Dominion Day Celebration given $1,000 – June 5, 1893

Dominion Day Celebration given $1,000 – June 5, 1893
[A float in the 400 Block of Powell Street ready to join the Dominion Day parade, 1889] City of Vancouver Archives photo Str P245

$1,000 was granted toward upcoming Dominion Day celebration, if the committee could prove all of last year’s bills were paid. A separate plot set aside for the burial of firemen “who may die in the service of the City”. The question of under what authority Mr Beattie collected $1.50 for attendance at public meetings etc in the Market Hall, was referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo Str P245 –
[A float in the 400 Block of Powell Street ready to join the Dominion Day parade, 1889]

photo of original handwritten minutes here:
City of Vancouver Archives COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 437-443

[vol 5 pg 437]

Vancouver June 5th 1893
The Council met on Monday June 5th 1893 at 8 P.M.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Haskett, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Fowler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From J.H. Carlisle asking the Council to set aside a plot in the Cemetery for the burial of firemen.
Moved by Aldermen Franklin
Seconded by “ Collins
That a plot of ground be set apart in the Cemetery for the interment of firemen who may die in service of the city and whom it may be desirable to bury there and that the City Clerk be authorized to issue burial permits for same free of charge.

From the Western Press Association thanking the Council and Citizens for the courtesies extended to them when visiting Vancouver.

From M. W. Thain, Harbour Master complaining that night soil and other refuse matter was being dumped into the Harbour.
Referred to the Health Committee with power to act.

From A.E. Beck stating that the date of the sitting of the County Court had been changed from the Sixth to the third of July.

From Frank Walcot asking permission to use a portion of the street for selling emory stones.
Referred to the License Inspector

From G.W. Thomas, late Market Clerk asking on what authority Mr Beattie collected $1.50 for attendance at public meetings etc in the Market Hall.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the matter be referred to the City Solicitor for a legal opinion.

[vol 5 pg 438]

From Geo Barsty, Secretary of the Dominion Celebration Committee asking the Council to grant $1500.00 in aid of such celebration.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the sum of $1000.00 be donated by this Council in aid of the first of July Celebration on condition that paid amount be not paid over until the Council is satisfied that all back debts have been paid and that accounts incurred this year will be met.
Aldermen Collins and Fowler asked to have their names recorded as voting nay.

From Joseph Coupland etal drawing attention to an excavation at the corner of Pender & Richards Streets and praying Council to take immediate steps to put same in proper condition.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Daniel Bain etal asking for a sidewalk in the east side of Manitoba streets from 10th to 13th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works

From G.W. Hutchings etal asking that 8th av be opened up from Scotia St to Westminster Road
Referred to the Board of Works

The following Reports were received and read
Board of Health
The Board of Health met on Monday June 5th 1893
Present – Aldermen Collins, Anderson, Cargill and Hobson.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
City of Victoria Care of Leper $37.32

[vol 5 pg 439]

James Carnahan Scavengering 75 cents
H.H. Layfield & Co. supplies $3.56
Hudsons’ Bay Co. “ 7.00
A Goldstein “ 1.00
Thos Dunn & Co “ 6.78
F.W. Hart Burial 10.00
Hudsons’ Bay Co Supplies 8.25
C.F. Foreman “ 73.01
Russell, McDonald & Co “ 1.65
J. Stevens & Son “ 22.95
Philp Bros “ 52.83
C.F. Foreman “ 13.35
Tye & Co. “ 7.20
Harold Bovyer “ 7.70

2. That the communication from Robert Campbell asking for extra remuneration for services at the City Hospital be filed.
3. That the Caretaker of the Cemetery be authorized to engage a man at $2.00 per day to assist him temporarily on the Cemetery grounds; also that the Caretaker of the Isolation Hospital be authorized to engage temporary help to assist him in marking drains etc.
4. That the necessary repairs be made at the Crematory.
5. That a woman be engaged as cook at the City Hospital at a salary not to exceed $30.00 per month; a house keeper at a salary not to exceed $25.00 a month and two assistant nurses at $10.00 a month each.
6. That scales weighing up to 20 lbs be purchased for the hospital.
7. That tenders be called for Kalsomining the old wing to the City Hospital and that a cupboard be ordered according to instructions of the matron and that she be held responsible for all instruments and supplies.
8. That a new range be purchased for the City Hospital and tools for the Isolation Hospital

[vol 5 pg 440]

9. That the City Engineer give an Estimate for masking room in the basement of the new wing to the City Hospital for fumigating and for a large cupboard for clothing.
10. That a bell be put on the door of the new wing to the City Hospital and that the question of the disposal of the clothing and money of the late Captain Hardmate be referred to the City Solicitor for advise on the proper steps to be taken.
11. That the City Clerk be instructed to again communicate with the Marine Department regarding the rates to be paid by sailors in the hospital.
12. That Champion and White be supplied with the necessary tools asked for
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted.

F.W.& L. Committee

The F.W. & L. Committee met on Friday June 2nd 1893.
Present – Aldermen Franklin, Harkett, Cargill and Fowler
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Creamer & Langley Supplies $5.43
News. Advertiser “ 11.50
C.F. Foreman “ 9.00
W. Hooper etal. Labor. 249.00
Van Elec Ry & L. Co Supplies 5.00
sgd J.L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Report be adopted

[vol 5 pg 441]

Vancouver June 5th 1893
The Finance Committee met on Monday June 5th 1893.
Present – Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Cargill and Hobson.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid
S.T. Tilley & Son Supplies $5.15
Leatherdale & Smith Horse hire 10.00
W. Chowdery Clerical Work 2.50
Marshall and McRae Printing 145.00
News. Advertiser “ etc 57.65
The World. P & P. Co Advertising 59.10
Marshall & McRae Plumbing 65.00
sgd R.A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday June 1st 1893.
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Franklin, Haskett and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the Street Inspector be authorized to make a definite arrangement with D. McGillivray regarding the removal of the planking from the streets being paved.
2. That the communication from John Meytyer asking that the portion of the alley at the South end of the Sherman House be paved with bituminous rock be referred to the City Engineer to look into the question of the cost, of which the City will pay 1/3 provided the total cost does not exceed $300.00 the balance 2/3 to be paid by said Meytyer.
3. That the communication from Andrew Linton complaining about the sewer outlet at the foot of Columbia Avenue be referred to the City Engineer to see that this outlet is extended one hundred feet further.

[vol 5 pg 442]

4. That the Street Inspector send up old plank for the construction of a sidewalk on 6th Av as requested by C. McIntosh.
5. That the following tenders be accepted:-
5th Av grading D.H. Morgan $94.00
Repairs to Coal Harbour Bridge, Ramnie & Campbell @ $5.00 per pile
$15.00 for lumber
6. That tenders be called for the following work up to Thursday June 8th
7th Av. Six food sidewalk, South side from Bridge Street west two blocks.
Ontario St. 6 ft sidewalk on the east side from 9th to 10th av.
7. That the following accounts be paid:-
E.C. Britton Hamilton St; $99.09
do Granville “ 55.48
A.D. McDonald Comox “ 364.13
Wm Tierney & Son Sec 11 Sewers. 44.20
D. McGillivray Paving 5780.47
do extra day labor. 97.17
V. Elec Ry & L. Co. Tickets 5.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans. Sewer pipe 454.75
D. McKinnon. Rock for trough at Market 23.45
Geo. F. Rousinfill 7th av final to be deposited }
In Court; 35.00
S.T. Tilley & Son Supplies .35
H. Lomas etal. Labor. 627.25

sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Collins
That this Council approve of the expenditure of a sum of money not to exceed $7000.00 in laying a double street railway track from the corner of Granville and

[vol 5 pg 443]

Hastings Street to the corner of Powell and Carrall Streets provided that the N.W. & V. Tramway Company supply the rails, and provided that the parties interested in the present street Railway Company provide the City with a proper guarantee for such expenditure to be repaid within 90 days at 6 per cent per. Annum.

Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Brown.
That a message of condolence be sent to the friends of John Smalley who was killed on Sunday morning.

The Council then adjourned.
F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk