Council directed the Organizing Committee for the Dominion Day Celebration to report to them before Thursday as to whether the Celebration would include the regatta originally promised. Resolved that the R.C.P. Mills Co. be notified that unless they put up a fence, as agreed, round the pond where the boy was lately drowned on 8th Av within a week that the City will have the dam removed; also that similar action be taken in regard to the dam under the bridge on 6th Av.
This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Hal Bell-Irving
Original handwritten minutes: COV Archives Series 31
Volume 7 pages 198 – 204
To see or download the original handwritten pages, click on the buttons below (two parts):
{Volume 7 page] 198
Vancouver June 8th 1896
The Council met on Monday June 8th 1896.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Banfield, Schou, Clandenning, Brown, Macdonald, Bethune and Coldwell.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From R.W. Clark etal, asking that a License be not granted to Variety or Music Halls.
Referred to the License Commissioners
From J. Buntzsen, Business Manager of the Consolidated Railway and Light Co., reporting the new lights, as they are installed.
From Alex McKelvie etal, asking for a water supply on 10th & 11th Avs. Mount Pleasant.
Referred to the Water Commissioner
From A.E. Suckling, asking for a grant of $1,500 for 1st of July Celebrations.
Laid over for motions
From the City Solicitor, advising that John McLaren ex Chief of Police be paid while under suspension.
Referred to the Police Committee
From the Secretary of the Fire Underwriters, asking that the lanes in the business portion of the City be cleaned up, otherwise the insurance rates would be raised.
Referred to the Fire Committee
From R. C. Ferguson of the B. C. M. T. & T. Co. asking permission to fence up the street on both sides of the pond on Mt. Pleasant near the brewery.
Referred to the Board of Works
From the B.C. Iron Works Co. furnishing a statement showing the amount of money
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they intend putting into new machinery and the number of men they will employ.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From J. Duff Stuart asking the Council to present a Challenge Cup to the B.C. Rifle Association to be won twice in succession
Laid over for motions
The following Reports were received and read:-
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday June 5th 1896,
Present – the full Board.
The following Contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and the Corporate Seal attached thereto:-
S.Sheridan – Sidewalk Beatty St
G. Wright – Carrall St Sidewalk
Tom Brown – Seventh Av Sidewalk
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Thos Drum & Co. Supplies $1.50
News Advertiser Supplies $1.35
Telephone Co. Rents $35.60
The World P&P Co Ads $18.33
C.P.R. Co.Telegraph Telegrams $1.93
J. Miller Supplies $20.00
From James Findlay asking what inducements the Council would offer for the establishment of a mining machinery manufacturing plant at this point:
Mr. Findlay interviewed the Board, and outlined what he proposed to do. The Committee promised to take the matter in consideration when further information was furnished.
[Volume 7 page] 200
From Hodgson & Co offering to sell 350 Vancouver Directories to the City at $1.25 a copy and bear all expenses in mailing them to eastern points where directed by the Council.
Resolved that fifty copies be purchased from Mr. Hodgson provided he gives them on the same terms as he would 350 and that the City Clerk mail a letter to each party to whom they are sent asking for an acknowledgement of their receipt.
From E. Gold and M. G. McLeod applying for Music Hall Licenses.
Sgd J.J. Banfield
Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by Alderman Macdonald,
That the clause in reference to the purchase of Directories be struck out.
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning,
That the Report, as amended, be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday June 3rd 1896.
Present – the full Board
The Hospital Medical Staff by invitation waited upon the Committee to discuss hospital matters. After all questions were fully and freely talked over, the delegation withdrew. The Committee promising to take their suggestions into consideration.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Clarke & Stewart Supplies $12.98
McDowell & Co. Supplies $37.45
Ck Foreman Supplies $8.96
[Volume 7 page] 201
BC Elec Con Co. Supplies $2.40
J. Carnahan Scavenging $5.25
James Brown Crematory Repairs $4.90
From Miss Macfie furnishing monthly report;
From W.S. Gore, Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works, stating that the Government could not remit the Royalty on wood charged to Mr. James,
From the Deputy Attorney General enclosing a copy of the verdict of the Coroner’s Jury on the inquest of James Cook,
From the Health Inspector furnishing monthly Report,
Resolved that the Cemetery Caretaker be furnished material to the amount of $12 for fixing up his house,
Sgd. D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman MacDonald
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 4th of June 1896,
Present – the full Board
From His Worship, the Mayor drawing the attention of the Board to the bad condition of the lane in rear of the Sherman House,
[Volume 7 page] 202
also to dangerous condition of steps and rail at Cordova Street walk between Seymour and Granville Streets.
Resolved in respect to the latter that the owner of the property fronting on the steps be notified to make same safe for the Jubilee before Tuesday next and in the event of this not being done that the steps be removed by the Ward Foreman and the space fenced up.
In regard to the lane in rear of the Sherman house it was resolved to refer it to the Ward Foreman for immediate attention.
From Rose Bros. re the state of the street along rail in front of Fashion Stables Hastings St,
Referred to Alderman MacDonald to see to.
From petitioners on 7th Av west of Quebec Street asking for a 6 ft walk,
Laid over
Resolved that the owner of the property known as the Horne Block on Lot 11, Block 11, D.L. 541 be notified that the trap door in lane must be kept closed when not in use, as there are complaints as to it being left open,
Resolved that the Chief of Police be requested to notify the contractors building on house on Pendrell Street that they must not drive teams over the sidewalk put down on Denman St.
Resolved that the owners of the Abbott Street Wharf be notified to put the approach in a safe condition for teaming and replace all defective piles and lumbers or the approach will be closed for traffic.
Resolved that the R.C.P. Mills Co. be notified that unless they put up a fence, as agreed, round the pond where the boy was lately drowned on 8th Av within a week that the City will have the dam removed; also that similar action be taken in regard to the dam under the bridge on 6th Av.
[Volume 7 page] 203
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies $1.60
Cassady & Co. Supplies $188.49
A. Gifford Repairs $3.50
C. R +L. Co. Supplies $10.00
W. B. Ross Dunsmuir St $39.57
S. Sheridan Denman St $156.26
T. Gibbons Barnard St $75.00
T. Stretch & Co. Homer St $85.50
Sgd H. J. Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by Alderman Coldwell
That the Report be adopted
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by Alderman Macdonald,
That the Carnival Committee report not later than Thursday morning to the City Clerk whether they intend to hold the meeting in accordance with the resolution passed voting $5000 and in the event of the Committee stating they do not intend to comply with the resolution that the sum of $1500 be voted to the 1st of July Celebrations
Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning,
That the Council grant a sum of money not exceeding fifty dollars for the purchase of a Challenge Cup to be presented to the British Columbia Rifle Association for competition at their annual competitions if the 1896 meeting should be held at the Central Range subject to the regulations of the Association
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by Alderman Clandenning
That the By-Law to amend By-Law No 177 be read a second time.
The By-Law was accordingly read a 2nd time.
The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with the Mayor in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Banfield seconded by Alderman Schou,
The Rules being suspended.
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Banfield
That the By-Law to authorize a certain agreement between the Corporation of the City of Vancouver and the Consolidated Railway Company for the lighting of the streets of the City be reconsidered and finally passed and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk and the Corporate Seal fixed thereto.
The Council then adjourned.
Henry Collins
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk