C.P.R. offers site for immigrant sheds – July 30, 1888

C.P.R. offers site for immigrant sheds – July 30, 1888

Mr. H. Abbott offered to give a site for Immigrant sheds North of the Company’s Offices on Cordova Street. Many tenders received for sewerage. Contractors will be notified to cover up the Sewer pipe on the lane running between Hastings Street and Pender Street…and to put lanes and sidewalks in good repair as before.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 421- 430

[Volume 2 page 421]

Vancouver July 30th 1888

The Council met on Monday July 30th 1888 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship, Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Clark, Coldwell, Dougall, Humphries, Lefevre, and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Messrs Drake, Jackson and Helmcken offering to sell Gore at Junction of Powell and Alexander Streets for $400.00. Referred to Board of Works.

From Robertson & Co et al praying that Council improve Lorne Street and Columbia Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From Messrs Dunn & Ferguson re Sewers. Referred to Board of Works and City Solicitor.

From T. T. Black asking that he be paid costs for cases he tried under the Indian Act while Police Magistrate. Referred to City Solicitor.

[page 422]

From Mrs. Thoin on behalf of W. C. T. U. thanking Council for permitting them to erect a tent on Dominion Day. Filed.

From Alderman G. S. McConnell asking for one month’s absence from Council. Granted.

Report No. 16


The Finance Committee met on Monday July 30th 1888 and beg to recommend that the new Fire Hall be insured in the Glasgow, and London Insurance Co for a term of one year at a premium of 3%.

The following accounts are recommended for payment

S. Saunders, Postage Stamps $3.00
Stephen Richards, Legal Opinion $50.00

Sgd., Rich. H. Alexander, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 2 page 423]

Works No. 24

The Board of Works met on Friday July 27th 1888 and beg to report that the following tenders have been received for street improvements:

Nicola Street
McDonald and Cameron
Grading per ft 40 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
James Hartney
Grading per ft 32 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Wm Tierney
Grading per ft 45 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.50
Goodmurphy and McLellan
Grading per ft 32 cts
Logs per ft 11 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Alfred Bunker
Grading per ft 37 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Thurlow Street
McDonald and Cameron
Grading per ft 38 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

James Hartney
Grading per ft 39 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
[Volume 2 page 424]

Alfred Bunker
Grading per ft 49 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 36 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Jervis Street
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft 39 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
James Hartney
Grading per ft 39 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading per ft 33 cts
Logs per ft 4 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 39 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 41 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Davie Street
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft 32 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

[Volume 2 page 425]

James Hartney
Grading per ft 28 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading per ft 34 cts
Logs per ft 11 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 33 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd and Clandening
Grading per ft 39 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 45 cts
Logs per ft 6 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Hastings Street
McDonald & Cameron
Grading per ft $1.58
Culverts per m ft 16.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft $1.08
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd & Clandening
Lump Sum $2,700.00

Robson Street
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 49 cts
Logs per ft 6 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

[page 426]

Alfred Bunker
Grading per ft 60 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Boyd and Clandening
Grading per ft 64 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
L. O’Brien
Grading per ft 68 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

Prior Street
L. O’Brien
Grading per ft 48 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan
Grading per ft 45 cts
Culverts per m ft 16.00

We recommend that the contracts be awarded as follows:

Nicola Street to James Hartney
Davie Street to James Hartney
Jervis Street to Goodmurphy & McL.
Prior Street to Goodmurphy & McL.
Thurlow Street to Boyd & C.
Robson Street to H. Connacher
Hastings Street to Alfred Bunker

The City Engineer reports that the cost of the contracts recommended will be as follows:

Nicola Street, Ward 1 $1184.00
Thurlow Street Ward 1 1648.00
Jervis Street Ward 1 1648.00
Davie Street Ward 1 956.00

[Volume 2 page 427]

Robson Street, Ward 1 $147.00
Hastings Street Ward 3 & 4 $2600.00
Prior Street Ward 4 75.00

Grand Total Ward 1 $5583.00
Grand Total Ward 3 $1300.00
Grand Total Ward 4 $1375.00

The following recommendations are respectfully submitted to Council

1. That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report upon the extension of Hastings Street easterly and that the Chairman of the Board of Works interview Mr. E. B. Hermon, C. E and ascertain his charges for surveying both Hastings and Powell Streets from Campbell Avenue to City Boundary.

2. That the Sidewalk on the South Side of False Creek on Westminster Avenue be repaired.

3. That a Morgue be built on the City Hospital Lots.

4. That a sidewalk be constructed on Nelson Street from Granville to Hornby if there are sufficient funds for the purpose; also that Hornby Street be graded from Drake Street to Pacific Street.

5. That the Sewerage contractors be notified to cover up the Sewer pipe on the lane running between Hastings Street and Pender Street

[Volume 2 page 428]

in the vicinity of the Electric Light Works and to put lanes and sidewalks in good repair as formerly requested by the Board of Works and if same is not done that the Corporation perform the work and charge to contract on Sewers.

Mr. H. Abbott has been interviewed by the Chairman of this Board regarding the extension of Pender Street from Abbott to Carrall and promises that the matter will be taken under consideration; he also expresses his willingness to give a site for Immigrant sheds North of the Company’s Offices on Cordova Street.

At the request of the Mayor the Chairman of the Board of Works submitted a letter His Worship had received from the San Francisco Bridge Co. dated 14th June requesting to be informed when the City intended building the False Creek Bridge.

The Mayor wished the time, 10th August already advertised to be extended to August 24th.

The request was not granted as the majority of the Board consider the time amply sufficient for all practical purposes.

The following accounts are recommended for payment.

Belland Taylor, Powell Street, $872.10
Boyd & Clandening, Georgia Street 774.00
H. Connacher, Seventh Av. 370.85

[Volume 2 page 429]

D. McAlister, Georgia St. $234.90
Tierney & McDonald, 5th Av. 816.20
Angus McLellan, Seymour St. 233.75
do do Cambie St. 20.00
C. Goodmurphy, Georgia St. 68.35
A. Bunker, Eveleigh St. 138.84
Cerra & Co. Sixth Av. 335.00
John Hurst, Park Road 40.00
W. B. Charleson, Georgia St. 198.00
Stephenson & McCraney, Seaton St 1544.00
McDonald & Cameron, Pender St 2196.12

Sgd. Chas. A. Coldwell, Chairman

The report was amended extending the time for receiving tenders for False Creek Bridge to August 17th 1888.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark. That the Board of Works report be adopted with the exception of that portion relating to Street improvements in Ward One. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lefevre. That the following accounts be paid:-

Vancouver Herald, Printing $20.50
H. T. Ceperley, Insurance 20.00


[Volume 2 page 430]

Notice of Motion

Alderman Lefevre gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council introduce a resolution fixing an Arbour Day for the City of Vancouver.

The Board then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk