No signs of leprosy within City of Vancouver – June 1, 1891

Dr. A. C. Smith reported that “after full investigation, there were no signs of leprosy within the City”. Meanwhile, hospital matron Miss Swan was directed to “exclude all cases of venereal disease from the Hospital”. Mr. Tracy’s appointment as City Engineer was finally confirmed. The Finance Committee provided detailed summaries of expenditures for all city departments: firemen paid $667 per year, policemen $840, nurses $345

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Martha Hazevoet

and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 page 356 – 371

Volume 4, pg. 356

Vancouver, June 1, 1891
The Council met on Monday, June 1, 1891.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Scoular, Godfrey, Templeton, Hobson, McDowell, Doering and De Pencier.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:
From John McConaghy et al asking to be supplied with water in the east end of the City.
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

From A.H.D. MacGowan, Secretary to the Celebration Committee, asking to be made clear regarding the Council’s grant of $1000.00.

From R.T. Williams stating that he would publish a description of the City from the manuscript prepared by the Board of Trade.
Referred to Finance Committee

From R.H. Alexander declining to accept the office of Police Magistrate.
Referred to the Police Committee

From W.P. West furnishing his report on the Pound for the month of May.

From G.W. Thomas furnishing his weekly Market report.

From the Dominion Sanitary and Cremation Co. asking when the City intended going on with the erection of the Crematory.
Referred to Crematory Committee

Vol. 4, pg. 357
From R.V. Palmer asking that the sanitary condition of Dupont Street be improved.
Referred to the Health Committee

From George L. Morency asking for a position on the Fire Brigade.
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

From the City Solicitor giving a legal opinion as to the appointment of Mr. Lawson.

From Wm. Webster offering to build a scow with a false bottom for the sum of $1200.00.
Referred to the Health Committee

From Archibald Robinson et al asking that Raymur Avenue and Keefer Street be opened up.
Referred to Board of Works

From the Chief of Police furnishing an account of the street lights.

From John P. Hale et al asking that the Fire Limit By-Law be amended to fix the boundary at Columbia Avenue.
Referred to the F.W. & L. Committee

From G.W. Thomas asking that the Council take into consideration the reduction of the hours for the Market gardeners to be on the market.
Referred to Market Committee

From Mark Little et al praying for the grading of Pacific Street.
Referred to the Board or Works

From the Reporters asking for drawers in the table and easy chairs.
Referred to Finance Committee

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From the City Solicitor stating that it would be necessary to apply to the Dominion Government before the By-Law re extension of streets to High Water Mark could be carried into effect.
Referred to Board of Works

The following reports were received and read:

Works No. 16

The Board of Works met on Thursday, May 28, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Brown, Templeton and Godfrey.
It was recommended:
1. That inasmuch as the City has not adopted the streets, namely 4th and 6th Avenues Fairview asked for by Mr. Browning to be graded and referred to in his letter of the 20th May, we cannot recommend any money to be expended on said streets, but would be happy to meet Mr. Browning at the Board of Works to talk over the matter, and it is further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Browning.
2. That the time in connection with the contract between the City and the promoters of the Dry-dock be extended to Friday, the 31st day of July, 1891.
3. That the City Engineer be instructed to notify the Telephone Company to place their poles 12’6” in the clear from the line of the streets to allow for 12 ft. sidewalks on the following streets, viz. Hastings, Granville, Georgia, Burrard and Westminster Avenue. Also that one third of the narrow or 66 ft. streets in the business portions of the City be taken for sidewalks that will give 11 feet sidewalks and that the City Engineer notify the Telephone Co. to place their poles on these streets at a distance of 11’6” in the clear from the …

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… line of the streets; also that the poles be dressed and painted according to the original understanding between the Company and the City, and that none of them be dressed on the streets; also that the Chairman of the Board of Works and Alderman Godfrey interview the Telephone Company with a view to having the telephone poles placed in the lanes.
4. That the claim of John Crabb in connection with work done under the Bunker contract amounting to $40.00 be paid as recommended by the last Council.
That the following tenders be recommended for acceptance and that the work be proceeded with at once:

Harris Street Grading, Boyd & C.
Barnard Street Grading, “ “
Harris Street Sidewalk, McLean Bros.
Heatley Avenue Grading, W.D. Hobson
Hornby Street Sidewalk, W.G. Fraser
Barclay Street Sidewalk, J. Ironsides
Melville Street Sidewalk, “
Howe Street Sidewalk, Angus Fraser
90 ⊄
85 ⊄
21 ⊄
85 ⊄
21 ⊄
21 ⊄
20.5 ⊄
5. That the following accounts be paid:
H. Connacher, East Park
W. Crickmay, Water Wheel etc.
S.T. Tilley, Stationery

Signed S. Brighouse, Chairman

$ 506.25
Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the Graving Dock Company be asked to put up a deposit of $10,000.00.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by Alderman De Pencier
That the report of the Board of Works in so far as it relates to the extension of time to the Graving Dock Co. be adopted.

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Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the balance of the report of the Board of Works be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That that portion of the report relating to the awarding of contracts be laid over.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman De Pencier
That the balance of the report be adopted.

A report was received from the Park Commissioners asking for an appropriation of $2500.00 for Stanley Park which was referred to the Finance Committee on motion of Alderman Hobson, seconded by Alderman McDowell.

Health No. 13

The Health Committee met on Tuesday, May 26, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, McDowell and Templeton.


From the Health Inspector asking permission to have the premises on Lot 12, Block 73, 196 connected with the public sewers.

Also asking to have the Health By-Law so amended so as to make it compulsory to have all WCs on the line of the sewers connected with the sewers.
No action taken

The Health Inspector reported that Dr. A.C. Smith, Dominion Government Inspector, reported that after full inspection there was no sign of leprosy within the City.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
That Miss Swan be instructed …

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…. to exclude all cases of venereal disease from the Hospital.

The Bond of Champion and White as Scavengers was submitted and approved.
The account of Palmer Bros. for $21.00 was recommended for payment.
The Board then adjourned.
Signed: J.T. Carroll, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the report of the Health Committee be adopted.

Finance No. 16
The Finance Committee met on Friday, May 29, 1891.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Brown, Hobson, Scoullar and Carroll.

From the Water Works Co. asking for full particulars and the authority for the charge of $50.00 for jury fees in the Schmidt case.
Referred to the City Solicitor

Telegram from the Hanson Bros. asking if the $10,000.00 of debentures were for sale.
From Hanson Bros. accepting them at the same price as the last.
The Committee confirmed the sale to Hanson Bros.

From A.H.B. McGowan asking the Mayor and Aldermen to attend a meeting of the Dominion Day Celebration Committee.

The account of Wm. Crickmay was recommended to the Board of Works for reconsideration.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
J.R. Morrow
S.T. Tilley, Stationery
News Advertiser, Advertising
$ 2.00

The Estimates were revised to be submitted to the Council.
Signed A.W. Scoullar for Chairman

Vol. 4, Pg. 362

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Aldermen De Pencier
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Estimates

Alderman Scoullar was appointed Chairman
The following were submitted:
Estimated Receipts
Balance on hand January 1, 1891
Debentures balance of $125,000 sold in January
Estimated Revenue
$ 60,435.85

Estimated Expenditure
Expenditure Finance Committee 93,748.33
“ Police “ 18,040.25
“ F.W. & L. “ 42,174.41
“ Health “ 36,057.81
“ Works “ 76,864.55
Balance 62,521.40
Vol. 4, Pg. 363
Estimated Receipts
Balance on hand January 1, 1891 60,435.85
Debentures balance of $125,000, sold in January 1891 25,000.00
Government Grant to Hospital 5,000.00
Government Grant to Fire Department 500.00
Licences 25,000.00
Policed Court Receipts 6,000.00
Hospital Receipts 1,000.00
Cemetery Receipts 900.00
Market Receipts 1,500.00
Premium on $25,000 debentures 885.00
Interest accrued 767.00
Miscellaneous receipts 5,000.00
Poll Tax for ½ year 4,500.00
Refund of Centre Street 2,000.00
Jockey Club 3,906.00
Brockton Point Athletic Association 605.00
1 1/3 on $11,997,952.00 = $ 159,972.69
47.5/100 for Sinking Fund & Int. 56,990.26
15/100 for School Tax 17,996.92
Total $ 234,959.87
Less for arrears 20,000.00
Rebate of 20% 42,991.97
Add arrears of Taxes 14,440.00 186,407.90
Total $ 329,406.75
Vol 4. Pg. 364
Estimated Expenditures
Treasurer etc. $ 1,500.00
City Clerk 1,320.00
Accountant 1,500.00
Solicitor 1,000.00
Licence Inspector ½ of month salary 350.00
Extra help 500.00
Auditor 360.00
Interest & Sinking fund
Bylaw Amount$ Interest$ Sinking Fund$
12 14,100.00 846.00 478.00
13 6,900.00 483.00 563,27
29 150,000.00 9,000.00 1,578.00
44 20,000.00 1,200.00 210.40
64 150,000.00 9,000.00 1,578.00
70 15,000.00 750.00 375.00
80 125,000.00 6,250.00 1,315.00
91 20,000.00 1,000.00 210.40
94 20,000.00 1,500.00 315.60
100 125,000.00 6,250.00 1,315.00
100 Revoke 625.00
91 Interest for 1890 500.00
37,404.00 7,938.67 45,342.67
Insurance Hospital $6000 @ 5% for 3 years $ 300.00
“ Furniture $1600 @ 4 ½ 72.00
“ City Hall $5000 @ 3 150.00
“ Fire Hall No. 1 $2500 @ 4 100.00 622.00
Stationery 3,000.00
Telephones 72.00
Election Expenses 150.00
Legal Expenses 2,000.00
Commission & Exchange 150.00
Carried forward $ 57,866.67

Vol. 4, Pg. 365
Finance expenditures (continued)
Brought forward $ 57,866.67
Revision of Voters List 100.00
Fuel City Hall 300.00
Lights “ “ 300.00
Reading Room 1,565.00, Grant for books $500.00 2,065.00
Grant to Mayor 2,000.00
Grant to Springhill Miners 500.00
Contingent 8,000.00
Poll Tax Collector 900.00
Water Works Arbitration 6,000.00
Valuators of Property 1,000.00
Revision of By-Laws + Charter + Printing etc. 500.00
Printing Council Reports 1890 etc. 250.00
Salaries ½ year ending Dec. 31, 1890 $2,546.66
“ “ “ June 30, 1891 2,685.00
“ “ “ Dec. 31, 1891 5,565.00
Contingent Expenses 10 1,500.00
School Board Requirements 1,670.00 13,966.66
TOTAL $ 93,748.33

Vol. 4, Pg. 366
Police Committee (Expenditures)
Chief $ 1,200.00
Sergeant 960.00
4 Policemen @ $70.50 3,360.00
1 man 2 ms. @ $60 + 10 ms. @ $70 820.00
1 man 3 ms. @ $60 + 9 ms. @ $70 810.00
1 man 2 ms. @ $60 + 10 ms. @ $70 820.00
1 man 10 ms. @ $60 + pt of month at $34.25 634.25
Jailer 720.00
Caretaker 300.00
Constable 120.00
Pound keeper 660.00
Police Magistrate 1,500.00
Uniforms 1,250.00
Board of Prisoners 1,500.00
Transport 250.00
Contingent 1,000.00
Telephone 36.00
Clothing of Prisoners 100.00
Female Ward to Gaol 2,000.00
Total $ 18,040.25

Vol 4, Pg. 367
F.W. & L. Committee Expenditures
Chief and Inspector $ 1,200.00
Engineer #1 960.00
Engineer #2 780.00
2 Drivers 1,440.00
Foreman #1 780.00
Foreman #2 720.00
7 Permanent men 4,620.00
4 Call men 720.00
Telephones 96.00
Feed, Shoeing of Horses 1,250.00
Fuel, Oil and Waste 1,000.00
Repairs, Tools etc. 500.00
Water, Flushing etc. 3,000.00
Street lighting 16,000.00
Contingent 6,500.00
Powder Magazine 500.00
Debenture Balances 2,108.41
Total $42,174.41

Vol. 4, Pg. 368
Health Committee Expenditures
Matron $ 600.00
Nurses 345.00
Do. 330.00
Do. Night 360.00
Porter 360.00
Cook 300.00
Inspector ½ salary 600.00
Hospital Supplies etc. 3,000.00
Hospital Lighting 400.00
Hospital Fuel 300.00
Hospital Water 70.00
Hospital Telephone 48.00
Inquests and Examinations 400.00
Contingent 1000.00
Scavenger Plant 4,000.00
Do. Working Expenses 1,500.00
Garbage Destroyer extra 3,000.00
Wing to hospital 6,000.00
Furniture do. 1,000.00
Womens Hospital 2,000.00
Debenture Balances 10,444.81
Total $ 36,057.81
Vol. 4, Pg. 369
Board of Works Expenditures
Engineer part. $ 2,000.00
Engineer Asst. 1,500.00
Street Superintendent 1,200.00
Cemetery Caretaker 600.00
Sewers (Flushing etc.) 860.00
Market Clerk 900.00
2 Men 1,296.00
Grant to Stanley Park 1,500.00
Park Salaries Ranger 720.00
“ “ Clerk 180.00
Stationery 400.00
Balance on Rock Crusher etc. 3,000.00

Rock, 10,000 yds. @ $1.40 14,000.00
“ “ “ Delivery 5,000.00
Street Repairs etc. 5,000.00
Cambie Street Bridge extra 3,000.00
Debenture Balances 35,708.55
Total $ 76,864.55
The Estimates were considered item by item and approved without amendment.
The Committee then rose on motion of Alderman McDowell and reported the estimates complete. It was then moved by Alderman McDowell, seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the estimates be adopted as read.

Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Brighouse introduced a By-Law to grant the right and privileges to the British Columbia District Telegraph and Delivery Company to erect, construct, etc. a District Telegraph System in the City of Vancouver, which was read a first time.

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The Rules were suspended and the By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Godfrey, seconded by Alderman Doering.

Alderman Templeton introduced a By-Law to open and extend certain streets in the City of Vancouver, which was read a first time.

Alderman Scoullar introduced a By-Law to levy a rate for the year 1891, which was read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the services of Messrs. Lawson, Stephenson, Brenton, Stuart be dispensed with and that they [be] paid up to date and that this Council unanimously appoint Thos. H. Tracy to the position of City Engineer at a salary of $225.00 per month and that a copy of this resolution be telegraphed to Mr. Tracy by the Mayor over his own signature asking him when he can report for duty.
Carried Unanimously

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Mayor confer with the City Solicitor regarding the application to the Dominion Government which he asks for in furtherance of the By-Law now before this Council to extend certain streets and is hereby authorized to make such application.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That this Council hereby expresses its approval of the satisfactory manner in which justice has been administered ….

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….. by Mr. I.H. Hallett while holding the position of Police Magistrate and would therefore respectfully ask that the Lieu-Governor-in-Council appoint him a Justice of the Peace that he may be qualified to discharge the duties of that important function.

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That the following labour account be paid:
H. Thomas et al $52.20

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Rate By-Law be read a second time.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on this By-Law with Alderman Scoullar in the chair. The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported back as complete without amendment. The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Scoullar, seconded by Alderman Carroll.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Godfrey gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Market By-Law.

The Council then adjourned.

David Oppenheimer

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk