No Final Word on Police Dismissals – July 29, 1895

Alderman Brown of the Police Committee wanted to dismiss Chief McLaren, Sergeant Haywood, and Officer McLeod. Alderman McPhaiden wanted them reinstated. The matter was laid over to next week’s Council meeting. Mr. T. O. Allen and company granted use of the Race Track for ten per cent of their admission fees. Council did not accept the Board of Works’ recommendation that the firemen be set to sprinkling the streets during hot weather.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer / Proactive Building maintenance

original text: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 676 – 686

to see photos of the original handwriting for this date, click on the buttons below (four parts):

Volume 6 page [676]

Vancouver July 29th 1895

The Council met on Monday July 29th 1895.

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McPhaiden, Brown and Bethune.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Wm Cargill re: Civic Insurance.

Referred to the Finance Committee

From E. Nicoll referring to the dangerous condition of Pender Street in front of A. P. McCraney’s residence.

Referred to the Board of Works

From W. S. Gore Dep Com of L & W (Deputy Commissioner of Land & Water) acknowledgement receipt of letter re: Capilano Reserve.


From H. Abbott asking that the Assessors meet him to discuss the assessment on the C. P. R. Right of Way.

Referred to the Finance Committee

From J. C. Rowley referring to the dangerous condition of the sidewalk on Pacific Street.

Referred to the Board of Works

From R. A. Gillespie, Secretary of the B. C. Iron Works Co inviting the Mayor, Council and City Officials to attend their annual excursion on the 3rd of August.

Moved by Alderman Bethune

Seconded by “ Brown

That the invitation be accepted with thanks.


[Volume 6 page ] 677

From J. W. Johnston acting Chief of Police reporting on the new electric lights.


From Mason & Co regarding Intelligence Office License.


From Geo Gaskell etal, asking the Mayor to call a Public Meeting in the Market Hall on the 31st next to discuss municipal matters.


From the City Solicitor stating that the lease of the Market had no claim against the City.

Referred to the Police Committee

The following reports were received and read:

Fire, Market & Police Committee

The Fire, Market & Police Committee met on Wednesday July 24th 1895.

Present: Aldermen Wm Brown, McPhaiden and Coupland

Moved by Alderman Brown

Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That Alderman Coupland be appointed Chairman motion.


When the minutes were read and adopted, Ald Gallagher the Chairman arrived.


From Mrs T. Clune, mother of the boy now under charge of the police stating that she was unable to send money to pay the passage of the boy home.

Referred to the Council.

From E. Sanders and John Bansman stating that

[Volume 6 page] 677

they had not left the Market on account of leaks etc,

Referred to the City Solicitor

From Thos H Tracy reporting on the cost of repairs of the Market Roof etc.

Referred to the City Solicitor

Resolved that we recommend that a horse be purchased for the fire department.

Moved by Alderman Brown

That Chief Mc Laren, Sergeant Haywood, and Officer Mc Leod for cause shown as by the evidence taken in the Police Investigation before this Committee be discharged.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McPhaiden

That they be reinstated

Amendment lost – motion carried

Alderman Gallagher reported that he had suspended Officer Grady on June 28th 1895.

Moved by Alderman Coupland

That the suspension of Officer Grady be confirmed to date from June 28th 1895.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McPhaiden

That he be reinstated

Amendment lost – motion carried

From John Beattie, T. E. Fletcher, Samuel Webb and John L. Carter, applying for positions on the Police Force.

Filed for reference

From H. P. Bales, Dewdney, B. C. offering to sell a horse to the City and asking that one of the Committee come up and examine him.

[Volume 6 page] 679

Resolved that he be informed that none of the Committee can go up and that the horse has to be tried here.

From Sinclair Harcus & J. M. Holland, asking that the Express stand be removed from the corner of Carrall and Hastings Streets.

Laid over

From J. Mason & Co asking that the Intelligence Office License be raised and that all parties doing business in this line be compelled to pay.

Resolved that the license be not raised but that all parties be compelled to pay.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Can Gen’l Electric Co Supplies $13.93

McLennan & McFeely “ .15

Wm Murphy Uniforms 499.00

Dunn & Co Supplies 8.72

Crowder & Penzer “ 84.29

Jas Carnahan Scavengering 1.00

C. F. Foreman Supplies 7.09

Chas Nelson “ 33.45

J. M. Menzies Labor 25.10

J. C. Woodrow “ 13.81

C. Nelson “ 1.00

Jas Carhahan Scavengering 1.00

G. R. Gordon Supplies 5.20

J. Dodson “ 10.52

Wm Ralph “ 1.25

J. W. Johnston Expenses to New Westminster .75

C. S. Philp Supplies 6.95

C. F. Foreman “ 27.79

G. A. Roedde “ 10.00

Chas Barrie Salary 21.53

W. G. Young Interpreting 5.00

E. Clough Drayage 1.00

J. W. Johnston Telegrams 1.15

[Volume 6 page] 680

Shelton & Co Supplies $11.50

C. F. Foreman “ 7.95

John McLaren Ry fares 12.75

J. Gibbons Professional Attendance 6.00

G. J. Wilson Supplies 9.00

Cassady & Co “ 2.57

Jas Carnahan Scavengering 1.00

Clarke & Stuart Supplies .45

Dunn & Co “ 3.18

Sgd by W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the clause of the Police Report which refers to the suspended police officers be laid over for future consideration at a future meeting and that the balance of the Police Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 26th 1895.

Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland & Gallagher

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

H. M. Henderson Salary $60.00

Thomson Bros Supplies 1.00

News Advertiser “ 15.15

A. F. Griffiths Clerical Work 30.00


From James England asking for the second quarter’s donation to the Alexandra Orphanage and asking that the balance of the donation be paid quarterly.

[Volume 6 page] 681

Resolved that the second quarterly grant be paid.

From T. O. Allen etal applying for permission to use the race track at Hastings for the purpose of driving therein etc

Resolved that they be granted permission to use the track on the following terms:

(a) That they pay over to the City ten percent of the gross receipts of the gate money, after a race meeting.

(b) That they keep the buildings on the grounds insured and hand over everything at the end of their term in as good order and condition as they are at present.

The City reserves the right to take over the said grounds at any time on demand.

From S. K. Twigg complaining about being over assessed on Lots 24 & 25, B71, D. L. 185, and of not getting proper notice. He also complained that earth was being taken from his lots to repair Beach Avenue at the bridge.

Resolved that part of his communication which refers to his assessment be filed and that the part referring to Beach Avenue be referred to the City Engineer.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher that the attention of the Board of Works be called to the fact that they have only spent $1.65 on street sprinkling this year and that they have a balance to their credit for street cleaning of $1074.70.

In view of these facts be it resolved that they be requested to do the street sprinkling and keep the street in better condition.

From the Secretary of the Fire Underwriters regarding the cancelling of all Civic Insurance Policies to provide for an equitable insurance among all the companies.

Resolved that as the Companies have requested

[Volume 6 page] 682

the City to cancel the policies that the City will agree to do so provided the companies cancel the policies without loss to the City.

Resolved that any properties coming into the possession of the [unreadable] Board be conveyed to the City Treasurer in trust for the City.

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report be adopted

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday July 25th 1895

Present: Aldermen Shaw, Queen, & McPhaiden


From T. A. Lee etal asking that Broughton Street between Haro & Robson Streets be graded.

Mr. Lee who was present at the meeting stated his willingness to grade the street to the satisfaction of the Engineer and to accept his estimate, the payment to be deferred until next year.

Resolved that Mr. Lee’s offer be recommended for acceptance.

From McLeod & Cooke and others asking that the streets in the east end be sprinkled.

Resolved that the team from Mount Pleasant Fire Hall water Westminster Avenue as far as Hastings Street daily and that the team from No 1 Fire Hall take in Cambie Street as far as Hastings Street from there as far as Westminster Avenue thence on Westminster Avenue to Powell Street and on Powell Street back to the Fire Hall.

[Volume 6 page] 683

The question of paving Dunsmuir Street adjoining the Bank of Montreal was discussed but no action was taken.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to write to the Consolidated Railway and Light Company requesting them to trim up and fix Robson Street according to the terms of their agreement with the City.

Resolved that as soon as the macadamizing of Granville Street south of Robson Street is done, if there is any rock over that it be sent to Hastings street west of Howe Street.


The following tenders were received and opened:

Street Sweeping

T. Fitch for complete sweeping each time $12.00

J. Carnahan “ “ “ “ 16.

W. Windebank “ “ “ “ 11

Champion & White “ “ “ “ 11.50

Resolved that the tender of J. Windebank be recommended for acceptance provided that the bondsmans is [sic] satisfactory to the City Council. If the surety furnished is not satisfactory then in that case the Board recommend the tender of Thos Fitch for acceptance.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:


D. M. McGillivray Paving $1799.37

S. Sheridan Drake St 73.36

Market Hardware Store Supplies 5.00

News Advertiser Ads 4.20

J. W. Gibbons Sewer 345.60

J. Clandening Inspector 204.

Cook & Dunlop Sprinklers 147.

J. Powell 3rd Ave 45.18

J. Powell 9th “ 147.05

Geo Cassady & Co Supplies 130.63

[Volume 6 page] 684

News Advertiser Supplies $5.00

Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 2.60

Thos Dunn & Co “ 27.75

Con Ry & L. Co “ 5.00

W. H. Kendall Crushed rock 498.49

W. S. Cook Del “ “ 187.18

News Advertiser Ads 1.35

R. G. Laston Rebate 49.98

The Bond for Bitumous rock sidewalk laid by Robertson & Hackett at the Laston building Hastings Street guaranteeing same for 1 year was approved.

Sgd H.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the clause in reference to T. A. Fee be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the clause in reference to street sprinkling by the Fire Hall teams be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report as amended be adopted.

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday July 24, 1895

Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland & Gallagher

[Volume 6 page] 685


From the Can Railway & Light Co re discount for prompt payment of incandescent light accounts.

Laid over

From F. W. Bauer asking for men’s wages on Purdy and Williams contract.


From the Vancouver Gas Co re contract for lighting the City.

Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to write the Gas Co asking the president and manager to meet this Committee to discuss the matter.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Van City Iron Works Specials $55.88

Dunn & Co Supplies 47.49

Thurston & Sons “ 8.91

Con Ry & L Co. St Lights 1561.58

Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies 145.80

News Advertiser Ads 2.70

Dunn & Co Supplies 33.45

Reservoir Pay Roll Labor 341.60

Water Works Pay Roll “ 357.

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the report be adopted


Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the City Clerk furnish this Council at the next meeting the Agreement re the building at the bathing sheds

[Volume 6 page] 686

at English Bay.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will introduce a By Law to provide for a bonus of $——— in aid of the Burrard Inlet – Fraser Valley Railway Co.

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk


Volume 6 page [676]

Vancouver July 29th 1895

The Council met on Monday July 29th 1895.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McPhaiden, Brown and Bethune.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Wm Cargill re: Civic Insurance.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From E. Nicoll referring to the dangerous condition of Pender Street in front of A. P. McCraney’s residence.
Referred to the Board of Works

From W. S. Gore Dep Com of L & W (Deputy Commissioner of Land & Water) acknowledgement receipt of letter re: Capilano Reserve.

From H. Abbott asking that the Assessors meet him to discuss the assessment on the C. P. R. Right of Way.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From J. C. Rowley referring to the dangerous condition of the sidewalk on Pacific Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From R. A. Gillespie, Secretary of the B. C. Iron Works Co inviting the Mayor, Council and City Officials to attend their annual excursion on the 3rd of August.

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown

That the invitation be accepted with thanks.

[Volume 6 page ] 677

From J. W. Johnston acting Chief of Police reporting on the new electric lights.

From Mason & Co regarding Intelligence Office License.

From Geo Gaskell etal, asking the Mayor to call a Public Meeting in the Market Hall on the 31st next to discuss municipal matters.

From the City Solicitor stating that the lease of the Market had no claim against the City.
Referred to the Police Committee

The following reports were received and read:

Fire, Market & Police Committee

The Fire, Market & Police Committee met on Wednesday July 24th 1895.
Present: Aldermen Wm Brown, McPhaiden and Coupland

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That Alderman Coupland be appointed Chairman motion.

When the minutes were read and adopted, Ald Gallagher the Chairman arrived.


From Mrs T. Clune, mother of the boy now under charge of the police stating that she was unable to send money to pay the passage of the boy home.
Referred to the Council.

From E. Sanders and John Bansman stating that

[Volume 6 page] 677

they had not left the Market on account of leaks etc,
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Thos H Tracy reporting on the cost of repairs of the Market Roof etc.
Referred to the City Solicitor

Resolved that we recommend that a horse be purchased for the fire department.

Moved by Alderman Brown

That Chief Mc Laren, Sergeant Haywood, and Officer Mc Leod for cause shown as by the evidence taken in the Police Investigation before this Committee be discharged.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McPhaiden

That they be reinstated

Amendment lost – motion carried

Alderman Gallagher reported that he had suspended Officer Grady on June 28th 1895.

Moved by Alderman Coupland

That the suspension of Officer Grady be confirmed to date from June 28th 1895.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McPhaiden

That he be reinstated

Amendment lost – motion carried

From John Beattie, T. E. Fletcher, Samuel Webb and John L. Carter, applying for positions on the Police Force.
Filed for reference

From H. P. Bales, Dewdney, B. C. offering to sell a horse to the City and asking that one of the Committee come up and examine him.

[Volume 6 page] 679

Resolved that he be informed that none of the Committee can go up and that the horse has to be tried here.

From Sinclair Harcus & J. M. Holland, asking that the Express stand be removed from the corner of Carrall and Hastings Streets.
Laid over

From J. Mason & Co asking that the Intelligence Office License be raised and that all parties doing business in this line be compelled to pay.
Resolved that the license be not raised but that all parties be compelled to pay.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Can Gen’l Electric Co Supplies $13.93
McLennan & McFeely “ .15
Wm Murphy Uniforms 499.00
Dunn & Co Supplies 8.72
Crowder & Penzer “ 84.29
Jas Carnahan Scavengering 1.00
C. F. Foreman Supplies 7.09
Chas Nelson “ 33.45
J. M. Menzies Labor 25.10
J. C. Woodrow “ 13.81
C. Nelson “ 1.00
Jas Carhahan Scavengering 1.00
G. R. Gordon Supplies 5.20
J. Dodson “ 10.52
Wm Ralph “ 1.25
J. W. Johnston Expenses to New Westminster .75
C. S. Philp Supplies 6.95
C. F. Foreman “ 27.79
G. A. Roedde “ 10.00
Chas Barrie Salary 21.53
W. G. Young Interpreting 5.00
E. Clough Drayage 1.00
J. W. Johnston Telegrams 1.15

[Volume 6 page] 680

Shelton & Co Supplies $11.50
C. F. Foreman “ 7.95
John McLaren Ry fares 12.75
J. Gibbons Professional Attendance 6.00
G. J. Wilson Supplies 9.00
Cassady & Co “ 2.57
Jas Carnahan Scavengering 1.00
Clarke & Stuart Supplies .45
Dunn & Co “ 3.18

Sgd by W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland

That the clause of the Police Report which refers to the suspended police officers be laid over for future consideration at a future meeting and that the balance of the Police Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 26th 1895.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland & Gallagher

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

H. M. Henderson Salary $60.00
Thomson Bros Supplies 1.00
News Advertiser “ 15.15
A. F. Griffiths Clerical Work 30.00


From James England asking for the second quarter’s donation to the Alexandra Orphanage and asking that the balance of the donation be paid quarterly.

[Volume 6 page] 681

Resolved that the second quarterly grant be paid.

From T. O. Allen etal applying for permission to use the race track at Hastings for the purpose of driving therein etc
Resolved that they be granted permission to use the track on the following terms:
(a) That they pay over to the City ten percent of the gross receipts of the gate money, after a race meeting.
(b) That they keep the buildings on the grounds insured and hand over everything at the end of their term in as good order and condition as they are at present.
The City reserves the right to take over the said grounds at any time on demand.

From S. K. Twigg complaining about being over assessed on Lots 24 & 25, B71, D. L. 185, and of not getting proper notice. He also complained that earth was being taken from his lots to repair Beach Avenue at the bridge.

Resolved that part of his communication which refers to his assessment be filed and that the part referring to Beach Avenue be referred to the City Engineer.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher that the attention of the Board of Works be called to the fact that they have only spent $1.65 on street sprinkling this year and that they have a balance to their credit for street cleaning of $1074.70.

In view of these facts be it resolved that they be requested to do the street sprinkling and keep the street in better condition.

From the Secretary of the Fire Underwriters regarding the cancelling of all Civic Insurance Policies to provide for an equitable insurance among all the companies.

Resolved that as the Companies have requested

[Volume 6 page] 682

the City to cancel the policies that the City will agree to do so provided the companies cancel the policies without loss to the City.

Resolved that any properties coming into the possession of the [unreadable] Board be conveyed to the City Treasurer in trust for the City.

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown

That the report be adopted

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday July 25th 1895
Present: Aldermen Shaw, Queen, & McPhaiden


From T. A. Lee etal asking that Broughton Street between Haro & Robson Streets be graded.

Mr. Lee who was present at the meeting stated his willingness to grade the street to the satisfaction of the Engineer and to accept his estimate, the payment to be deferred until next year.

Resolved that Mr. Lee’s offer be recommended for acceptance.

From McLeod & Cooke and others asking that the streets in the east end be sprinkled.

Resolved that the team from Mount Pleasant Fire Hall water Westminster Avenue as far as Hastings Street daily and that the team from No 1 Fire Hall take in Cambie Street as far as Hastings Street from there as far as Westminster Avenue thence on Westminster Avenue to Powell Street and on Powell Street back to the Fire Hall.

[Volume 6 page] 683

The question of paving Dunsmuir Street adjoining the Bank of Montreal was discussed but no action was taken.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to write to the Consolidated Railway and Light Company requesting them to trim up and fix Robson Street according to the terms of their agreement with the City.

Resolved that as soon as the macadamizing of Granville Street south of Robson Street is done, if there is any rock over that it be sent to Hastings street west of Howe Street.


The following tenders were received and opened:

Street Sweeping
T. Fitch for complete sweeping each time $12.00
J. Carnahan “ “ “ “ 16.
W. Windebank “ “ “ “ 11
Champion & White “ “ “ “ 11.50

Resolved that the tender of J. Windebank be recommended for acceptance provided that the bondsmans is [sic] satisfactory to the City Council. If the surety furnished is not satisfactory then in that case the Board recommend the tender of Thos Fitch for acceptance.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

D. M. McGillivray Paving $1799.37
S. Sheridan Drake St 73.36
Market Hardware Store Supplies 5.00
News Advertiser Ads 4.20
J. W. Gibbons Sewer 345.60
J. Clandening Inspector 204.
Cook & Dunlop Sprinklers 147.
J. Powell 3rd Ave 45.18
J. Powell 9th “ 147.05
Geo Cassady & Co Supplies 130.63

[Volume 6 page] 684

News Advertiser Supplies $5.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 2.60
Thos Dunn & Co “ 27.75
Con Ry & L. Co “ 5.00
W. H. Kendall Crushed rock 498.49
W. S. Cook Del “ “ 187.18
News Advertiser Ads 1.35
R. G. Laston Rebate 49.98

The Bond for Bitumous rock sidewalk laid by Robertson & Hackett at the Laston building Hastings Street guaranteeing same for 1 year was approved.

Sgd H.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Gallagher

That the clause in reference to T. A. Fee be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Gallagher

That the clause in reference to street sprinkling by the Fire Hall teams be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown

That the report as amended be adopted.

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday July 24, 1895
Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland & Gallagher

[Volume 6 page] 685


From the Can Railway & Light Co re discount for prompt payment of incandescent light accounts.
Laid over

From F. W. Bauer asking for men’s wages on Purdy and Williams contract.

From the Vancouver Gas Co re contract for lighting the City.
Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to write the Gas Co asking the president and manager to meet this Committee to discuss the matter.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Van City Iron Works Specials $55.88
Dunn & Co Supplies 47.49
Thurston & Sons “ 8.91
Con Ry & L Co. St Lights 1561.58
Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies 145.80
News Advertiser Ads 2.70
Dunn & Co Supplies 33.45
Reservoir Pay Roll Labor 341.60
Water Works Pay Roll “ 357.

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune

That the report be adopted


Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Gallagher

That the City Clerk furnish this Council at the next meeting the Agreement re the building at the bathing sheds

[Volume 6 page] 686

at English Bay.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will introduce a By Law to provide for a bonus of $——— in aid of the Burrard Inlet – Fraser Valley Railway Co.

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk