addition to the City Hall for one thousand dollars.
We have considered the draft form of lease submitted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. re Block 48 and beg to report that we regard some of the provisions as being too stringent to be adopted by the Council.
We recommend that the Board of Works be instructed to enlarge the City Clerk’s Office, as the space is too limited for the amount of business transacted therein.
Your Committee beg to report that the $150,000 loan has been successfully negotiated and that we have now purchased local improvement debentures to the amount of $46,665 at rates which, with the accrued interest together with the purchase of the loan debentures, yield a net result of $145,075.72.
We have also to report that the issue of debentures under By-Law No 12 for $14,100 have been sold at par.
We recommend that the City Clerk be instructed to notify holders of local improvement debentures that the City is prepared to purchase them and that interest will cease on same after August 1st 1887, and that the City Treasurer be instructed to redeem all local improvement debentures when presented for payment.
sgd. D. Oppenheimer, Chairman
Report adopted on motion of Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark.
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on July 19, 20 and 22nd and beg to report that W.T. Whiteway has been instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the extension to the Fire Hall, preparatory to calling for tenders for the construction of the same.
We beg to make the following recommendations to Council: –
that the City Clerk write to Mr. Warwick, Government Agent New Westminster and obtain a copy of the contract between their Government and Messrs. Boyd and Clandenning for the improvement of Westminster Avenue, and also to communicate with the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works with reference to raising the grade of that part of Westminster Avenue South of False Creek as high tide will flood it at the present grade,
that the City Engineer examine and report on Carl Avenue from Alexander Street to Hastings Street, on Jackson Avenue from Alexander Street to Hastings Street and Oppenheimer Street from Carl to Jackson Avenue; also to make an estimate of the cost of gravelling the streets, not planked, to an average depth of 10 inches and 20 feet wide, showing the number of cubic yards of gravel required for each street; to have the road to Hastings within the City Limits repaired and to report on the cost of grading Prior Street from Westminster Avenue to False Creek,
that the fire engine be used to flush the drain on Water Street from the tank to Cambie Street.
We recommend that the account of Stephenson and McCraney for clearing and fencing the public cemetery be paid; also progress estimate of Wm. Harkins on Howe Street and *unreadable, page damage* H.P. McCraney be paid the amounts of estimate due Thos. Egan on Dupont Street less 10 %.
We recommend that Thos. Stephenson be appointed Clerk of the Sewer Works under construction at a salary of $7 *unreadable, page damage* a month whilst the works are in progress subject to his services being dispensed with at any time as the Council may see fit.
We have instructed the City Clerk to call for tenders for the improvement of Granville Street from Hastings Street to the C.P.R. Hotel and the widening of the Westminster Road from the bridge to Blair’s.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Report adopted, I. Oppenheimer – Alexander.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Mannion
that the City Solicitor take steps under subsection 3 of Section 199 for expropriating those parts of Lots 9 Block 4 and 5, Old Granville Townsite for the widening of Cordova Street and Hastings Street at the Junction of Cambie Street in accordance with the plan of the City Engineer.
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk